Distribution of Xeranthemum annuum in the Czech Republic

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1 Distribution of Xeranthemum annuum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: Database records used for producing the distribution map of Xeranthemum annuum published in Preslia. Coordinate system: WGS84. The mapping symbols used in the distribution map to indicate the different attributes of the occurrence in a particular grid cell. Attribute distinguished Symbol Attribute state None P all records Time P recent occurrence (at least one record since 2000) P old occurrence (all records before 2000, or demonstrably being extirpated from all localities after 2000, or all records undated) Origin P native (at least one record) alien Source data P a revised herbarium specimen (at least one record) G all other All? only record(s) uncertain regarding identification and/or locality 1

2 Abbreviations of projects (data sources): Excerpce Atlas: Taxonomic Experts Records (managed by Institute of Botany, The Czech Academy of Sciences) FLDOK: Database of the Distribution of Vascular Plants in the Czech Republic (managed by Institute of Botany, The Czech Academy of Sciences) The records listed below are arranged according to the grid numbers and given in their original language, usually in Czech, German or Latin. The following header fields are used: původní jméno original name (original identification, received as or published as); lokalita locality; nejbližší obec nearest city, town or village; souřadnice geographic coordinates; nadmořská výška altitude; fytochorion phytogeographical district; datum date; nálezce author of the field record or collector; pramen source; herbář herbarium collection; projekt project; poznámka comments imported into the Pladias database or added later; původnost - geographic origin (původní - native; nepůvodní - alien); ID record ID. 5256a lokalita: Reichenberg [= Liberec] nejbližší obec: Liberec, okres Liberec souřadnice: 50 46'9.32''N, 15 3'34.83''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 48b. Liberecká kotlina nálezce: Rohn poznámka: Poznámka na schedě: "pl: rarea". ID: d lokalita: b. Münchengrätz [= Mnichovo Hradiště] nejbližší obec: Mnichovo Hradiště, okres Mladá Boleslav souřadnice: 50 31'21.56''N, 14 58'23.71''E, ± 2000m fytochorion: 55b. Střední Pojizeří nálezce: Sekera herbář: LIT;PRC poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 12, 55b a 53c; na hranicích kvadrantů 5455d, 5456c a 5555b. ID: a lokalita: cca 200 m SSZ od rozhledny Hradišť [sic!, recte: Hradiště], u cesty obec - rozhledna, 50 23'50.1"N, 14 42'21.9"E, mělká strouha u cesty nejbližší obec: Kadlín, okres Mělník souřadnice: 50 23'50.10''N, 14 42'21.90''E fytochorion: 12. Dolní Pojizeří datum: nálezce: Pavel Zdvořák herbář: LIT ID: c var. uniflora lokalita: Felsen bey der Kaisermühle [Praha-Bubeneč]. souřadnice: 50 6'30.02''N, 14 24'17.90''E, ± 400m datum: 1879 nálezce: coll.? C poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 9 a 10b. ID:

3 lokalita: Bohnitz bei Prag souřadnice: 50 8'9.83''N, 14 24'26.89''E, ± 1000m nálezce: Osborne poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: lokalita: A. Felsen d. Kaisermühle b. Prag [= Praha-Bubeneč] souřadnice: 50 6'30.02''N, 14 24'17.90''E, ± 400m nálezce: Tausch C poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 9 a 10b. ID: lokalita: V. Felsen an d. Kaisermühle b. Prag. [= Praha-Bubeneč] souřadnice: 50 6'30.02''N, 14 24'17.90''E, ± 400m nálezce: Tausch poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 9 a 10b; exsikát: Tausch, Herb. Fl. Bohem., no ID: lokalita: Felsen der Kaisermühle [= Praha-Bubeneč] souřadnice: 50 6'30.02''N, 14 24'17.90''E, ± 400m nálezce: I. Tausch poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 9 a 10b; exsikát: Tausch, Herb. Fl. Bohem., no. 785; sběratel na schedě neuveden, identifikován podle charakteristického rukopisu a uspořádání schedy. ID: d lokalita: Vinice u Troji souřadnice: 50 6'59.11''N, 14 25'43.44''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: Košťál herbář: MP ID: lokalita: Vinice nad Trojou souřadnice: 50 6'59.11''N, 14 25'43.44''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: Jaroslav Košťál herbář: MP ID:

4 lokalita: Troja u Prahy souřadnice: 50 7'5.31''N, 14 25'58.82''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: K. Vandas poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: lokalita: Troja souřadnice: 50 7'6.30''N, 14 25'59.44''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Paul Hora C poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: lokalita: skalnatá stráň za Trojí souřadnice: 50 7'8.29''N, 14 26'2.22''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Emil Binder herbář: MP;PR poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: lokalita: Na výslunných návrších, skalách, u Troje souřadnice: 50 7'7.30''N, 14 26'0.06''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Josef Rous poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: lokalita: U Troje [Praha] souřadnice: 50 7'6.50''N, 14 26'0.36''E, ± 200m datum: 1875 nálezce: František Šafránek poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID:

5 lokalita: na úklonu u Troje blíž ústavu pomologického souřadnice: 50 7'3.22''N, 14 26'1.05''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Čelakovský ID: lokalita: Zu den Weinbergen bei Troja nächst Praga, selten souřadnice: 50 6'59.11''N, 14 25'43.44''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: Čelakovský ID: lokalita: u Troje u Prahy souřadnice: 50 6'59.11''N, 14 25'43.44''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: Čelakovský poznámka: Poznámka na schedě: "Stanovisko vinicí prof. Lambla téměř již zničeno." ID: lokalita: Troja u Prahy: stráň kamenitá (nyní vinice prof. Lambla). souřadnice: 50 6'59.11''N, 14 25'43.44''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: Čelakovský ID: lokalita: Suchá stráň východně od Troje. souřadnice: 50 7'6.23''N, 14 26'0.72''E, ± 200m datum: 1871 nálezce: K. Polák ;PRC poznámka: Poznámka na schedě: "jen na jednom místě, ale v množství". ID:

6 lokalita: Troja [Praha] souřadnice: 50 7'5.71''N, 14 26'0.06''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: B. V. Berchtold poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: lokalita: Troja souřadnice: 50 7'5.64''N, 14 26'1.34''E, ± 200m nálezce: K. Prokeš C poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c a 5852d. ID: a lokalita: Auf der Marienschanze [= Mariánské hradby] bei Prag souřadnice: 50 5'38.28''N, 14 24'13.06''E, ± 400m datum: 1806 nálezce: B. V. Berchtold ID: lokalita: Prag souřadnice: 50 5'35.74''N, 14 24'30.76''E, ± 2000m nálezce: Melichar poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 7d, 9 a 10b; na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c, 5852d, 5952a a 5952b. ID: lokalita: Prope Pragam souřadnice: 50 5'32.96''N, 14 24'31.37''E, ± 2000m nálezce: Ruprecht herbář: MP;PR poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 7d, 9 a 10b; na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c, 5852d, 5952a a 5952b. ID: lokalita: Prag souřadnice: 50 5'36.53''N, 14 24'32.92''E, ± 2000m nálezce: Ruprecht ;PR poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 7d, 9 a 10b; na hranicích kvadrantů 5852c, 5852d, 5952a a 5952b. ID:

7 6050d lokalita: /17/ mezi Srbskem a Karlštejnem nejbližší obec: Srbsko, okres Beroun souřadnice: 49 55'58.74''N, 14 9'44.93''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 8. Český kras nálezce: Vojen Ložek pramen: Skalický V. (1985): Poznámky k historii průzkumu rostlin Českého krasu. - Bohem. Centr. 14: projekt: FLDOK ID: d lokalita: Hornomoravský úval, Olomouc, Černovír. Levý břeh Moravy v Černovíře. nejbližší obec: Olomouc-Černovír, okres Olomouc souřadnice: 49 36'48.80''N, 17 15'16.78''E, ± 800m fytochorion: 21b. Hornomoravský úval datum: nálezce: Č. Deyl herbář: OLM ID: c původní jméno: Xeranthemum lokalita: Letovice nejbližší obec: Letovice, okres Blansko souřadnice: 49 32'58.96''N, 16 34'19.81''E, ± 1500m fytochorion: 68. Moravské podhůří Vysočiny nálezce: s. coll. poznámka: Jen provizorní lístek, řádná scheda chybí; na hranicích fytochorionů 63k, 67 a 68; na hranicích kvadrantů 6465a, 6465b, 6465c a 6465d. ID: b lokalita: Olomouc: rumiště u Bystřičky [= řeka Bystřice v Olomouci]. nejbližší obec: Olomouc-Černovír, okres Olomouc souřadnice: 49 35'48.01''N, 17 16'52.46''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 21b. Hornomoravský úval datum: nálezce: Josef Otruba herbář: OLM poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 6369d a 6469b. ID: d lokalita: u Jihlavy jen zdivočelý nejbližší obec: Jihlava, okres Jihlava souřadnice: 49 24'14.00''N, 15 35'15.00''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 67. Českomoravská vrchovina pramen: Formánek E. (1887): Květena Moravy a rakouského Slezska. ID:

8 6865a lokalita: Na cestě z Kamenného mlýna Žlutým vrchem u Brna. souřadnice: 49 11'47.28''N, 16 34'38.66''E, ± 600m datum: nálezce: Johann Bubela C poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Auf trockenen Äckern u. Sandböden. Oberhalb der Steinmühle b. Brünn [= Brno] souřadnice: 49 11'55.18''N, 16 34'5.20''E, ± 200m fytochorion: 18a. Dyjsko-svratecký úval datum: nálezce: Wessely poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b; na schedě 2 lokality, rozepsány jako dva záznamy. ID: lokalita: Um Brünn [= Brno] hinter den Pulverthürmen [= prachárny na Žlutém kopci] gegen die Steinmühle souřadnice: 49 11'54.40''N, 16 34'39.80''E, ± 100m datum: nálezce: Rohrer C poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b.; uživatel Jiří Danihelka: gegen die Steinmühle, tj. nad dnešní Kamenomlýnskou ulicí v Pisárkách asi na 49 11`54.409"N, 16 34`39.805"E. ID: b lokalita: Brno: ulice Červený kopec okraj Kamenné kolonie souřadnice: 49 10'59.12''N, 16 35'13.08''E, ± 150m fytochorion: 18a. Dyjsko-svratecký úval datum: nálezce: Miroslav Smejkal poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Brno: v dlažbě chodníku na ulici Červený kopec souřadnice: 49 10'56.22''N, 16 35'16.23''E, ± 150m fytochorion: 18a. Dyjsko-svratecký úval datum: nálezce: Miroslav Smejkal poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a. ID:

9 var. flos pleno-major lokalita: angepflanzt, gelber Berg b. Brünn [= Žlutý kopec, Brno]. datum: nálezce: K. Rothe poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Brünn [= Brno], Spielberg [= Špilberk] Südabhang souřadnice: 49 11'35.71''N, 16 36'4.34''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Hanáček ID: lokalita: Mähren: Brünn [= Brno] am gelb Berge [= Žlutý kopec] datum: nálezce: Wildt poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Žlutý vrch u Brna. souřadnice: 49 11'36.80''N, 16 35'6.50''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: Johann Bubela C ID: lokalita: Am rothen Berg [= Červený kopec, Brno] souřadnice: 49 10'34.97''N, 16 35'10.72''E, ± 200m datum: 1879 nálezce: Fiala poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b; datum sběru uvedeno jako "Juli-September 1879". ID:

10 lokalita: Gelb. Berg bei Brünn [= Žlutý kopec, Brno] datum: nálezce: I. Czižek ID: lokalita: Spielberg [= Špilberk] souřadnice: 49 11'39.94''N, 16 35'57.96''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: F. Juda ID: lokalita: Gelben Berg [= Žlutý kopec] bei Brünn [= Brno] datum: nálezce: Oborny poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Spielberg [= Špilberk] b. Brