Informace o programu International Baccalaureate na Novém PORGu

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1 Informace o programu International Baccalaureate na Novém PORGu

2 Contents International Baccalaureate úvod v českém jazyce... 3 Struktura programu IB DP... 3 Systém hodnocení v programu IB DP... 4 Specifické rysy programu IB DP na Novém PORGu... 4 Možnosti zakončení studia na Novém PORGu... 4 Proč si naši studenti zvolili IB Diploma program Student Testimonials... 5 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Novy PORG... 6 Novy PORG Requirements... 7 IB Formal Assessment... 8 Specific Features of Novy PORG Assessment in the Diploma Programme... 8 Subject Outlines... 9 Czech Literature... 9 English Language and Literature... 9 Language B Economics History Psychology Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics Core Requirements Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Extended Essay Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Online IB Courses Individual Diploma Programme Courses Options for completing studies at Novy PORG IB Diploma recognition by universities Gymnazium Novy PORG Academic Honesty Policy Reasons Why the Diploma Programme is Ideal Preparation for University.26 2

3 International Baccalaureate úvod v českém jazyce PORG se řadí mezi téměř čtyři tisíce škol, které po celém světě nabízejí studium jednoho či více programů International Baccalaureate. International Baccalaureate (IB) je nezisková organizace, která byla založena v roce 1968 a tzv. IB World Schools, mezi něž PORG nyní patří, jsou po celém světě požadovány za školy nabízející vysokou úroveň vzdělávání. IB v současné době nabízí čtyři programy: Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma Programme a Career-related Certificate. PORG získal v únoru 2013 od organizace International Baccalaureate oprávnění nabízet tzv. IB Diploma Programme (IB DP) v posledních dvou ročnících studia. Absolventi IB DP studují na univerzitách po celém světě. Úspěšné absolvování IB DP zvyšuje šanci na přijetí na výběrové univerzity v zahraničí. Struktura programu IB DP Studenti se věnují studiu šesti předmětů vybraných ze šesti skupin. Tři předměty studují studenti na vyšší úrovni (HL - cca 320 vyučovacích hodin za dva roky) a tři předměty na nižší úrovni (SL cca 200 vyučovacích hodin za dva roky). Studenti si mohou dobrovolně přidat i sedmý předmět. Studenti se tedy mohou zaměřit na předměty, které je baví a kterým by se chtěli věnovat v budoucnosti. Zároveň je struktura programu dostatečně široká na to, aby studenty nijak neomezovala v možnosti svá rozhodnutí ohledně budoucího studia měnit. Součástí programu je také absolventská práce, tzv. Extended Essay, kurz Theory of Knowledge a aktivity v oblasti umělecké tvořivosti, sportu a dobrovolnictví, tzv. Creativity, Action, Service. Extended Essay je obsolventská práce v rozsahu 4 tisíce slov. Práce vyžaduje studium odborné literatury a vede studenty k samostudiu. Kurz Theory of Knowledge je kurz teorie a dějin lidského vědění. Studenti v rámci kurzu pracují na práci o rozsahu cca slov. Práce je hodnocena externě IB hodnotiteli. Cílem aktivit CAS je praktický výstup; v oblasti umělecké tvořivosti to může být např. příprava veřejného představení; v oblasti sportovní aktivity může jít o pravidelnou sportovní činnost, účast na expedici a její příprava; v oblasti dobrovolnictví se jedná např. o pomoc postiženým dětem či starým lidem. Studenti se musí CAS aktivitám věnovat soustavně nejméně jeden a půl roku, přibližně v rozsahu třech hodin týdně. Studenti hodnotí sami sebe a vedou si o svých aktivitách deník. Škola má vyškoleného CAS koordinátora, který se s IB studenty pravidelně schází a pomáhá jim s výběrem CAS aktivit. CAS programu na škole je věnovaná samostatná brožura, kterou najdete na webových stránkách školy. Koncepce jednotlivých předmětů je odlišná od tradičního českého (středoevropského) pojetí. Důraz je kladen na rozvoj kritického myšlení. Například v dějepisu není vyžadován všeobecný přehled o celých světových a národních dějinách, ale hlubší studium několika období a zodpovězení klíčových otázek, které jsou pro pochopení jednání člověka a společnosti důležité; studenti musí načíst značné množství odborné literatury k zvoleným tématům, být schopni porovnávat a hodnotit výsledky práce různých autorů apod. V biologii a chemii se mnohem větší důraz se klade na plánování, provádění a vyhodnocování pokusů a měření, menší důraz se klade na systém a teoretický základ. 3

4 Program IB DP rozvíjí u studentů studijní návyky a svou náročností vede studenty k tomu, aby se naučili pracovat s časem a účelně využívali volné hodiny ve škole k samostudiu. Systém hodnocení v programu IB DP Úspěšní studenti získávají na konci dvouletého studia vysvědčení o mezinárodní maturitní zkoušce IB. V průběhu dvouletého studia jsou studenti hodnoceni interně vyučujícími jednotlivých IB předmětů. Studenti jsou rovněž hodnoceni externě IB hodnotiteli. Interní učitelé hodnotí slohové práce, ústní projev, testy, měření, laboratorní práce apod. a některé výsledky odesílají k hodnocení organizaci IB. Takové výsledky se pak započítávají do celkového hodnocení, tedy do celkového počtu bodů, které studenti získají z mezinárodní maturity IB. Studenti jsou vždy předem seznámeni, kterých prací se to bude týkat. Externí hodnocení se skládá především ze závěrečných písemných zkoušek, které studenti skládají v květnu v druhém roce IB programu (na konci oktávy). Externě jsou hodnoceny i některé práce, které studenti odevzdávají v průběhu dvouletého studia. Práce studentů se hodnotí pomocí kitérií stanovených organizací IB. Studenti se tedy neporovnávají navzájem vůči sobě, ale vůči kritériím, se kterými jsou předem seznámeni. Kritéria se následně převádějí na body. Úspěšní studenti získávají na základě výsledků během dvouletého studia vysvědčení o mezinárodní maturitní zkoušce. Maximální počet bodů, které může student u mezinárodní maturity získat je 45. Maximální počet bodů z jednoho předmětu je 7. Celkově může tedy student získat ze šesti předmětů 42 bodů. Navíc může obdržet tři další body za Extended Essay a za práci v kurzu Theory of Knowledge. Účast v aktivitách CAS není hodnocena body, nicméně splnění požadavků CAS je důležitou podmínkou k úspěšnému zakončení celého programu. Procentuální zastoupení externího a interního hodnocení v hodnocení celkovém najdete v anglické části této brožury u informací o jednotlivých předmětech (str.8) Specifické rysy programu IB DP na Novém PORGu PORG patří do sítě škol Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy. Z tohoto důvodů se IB studenti věnují v septimě a oktávě i předmětům, které nestudují v rámci programu IB DP. Studenti musí povinně studovat český jazyk, anglický jazyk a druhý cizí jazyk, i když tyto jazyky nestudují v rámci šesti IB předmětů. Dále se studenti musí povinně účastnit hodin tělocviku. Možnosti zakončení studia na Novém PORGu PORG je škola bilingvní a kromě mezinárodní maturity umožňuje studentům ukončit studium také maturitou českou. Každý student má možnost volby a studium programu IB DP tedy není povinností. Studenti, kteří se rozhodnou jen pro českou maturitu, studují povinně český jazyk a literaturu, anglický jazyk a literaturu, druhý cizí jazyk a matematiku. Dále si volí dvouleté semináře, ve kterých si prohlubují gymnaziální učivo a připravují na přijímací zkoušky na české univerzity a vysoké školy. V nabídce jsou semináře z biologie, chemie, fyziky, dějepisu a společenských věd. Dále se studenti musí povinně účastnit hodin tělocviku. 4

5 Studenti mají také možnost neplnit kompletní IB program, ale přihlásit se k IB zkoušce z jednoho či několika předmětů; může to však znamenat nevýhodu při případném ucházení se o místo na zahraniční univerzitě. Účast na jednotlivých IB kurzech závisí na rozvrhových a organizačních možnostech. Studenti si mohou vybrat jednu z pěti možností zakončení studia na Novém PORGu: 1. Pouze česká maturita státní část (dvě povinné zkoušky + jedna možnost navíc) a školní část (dvě povinné zkoušky + možnost až dvou předmětů navíc) 2. Pouze mezinárodní maturita IB - tzn. studium IB DP programu v plném rozsahu. Tato možnost znamená, že student nebude mít uzavřené české středoškolské vzdělání. 3. Kombinace české a mezinárodní maturity IB. V tomto případě studenti studují IB DP program v plném rozsahu. Navíc skládají na konci oktávy pouze maturitní zkoušku z češtiny státní část. Při úspěšném složení mezinárodní maturity IB, jsou studentům předměty uznány a studenti získají vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce. 4. Česká maturita v plném rozsahu a mezinárodní maturita IB. V tomto případě studenti studují IB DP program v plném rozsahu a skládají českou maturitu v plném rozsahu, tzn. státní část (dvě povinné zkoušky + jedna možnost navíc) a školní část (tři povinné zkoušky + možnost až dvou předmětů navíc). 5. Kombinace česká maturity a IB zkoušek z jednoho či několika IB předmětů. V tomto případě studenti skládají českou maturitu v plném rozsahu a přihlašují se ke zkoušce z jednoho či více IB předmětů. Proč si naši studenti zvolili IB Diploma program Student Testimonials IB program mi předně pomohl s rozvojem vlastní osobnosti, což, ač se to mnohým nezdá, je dle mého názoru základním prvkem tohoto programu. Nahlížím-li na jeho filosofický přesah, domnívám se, že IB má za cíl vytvořit osobnosti nejen akademicky schopné a zdatné, ale i kvalitní. IB totiž klade důraz na schopnost samostatného hodnocení a vážení charakteristik a kvalit (ať již názorových, morálních či literárních), což je reflektováno nejen v profilu IB studenta, ale svým specifickým způsobem i v každém předmětu (včetně CAS a ToK). IB program mi tedy výrazně pomohl identifikovat a konfrontovat mé špatné osobnostní vlastnosti, zatímco rozvíjel (doufejme!) ty správné. Mimo to mi IB program dal jedinečnou šanci absolvovat něco, co vahou případného úspěchu výrazně převyšuje českou maturitu. Poskytl mi možnost se akademicky zapojit a profilovat mnohem více, než jak by mi to dovolil český systém, a to i díky tomu, že veškeré nároky v IB programu jsou skutečně nepoměrně větší. Úroveň výuky a kvalita profesorského sboru však těmto nárokům odpovídají, a tak se transmisivní forma učení v mnoha předmětech mění ve výuku individuální a experimentální. Student si proto může vyzkoušet mnohé z abstraktních procesů, které by se za jiných okolností musel pouze slepě naučit, přičemž celá forma studia (od elekce předmětů až po samotné hodiny) připomíná spíše výuku vysokoškolskou. Ačkoli již bylo mnohými mnoho řečeno o náročnosti IB programu, hlavní překážkou není ani tak zbytečně démonizovaná ideologie IB či vágnost některých hodnotících kritérií a deskriptorů, nýbrž člověk sám. Program IB je bezesporu náročnou dvouletou výzvou, při jejímž zdolávání si snad téměř každý osahá hranice (nebo přinejmenším alespoň obrysy) svých možností a lépe tak pozná sám sebe. Jednoznačně bych také vyzdvihl praktickou orientaci zpracovávaných textů a úkolů, od komparativních 5

6 analýz po reportáže či literární komentáře. V neposlední řadě mi IB skrze práci s aktuálními globálními problémy pomohlo nalézt určitou názorovou rovnováhu, usnadnilo mi proces identifikace sebe sama ve společnosti sužované problémy a pomohlo mi ohoblovat mé původně konzervativní smýšlení. Rozhodnete-li se tedy vstoupit do IB, vězte, že IB též vstoupí do Vás. A navíc si uvědomíte, jakou cenu prázdniny a klid vlastně mají. (Patrik, Oktáva 2015) During my years in the IB Diploma Program, the three elements of the core were the ones that I found especially helpful in forming the outlook I have on the world today. Theory of Knowledge has been my favorite learning experience of my entire education so far. It teaches not only components of thought like philosophy, logic, and language, but also how to think and different ways to approach learning and problems, something that is absolutely essential for the 21st century learner to grasp. The Extended Essay allows great freedoms while teaching research, professional style writing and composition skills, that will be indispensable in my future academic and professional life. Finally, the CAS component helped ensure that I had some outside interests outside of education. I was always largely involved within my school community, but the CAS requirement ensured that I also stayed active physically while also developing my interest in the arts. IB is an extremely holistic and demanding program that comprehensively ensures that students will have a strong footing for their future lives. The workload may sometimes be slightly challenging, but it was only because of this that I learned to prioritize what I wanted to get done and by when I wanted to get it done. IB helped me to learn to focus on what I worked on without getting distracted. My writing skills also improved significantly through IB because of the emphasis on projects, papers and presentations. Analytical adeptness and the ability to research effectively are also necessary to the program, and I know that these skills will prove to be especially useful when I go to university. IB also places a lot of emphasis on balance, creating well-rounded individuals. In our world, it almost never enough to gain expertise only in one particular field IB knows this well and gives students the opportunities to explore and uncover unknown worlds in our realm of being. Overall, IB provided me with innumerable opportunities as a foundation from which to build my life, and it is an experience that I can recommend to absolutely anyone interested in the life of the mind. Why give up such a great opportunity? IB will help you not only in developing your thoughts and thinking, but will also help you set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd when you apply to university top U.S. schools like to see that you are taking a rigorous curriculum that is both enriching and challenging. The lazy way out never pays off in the long run! (David, Oktava 2015) International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Novy PORG The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) offers an accademically and personally challenging curriculum for the last two years of school. It is designed to prepare students for further education at college or university. It is a high-quality international programme designed and monitored by educationalists. The IB involves choosing three subjects to study at higher level (HL) and three subjects at standard level (SL). Higher level courses represent 320 teaching hours while courses studied at standard level 6

7 represent 200 teaching hours. Students must select six subjects by choosing one from each of the following groups: Group 1 Language A: Czech Literature (HL,SL), English Language and Literature (HL,SL) Group 2 Language B: French (HL,SL), Spanish (HL,SL), German (HL,SL) Group 3 Individuals and Societies: Economics (HL,SL), Psychology (HL, SL) Group 4 Experimental Sciences: Biology (HL,SL), Physics (HL,SL) Group 5 Mathematics: Mathematical Studies (SL), Mathematics (SL), Mathematics (HL) Group 6 History (HL,SL), Chemistry HL,(SL) Exceptions A candidate may study four subjects at higher level and two subjects at standard level. A candiated may choose a seventh subject. A candicate may select a second Group 1 subject instead of a Group 2 subject. (Providing he/she attains a grade 3 or higher in both subjects, he/she will be awarded a bi-lingual diploma.) A candidate may select both Group 1 subjects and a Group 2 subject. Further requirements Three furtner requirements contribute to the unique nature of the IB DP: 1. Theory of Knowledge (ToK) 2. Extended Essay 3. Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Novy PORG Requirements In addition to completing requirements of the IB DP, Novy PORG students must also meet the requirements of the national curriculum. A DP candidate must: Engage in Physical Education over the two years of the programme. Students who do not select English Language and Literature as their Group 1 or Group 6 IB subject will have to follow the IB English course with other IB students. (However, English will not be their IB subject; students coursework will only be graded internally by the teachers at school and the grade achieved will not contribute to the award of the IB Diploma.) Students who do not select Czech Literature as their Group 1 or Group 6 IB subject will have to follow a mandatory Czech course over the two years of the programme. Students who do not select French, German or Spanish as their Group 2 or Group 6 IB subject will have to study the foreign language over the two years of the programme. 7

8 IB Formal Assessment IB formal assessment contributes to the final diploma score. The grades rewarded for each subject range from 1(lowest) to 7(highest). Students can also be awarded a possible three bonus points depending on their combined grades in the Extended Essay and ToK. Thus, the maximum possible points total for a DP student is 45 (6 x 7, plus 3). A student gaining 24 points or more, subject to certain conditions relating to the distribution of points across subjects, will be awarded the IB diploma. The IB formal assessment consists of internal and external assessments: Internal (school based) completed by the IB students at various times during the two years and graded by Novy PORG teachers of DP at school. It consists of a variety of a different tasks - essays, research essays, written assignments, oral interviews, scientific and mathematical investigations, etc. Samples are sent to the IBO for moderation. The school submits its internal assessment marks to the IBO. All internal IB assessments are listed in the Novy PORG IB calendar. External there are two components: 1. Tasks completed by the IB students, with the guidance of their teachers, over an extended period of time and externally marked by examiners. 2. The examinations taking place over a period of three weeks in May, at the end of the two year programme. The grading system is criterion-related: Results are determined by performance against set standards, and are not in relation to the performance of other students. Specific Features of Novy PORG Assessment in the Diploma Programme Assessment in the Novy PORG Diploma Programme complies with the IB DP general assessment requirements, respective course requirements as well as with the Novy PORG Assessment Policy. IB students receive reports at the end of each term and their results are reported using the 10 1 scale. Students are also awarded effort grades. Students must have at least three assessed outcomes per term in Year 1 of the IB DP Programme and at least two in term 2 of Year 2. At least one of the three (two) assessments should be set according to the assessment structure for each IB subject and assessed against the IB criteria (adapted if needed). The assessment could either be one of the required internal or external IB assessments or an assessment developed by the teacher. The assessment grades make a proportion of the term grade (decision at the teacher s discretion). IB internal and external assessments are listed in the Novy PORG IB Calendar. Teachers can use a variety of assessment methods and formats to assess the students performance, progress and effort. Student performance can be measured in points, percentages or assessed against IB criteria. Each IB assessment criterion has level descriptors together with an appropriate range of marks. The marks awarded, points or percentages must be converted into PORG scale grades and recorded in Skola online database. Teachers are responsible for developing conversion scales for each assessment outcome. 8

9 Subject Outlines Czech Literature Group 1 subject Czech literature can be studied at Standard or Higher level. The IB syllabus is structured into four parts (Works in translation, Detailed study, Literary Genres, Options). SL students study 10 literary texts from different periods, styles and genres, whereas HL students are required to study 13. The texts are selected by the school following IB guidelines. Work in classroom includes a variety of oral, written, creative and analytical activities. The focus is not on a broad knowledge of the periods and writers of Czech literary history but on the development of the ability to express well organized oral and written arguments, to analyse literary texts, produce interpretations and form independent literary judgements. SL and HL courses share the same core syllabus. The difference between HL and SL is in the number of texts studied, essays written and length and difficulty of exam. IB Formal Assesment External assessment 70% Paper 1 guided literary analysis 20% Paper 2 Essay 25% Written coursework assignment 20% Internal assessment 30% Oral commentaries and presentations English Language and Literature Group 1 subject English Language and Literature can be studied at Standard or Higher level. The IB syllabus is structured into four parts. Two relate to the study of the language and two to the study of literature. In the literature part of the course students study a minimum of four literary works at SL and six works at HL. In the language part of the course the students will explore how audience and purpose affect the structure and content of the text, how language and meaning are shaped by culture and context. They will also examine different forms of communication within media and study the way mass media use language and image to inform, persuade or entertain. The focus of the language and literature course is directed towards developing an ability to express ideas clearly in both written and oral communication, to analyse text in a logical manner and to produce literary interpretations. Work in classroom includes a variety of oral, written, creative and analytical activities. 9

10 SL and HL courses share the same core syllabus. The difference between HL and SL is in the number of texts studied, the number of written tasks and the length and difficulty of the exam. Part 1 Language in cultural context: texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media, including: advertisements, appeals, biographies, blogs, brochures, cartoons, diaries, editorials, essays, feature articles, films, letters, manifestos, memoirs, news reports, opinion columns, parodies, pastiches, photographs, reports, screenplays, song lyrics, speeches and travel writing; extracts from literary texts. Part 2 Language and mass communication: texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media, such as newspapers, magazines, the internet, radio and film; extracts from literary texts. Part 3 Literature - texts and contexts (2 works at SL, 3 works at HL) Part 4 Literature critical study (2 works at SL, 3 works at HL) IB Formal Assessment External Assessment 70% Paper 1 Written commentary (on 1 unseen text at SL, on 2 unseen texts at HL) Paper 2 Essay in response to works read in Part 3 25% Written Tasks (coursework; 1 at SL, 2 at HL) 20% Internal Assessment 30% Individual Oral Commentary - 15% Further Oral Activity - 15% Language B Group 2 subject Language B options: French, German or Spanish This course can be studied at Standard and Higher level. SL covers B1 level (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages) to the beginning of B2. HL covers B2 level. The course is for students with some previous experiences of the foreign language and HL is recommended for high achieving students. SL, HL and non-ib students are taught as one group since the main focus, as in other Novy PORG non-ib language courses, is on development in the four primary language skills: 10

11 listening, speaking, reading and writing. These language skills will be developed through studying a variety of topic areas and carrying out a range of individual and group work activities. Course content: Communication and media Global issues Social relationships Leisure Health IB Formal Assessment External assessment 70% Paper 1 receptive skills (text-handling exercises of four written texts) 25% Paper 2 written productive skills (one writing exercise of words) 25% Written assignment 20% Internal assessment 30% Interactive oral activity and Individual oral activity Exceptions A candicate may select a second Group 1 subject instead of a Group 2 subject.(providing he/she attains a grade 3 or higher in both subjects, he/she will be awarded a bi-lingual diploma.) Economics Group 3 subject The Economics syllabus develops an understanding of economic terminology and principles and of basic economic theory. Learners study microeconomics, macroeconomics and the economics of developed and developing nations and how these interrelate. They also learn to handle simple data and undertake economic analysis, evaluate information and discriminate between facts and value judgments in economic issues. Economics also encourages a better understanding of the world in which students live, and helps them play an active part in the decision-making process, whether as consumers, producers or citizens of the local, national and international community. Economics can be studied at Standard or Higher level. SL and HL students are presented with a common syllabus, with an HL extension in some topics. The syllabus consists of four sections: Microeconomics Macroeconomics International economics 11

12 Development economics IB Formal Assessment External assessment 80% Paper 1 an extended response paper 40% (SL), 30% (HL) Paper 2 a data response paper 40% (SL), 30% (HL) Paper 3 HL extension paper 20% (HL) Internal assesment 20% A portfolio of three commentaries based on different sections of the syllabus and analysing published extracts from the news media History Group 3 subject History can be studied at Standard or Higher level and is principally about mind training and acquiring intellectual capability rather than simply content and facts. At SL there are two sections, a sourcework paper on The Move to Global War and two depth studies on the Cold War and the Causes, Practices and Effects of 20th Century Wars. Assessment takes the form of interpreting and evaluating evidence and the development of structured coherent arguments in both source interpretation and essay writing. HL has three areas of study, the Unification of Germany and Italy, Imperial Russia and the Revolution and the USSR and Eastern Europe. These papers cover wider timespans than SL, assessment is entirely by essay writing and there is a much greater focus on awareness of different views advanced by historians on the same topic. All students write an Internal Assessment involving historical research of a topic of their own choice. The idea is that at the completion of the course the student will have acquired the necessary historical skills to tackle any area of the past in an effective fashion whether as part of a university degree or simply out of personal interest. IB Formal Assessment External assessment 80%(HL), 75%(SL) Paper 1 Four short-answer/structured questions 30%(SL),25% (HL) Paper 2 Two extended-response questions 45%(SL), 20%(HL) Paper 3 - Three extended-response questions 35% (HL) Internal assessment 25% (SL), 20% (HL) Historical investigation on any area of the sylabus Novy PORG will offer one of the following Group 3 subjects: 12

13 Psychology IB psychology examines the interaction of biological, cognitive and sociocultural influences on human behaviour, and follows with presenting more applied fields, such as abnormal psychology or psychology of human relationships. Understanding how psychological and scientific knowledge in general is generated, developed and applied enables students to achieve a greater understanding of themselves and the people around them and appreciate the diversity of human behaviour. The ethical concerns raised by the methodology and application of psychological research are key considerations in IB psychology. Psychology can be studied at high or standard level, with HL students studying one extra fields of interest, such as abnormal psychology or psychology of sports and being introduced or psychological research more in depth. IB Formal Assessment The final IB mark is based on two (SL) or three (HL) papers and a simple psychological experiment report (Internal Assessment). Paper 1 Three short answers and one essay questions on part 1 of the syllabus 50% (SL), 35% (HL) Paper 2 One essay question in SL and two in HL on part 2 of the syllabus 25% (SL), 25% (HL) Paper 3 Only HL paper on research methodology; three questions based on a presented text 20% (HL) Internal assessment 25% (SL), 20% (HL) Report of simple experimental study Biology Group 4 subject Biology can be studied at Standard or Higher level. HL students study to a greater depth and breadth. Students will learn the link between the structure and function in living systems, the link between universality and diversity and how living systems maintain equilibrium. Both SL and HL student study Evolution as a part of the programme as well. SL students will need to complete 40 hours and HL students 60 hours of practical work. Students will also have to undertake the Group 4 Project an inter-disciplinary research during which they will have to collaborate within teams. Core curriculum: Cell Biology Molecular Biology Genetics 13

14 Ecology Evolution and Biodiversity Human physiology Additional topics: Nuvleic acids (HL) Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis (HL) Plant biology (HL) Genetics and Evolution (HL) Animal physiology (HL) Option topics SL and HL Neurobioplogy and behaviour Biotechnology and bioinformatics Ecology and conservation Human physiology IB Assessment External assessment 80% Paper 1 multiple choice 20%(SL,HL) Paper 2 extended answer 40%(SL), 36%(HL) Paper 3 choice between one option topic 20%(SL), 24%(HL) Internal assessment 20% assessment of practical work Novy Porg assessment breakdown: Quick revision tests - 25% of the PORG grade Revision/topic test 50% - of the PORG grade Internal assessment test 25% of the PORG grade Homework assessment: Homework is assessed in terms of an effort grade to provide the information about the students progress and understanding of topics covered 14

15 Chemistry Group 4 subject Chemistry can be studied at Standard or Higher level. It offers students opportunities to gain an understanding of scientific facts, concepts, methods and techniques and to apply and use them. It also offers students opportunities to construct, analyse and evaluate hypotheses, research questions and scientific explanations. Students will need to complete 40 hours of practical work at standard level and 60 hours at aditional higher level. Students will also have to undertake the Group 4 Project an inter-disciplinary research during which they will have to collaborate within teams. Course content: Atomic structure Quantitative chemistry Periodicity Chemical bonding and structure Measurement and data processing Energetics/Thermochemistry Chemical kinetics Equilibrium Acids and bases Oxidation and reduction Available options: Studied one only at either of the levels Option A Materials Option B Biochemistry Option C Energy Option D Medicinal chemistry 15

16 Assessment External assessment 80 % Paper 1 multiple choice 20% (SL), 20% (HL) Paper 2 extended answers 40%(SL), 36% (HL) Paper 3 Section A (data based questions), Section B (one option questions) 20% (SL), 24% (HL) Internal assessment 20 % Continual assessment of practical work Revision tests breakdown: Quick revision tests - 25% of the PORG grade Revision test 25% - of the PORG grade Internal assessment test 50% of the PORG grade Homework assessment: Homework is assessed in terms of an effort grade to provide the information about the students progress and understanding of topics covered Continual assessment of practical work Physics Group 4 subject Physics can be studied at Standard or Higher level. It offers students opportunities to gain an understanding of scientific facts, concepts, methods and techniques and to apply and use them. It also offers students opportunities to construct, analyse and evaluate hypotheses, research questions and scientific explanations. Standard level students will need to complete 40 hours of practical work and high level students 60 hours of practical work. 10 hours of the allocated practical time is to be spent on an Individual investigation, which constitutes the internal assessment component of the course. Students will also have to undertake the Group 4 Project an inter-disciplinary research during which they will have to collaborate within teams. Course content: Measurements and uncertainties Mechanics Thermal physics 16

17 Waves Electricity and magnetism Circular motion and gravitation Atomic, nuclear and particle physics Energy production Additional higher level content Wave phenomena Fields Electromagnetic induction Quantum and nuclear physics Options (Students will choose one topic) Relativity Engineering physics Imaging Astrophysics IB Formal Assessment Internal assessment 20 % : Individual investigation. IB Formal Assessment External assessment 80 % - 3 examination papers in May of the Oktava year. Paper 1 multiple choice questions 20 % (SL), 20 % (HL) Paper 2 short-answer and extended-response questions 40 % (SL), 36% (HL) Paper 3 choice between two topics 20 % (SL), 24 % (HL) Internal assessment Individual investigation -20 % Mathematics Group 5 subject At Novy PORG Mathematics is offered at the following levels: Mathematical Studies SL, Mathematics SL and Mathematics HL. 17

18 The goal of the courses is to enable students to: 1. enjoy mathematics, and develop an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematics; 2. develop an understanding of the principles and nature of mathematics; 3. communicate clearly and confidently in a variety of contexts; 4. develop logical, critical and creative thinking, and patience and persistence in problemsolving; 5. employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalization; 6. apply and transfer skills to alternative situations, to other areas of knowledge and to future developments; 7. appreciate how developments in technology and mathematics have influenced each other; 8. appreciate the moral, social and ethical implications arising from the work of mathematicians and the applications of mathematics; 9. appreciate the international dimension in mathematics through an awareness of the universality of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives; 10. appreciate the contribution of mathematics to other disciplines, and as a particular area of knowledge in the TOK course. Mathematical Studies SL After completing the Septima Mathematics SL course students aspiring to arts or nonmathematical tertiary study may opt to pursue the Mathematical Studies variant in Oktava. The course remains rigorous, but progresses to finance, 3D-geometry and logic rather than integral calculus and is generally more straight-forward for students with limited flair in the discipline. The following areas are covered: Septima (content matches the Mathematics SL course) ; Algebra (expansion & factorization, sequences and series, binomial theorem) Functions and equations (linear, quadratic, rational & exponential) Statistics (including correlation & linear modelling) and probability (including normal distribution) Circular Functions and trigonometry Oktava (Mathematical Studies SL specific content) ; Equations & formulae (algebra review; linear & simultaneous eq ns; finance ; 3-D geometry) Probability (sets and venn diagrams) Logic Calculus (differential) IB Formal Assessment External assessment 80% : 2 examination papers in May of the Oktava year (with Calculator) Exam Paper 1 40% Exam Paper 2 40% 18

19 Internal assessment 20% A Mathematical Project (25 hours of work) completed during semester one of the Oktava year. This is a major piece of written work that allows students to demonstrate their aptitude in a non-exam environment. It involves investigating an area of mathematics of the student s choosing. The process: planning, background research, generating data and finally writing the paper. It is marked in relation to seven assessment criteria: introduction, information/measurement, mathematical processes, interpretation of results, validity, structure and communication, notation and terminology. Throughout the process students will be given detailed instructions, regular deadlines, and guidance. The internal marks will be externally moderated by an I.B. assessment moderator. Mathematics SL This course caters for students who already possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts and who are equipped with the skills needed to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. The majority of these students will expect to need a sound mathematical background as they prepare for future studies in subjects such as chemistry, economics, psychology and business administration. The following topics are covered in-depth, and the connections between them are explored: Algebra Functions and equations Circular Functions and trigonometry Vectors Logic - Mathematical studies only Complex numbers - HL only Statistics and probability Calculus IB Formal Assessment External assessment 80% Mathematical studies and Mathematics SL Exam Paper 1 calculators not permitted 40% Exam Paper 2 graphical calculator permitted 40% Internal assessment 20% A Mathematical Exploration paper This is a piece of written work that allows students to demonstrate their aptitude in a non-exam environment. It involves investigating an area of mathematics of the student s choosing. It is marked according to five assessment criteria: communication, mathematical presentation, personal engagement, reflection, and use of mathematics. During the process of writing the paper students will be given detailed instructions, regular deadlines, and guidance. The internal marks will be externally moderated by an IB assessment moderator. 19

20 Mathematics HL This course caters for students with a good background in mathematics who are competent in a range of analytical and technical skills. The majority of these students will be expecting to include mathematics as a major component of their university studies, either as a subject in its own right or within courses such as physics, engineering and technology. Others may take this subject because they have a strong interest in mathematics and enjoy meeting its challenges and engaging with its problems. We recommend this course to students achieving 8, 9 and 10 grades on Novy PORG assessment scale. The following areas are covered: Septima Algebra Functions and equations Circular functions and trigonometry Vectors Statistics and probability Calculus Oktáva Option syllabus content - one of the following options: Statistics and probability Sets, relations and groups Calculus Discrete mathematics IB Formal Assessment External assessment (5 hours) Exam paper 1 (2 hours) Calculators no permitted - 30% Exam paper 2 (2 hours) Graphic display calculator required - 30% Exam paper 3 (1 hour) GDC required, questions based mainly on the option 20% Internal assessment (10 hours of work) - 20% 20

21 A Mathematical Exploration paper This is a piece of written work that allows students to demonstrate their aptitude in a non-exam environment. It involves investigating an area of mathematics of the student s choosing. It is marked according to five assessment criteria: communication, mathematical presentation, personal engagement, reflection, and use of mathematics. During the process of writing the paper students will be given detailed instructions, regular deadlines, and guidance. The internal marks will be externally moderated by an IB assessment moderator. Core Requirements Theory of Knowledge (ToK) Theory of Knowledge (ToK) is an inter-disciplinary subject that focuses students attention on the ways we acquire knowledge. The course challenges students to critically analyse what they know and to see how this relates to their experiences within the IB programme. It asks questions such as: How do we know that...? and Is all knowledge of equal importance and, if not, how do we judge? The course runs through the first year of the IB DB until the end of the first term in the second year of the IB programme. Students read about and discuss a wide variety of topics. This develops their skills of debate, argument and reason and enhances an appreciation of alternative points of view. Assessment External assessment 67% Essay 1,200-1,600 words in the second year of IB programme Internal assesment 23% Presentation on a topic of the students choice at the end of the first year of IB programme Extended Essay Extended essay is a 4000 word piece of research. The purpose of Extended Essay is to acquaint students with independent research and writing skills, which will be of use to them at university and college. Students choose one of their six subjects and select a topic that is of special interest to them. Each student will have a teacher supervisor from the appropriate subject area who will be responsible for providing assistance and direction. The IBO recommends that a student devotes about 40 hours of private study and writing time to the essay. Students can be awarded a possible three bonus points which counts towards their final diploma score depending on their combined grades in the Extended Essay and ToK. 21

22 Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Ceativity Activity Service programme (CAS) encourages students to share their enthusiasm and special talents with others. Students should, through CAS experiences, develop greater awareness of themselves, concern for others, and the ability to work cooperatively with other people. Students are expected to spend 3-4 hours a week on a range of balance experiences. Examples of experiences involving creativity are creating magazines/websites/yearbooks, participating in a music or drama production or playing in a band. Activity can include participation in expeditions, individual and team sports and physical training. Service can include working with younger students at school both in the classroom and in after-school activities, community service or charity activities. All students are required to undertake at least one project that incorporates another component of CAS, demonstrates collaboration with others and is of significant duration. Each student will have an adult leader who will monitor the range and balance of experiences undertaken by the student and evaluate the student s performance. Students should keep records of their experiences and achievements and regularly reflect on what they have learned. The school will provide students with feedback and make final decision on completion, which is reported to the IB regional office. There is no other assessment of student performance in CAS. The IB Diploma is witheld if CAS requirements are not fulfiled. CAS Opportunities at Novy PORG: Translation of Khan Academy educational videos Physical Education Biologie v praxi Volunteering in the library Afternoon clubs (Science club, Debate club Volleyball Football Writing for the school magazines Photography club CAS webpage design/ CAS noticeboard BALMUN, PORGMUN Reading English books with Elementary School children Tutoring 22

23 Online IB Courses Students who would like to study Psychology (provided it is not available at school) can enrol in an online IB diploma course provided by Pamoja Education, the only IB authorised online course provider. Their online courses are subject to a rigorous evaluation process by the IB and fulfil Certificate and Diploma Programme requirements. The online courses are recommended for high achieving students only and since they are paid by the school, the headmaster must agree with the student s enrolment. Individual Diploma Programme Courses Novy PORG students who do not want to pursue the full IB DP programme can only attend individual IB courses. They will receive an IB certificate noting the courses they took and the marks they earned. Options for completing studies at Novy PORG Full IB Diploma only (without Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce ) In order to achieve the full IB Diploma, IB DP students will have to meet all the conditions for the award fo the IB Diploma. Both full IB Diploma and Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce In order to achieve both the full IB Diploma and Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce, IB DP students will have to meet all the conditions for the award of the IB Diploma. In addition they will have to complete the requirements of maturitní zkouška z čekého jazyka national part. This is an advantageous option as the students are only required to take one supplementary exam ( Czech language maturita ) in order to receive Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce. Both full IB Diploma and full Czech maturita. In order to achieve the full IB Diploma, IB DP students will have to meet all the conditions for the award of the IB Diploma. In addition they will have to complete all the requirements of Czech maturita. Full Czech maturita and IB certificates. In order to achieve Czech maturita, students will have to meet all the conditions for the award of Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce. In addition they can register for one or more IB exams in the individual IB courses they have studied over the two year period. Full Czech maturita for non-ib students. IB Diploma recognition by universities Students with the IB Diploma have entered more than 700 universities in some 70 countries. The international recognition of the IB DP is outlined on the IBO s website, 23

24 Gymnazium Novy PORG Academic Honesty Policy The principles of academic honesty apply equally to all Novy PORG students. However, we believe they are particularly relevant to the IB students. In accordance with IB Academic Honesty Policy Novy PORG believes academic honesty promotes integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment. All members of the school are aware that the school treats academic dishonesty as a serious matter. It is the policy of Novy PORG that: All Novy PORG students understand the basic meaning and significance of academic honesty. All work produced by Novy PORG students is their own, authentic work. Students acknowledge source material based on standard practice work (footnotes, intext citations and bibliographies). Students follow all exam rules. Students understand and abide by the school rules concerning cheating. All Novy PORG students receive instruction in: The rules for acknowledging source material based on standard practice (footnotes, in-text citation and bibliographies). Skills of paraphrasing. Considering biased reference material. Evaluating information from a variety of sources. Data gathering techniques. Research writing techniques. All students are provided with a copy of the Novy PORG Academic Honesty Policy. All IB Diploma Programme students are as well provided with a copy of General Regulations: Diploma Programme. The IB coordinator and the teachers are available to offer further advice and guidance. Academic honesty includes: Proper conduct in relation to the conduct of examinations. Acknowledging other peoples ideas in one s own work. Giving credit if one uses data, photographs, drawings or other materials they have discovered while researching a topic. Citing sources accurately. Understanding that ideas belong to a person as intellectual property. Academic dishonesty includes: Plagiarism: this is defined as the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate s own. Collusion: this is defined as supporting malpractice by another person, as in allowing one s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another. Duplication of work: this is defined as the presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or diploma requirements. 24

25 Any other behaviour that gains an unfair advantage for a student or that may affect the results of another student. There are other ways in which a student may breach the general regulations of the IB. For example: Paraphrasing another person s work without acknowledging the source. Taking unauthorized material into an examination room. Misbehaving during an examination. Exchanging or in any way supporting or attempting to support the passing on of information that is or could be related to the examination. Copying the work of another student. Stealing examination papers. Using unauthorised material during examination. Violation of Academic Honesty Violation of academic honesty is divided into three levels. The levels are determined by the importance of the test, exam or assignment and the premeditation of the student. Level 1 violations description: Breaching the rules for a subject test, (regular) homework and an assignment. examples: Copying a test or quiz of another student; talking to another student during a test or a quiz; not acknowledging help from another student or another person. consequences: o Grade 1 on the assignment. The student must rewrite the assignment according to the teacher s instructions (preferably not in the lesson); however both marks, grade 1 and the mark on the re-written assignment, are relevant and contribute to the student s trimester score o and 2 black points. people involved: The subject teacher and the form teacher. Level 2 violations description: Premeditated cheating during a subject test, exam or on an assignment; repeated level 1 violations. examples: Using unauthorized material during a subject test, using a mobile phone or other secretive methods of receiving and giving answers on a subject test or quiz; copying the test of another student. consequences: o Grade 1 on the test without the possibility of re-siting the test o and 4 black points. people involved: The subject teacher, the form teacher and the parents (the form teacher will either inform parents by or invite them to school). Level 3 - Severe violations 25

26 description Breaching the rules for a school test, major exam 1 or a major school assignment; plagiarism. examples: Using unauthorized material during a school test, using a mobile phone or other secretive methods of receiving and giving answers on a test; copying the test of another student. consequences: 6 black points (the student will de facto receive the Form Teacher s Warning) and grade 1 on the assignment. It is at the Academic Dean s discretion whether the student will be allowed to re-sit the test or rewrite the assignment; the possibility will be discussed by Academic Dean, the subject teacher and the form teacher. Pedagogical staff will be informed. people involved: The subject teacher, the form teacher, Academic Dean and the parents (who will be invited to school by the form teacher). 1 The list of School tests and assignments can be found on the school website under školní vzdělávací program/učební plán/přehled ročníkových zkoušek. 26

27 27

Course description. Course credit prior to NO Counted into average NO Winter semester 0 / - 0 / - 0 / - Timetable Language of instruction

Course description. Course credit prior to NO Counted into average NO Winter semester 0 / - 0 / - 0 / - Timetable Language of instruction Course description Course abbreviation: KAL/CAE2 Page: 1 / 8 Course name: English - Preparation for The CAE 2 Academic Year: 2015/2016 Printed: 16.06.2016 22:02 Department/Unit / KAL / CAE2 Academic Year



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Digitální učební materiál. III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Příjemce podpory Gymnázium, Jevíčko, A. K. Digitální učební materiál Číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0802 Název projektu Zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Číslo a název šablony klíčové aktivity III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím


Slavic 218/452 (M/T/W/R 12:05; Van Hise 382) FOURTH-SEMESTER (INTENSIVE) CZECH

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Australian College of Sport & Fitness

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ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Slezská univerzita v Opavě Fakulta veřejných politik v Opavě ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Distanční studijní opora Veronika Portešová Opava 2012 Projekt č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0178 Inovace studijního programu



PRACOVNÍ STÁŽE. Podmínky: NA STÁŽ S AIESEC PRACOVNÍ STÁŽE Profesní stáže v zahraničních firmách či školách Plat, zahraniční pracovní zkušenost Praxe v oboru, převedení teorie do praxe, vylepšení si CV Od čtyř měsíců do 1,5 roku


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Digitální učební materiál

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CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice


Aktuální trendy ve výuce a testování cizích jazyků v akademickém prostředí

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Social Media a firemní komunikace




WORKSHEET 1: LINEAR EQUATION 1 WORKSHEET 1: LINEAR EQUATION 1 1. Write down the arithmetical problem according the dictation: 2. Translate the English words, you can use a dictionary: equations to solve solve inverse operation variable


Digitální učební materiál

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Název školy STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace

Název školy STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace Název školy STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace Číslo a název projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0880 Digitální učební materiály



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Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49

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Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9, VY_INOVACE_ANJ_741. Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9

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Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Rokycany, Mládežníků 1115

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SSOS_AJ_3.18 British education

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místo, kde se rodí nápady

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT

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Invitation to ON-ARRIVAL TRAINING COURSE for EVS volunteers

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Kateřina Langová, Jana Zapletalová, Jiří Mazura Ústav lékařské biofyziky, Lékařská fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci



Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49

Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu Výuka moderně Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0205 Šablona: III/2 Anglický jazyk


Přihláška ke studiu do doktorských studijních programů Hospodářská politika Systémové inženýrství a informatika Aplikovaná informatika

Přihláška ke studiu do doktorských studijních programů Hospodářská politika Systémové inženýrství a informatika Aplikovaná informatika Přihláška ke studiu do doktorských studijních programů Hospodářská politika Systémové inženýrství a informatika Aplikovaná informatika Č. J.: PID: Datum: Akademický rok 2017/2018 forma prezenční forma


Presentation Skills. Jazykové kurzy. Deutsch für HR. English for HR. Kommunikationsfähigkeiten

Presentation Skills. Jazykové kurzy. Deutsch für HR. English for HR. Kommunikationsfähigkeiten Jazykové kurzy Presentation Skills Deutsch für HR Kommunikationsfähigkeiten English for HR 1 Říjen 2018 Communication Skills Telephone Conversations, Writing Email & Negotiating Successful Communication


Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA KVALITY Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3688 EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM

Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA KVALITY Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3688 EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA OLOMOUC příspěvková organizace MOZARTOVA 48, 779 00 OLOMOUC tel.: 585 427 142, 775 116 442; fax: 585 422 713 email:; Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA



CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice


Energy vstupuje na trh veterinárních produktů Energy enters the market of veterinary products

Energy vstupuje na trh veterinárních produktů Energy enters the market of veterinary products Energy news2 1 Energy vstupuje na trh veterinárních produktů Energy enters the market of veterinary products Doposud jste Energy znali jako výrobce a dodavatele humánních přírodních doplňků stravy a kosmetiky.


1 st International School Ostrava-základní škola a gymnázium, s.r.o. Gregorova 2582/3, 702 00 Ostrava. IZO: 150 077 009 Forma vzdělávání: denní

1 st International School Ostrava-základní škola a gymnázium, s.r.o. Gregorova 2582/3, 702 00 Ostrava. IZO: 150 077 009 Forma vzdělávání: denní 1 st International School Ostrava-základní škola a gymnázium, s.r.o. Gregorova 2582/3, 702 00 Ostrava IZO: 150 077 009 Forma vzdělávání: denní Kritéria pro III. kolo přijímacího řízení pro školní rok 2015/2016


Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT

Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9 Projekt MŠMT ČR: EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0536 Název projektu školy: Výuka s ICT na SŠ obchodní České Budějovice Šablona


Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA KVALITY Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM

Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA KVALITY Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/ EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA OLOMOUC příspěvková organizace MOZARTOVA 48, 779 00 OLOMOUC tel.: 585 427 142, 775 116 442; fax: 585 422 713 email:; Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA


Recognized Cambridge English Certificates by universities in the Czech republic

Recognized Cambridge English Certificates by universities in the Czech republic Recognized Cambridge English Certificates by universities in the Czech republic Following information was provided by the Office for studies of individual universities and faculties for the year 2015/


VY_32_INOVACE_06_Předpřítomný čas_03. Škola: Základní škola Slušovice, okres Zlín, příspěvková organizace

VY_32_INOVACE_06_Předpřítomný čas_03. Škola: Základní škola Slušovice, okres Zlín, příspěvková organizace VY_32_INOVACE_06_Předpřítomný čas_03 Autor: Růžena Krupičková Škola: Základní škola Slušovice, okres Zlín, příspěvková organizace Název projektu: Zkvalitnění ICT ve slušovské škole Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2400





Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah sdělení odpovídá výlučně autor. Sdělení nereprezentují názory Evropské

Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah sdělení odpovídá výlučně autor. Sdělení nereprezentují názory Evropské *1993 Vyučování na naší škole trvá od 8:05 do 15:50. Lessons at our school last from 8:05 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. Vyučovací hodina trvá 45 minut. One lesson lasts 45 minutes. Přestávky trvají od 5-20 minut.



CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice



GUIDELINES FOR CONNECTION TO FTP SERVER TO TRANSFER PRINTING DATA GUIDELINES FOR CONNECTION TO FTP SERVER TO TRANSFER PRINTING DATA What is an FTP client and how to use it? FTP (File transport protocol) - A protocol used to transfer your printing data files to the MAFRAPRINT


14,35 - Standardizace portálové platformy MEFANET: den zúčtování s projektem OP VK

14,35 - Standardizace portálové platformy MEFANET: den zúčtování s projektem OP VK Program semináře 14,30 - Úvodní slovo 14,35 - Standardizace portálové platformy MEFANET: den zúčtování s projektem OP VK 15,00 - Modernizace výuky klinického rozhodování: představení vybraných platforem


Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49

Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu Výuka moderně Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0205 Šablona: III/2 Anglický jazyk
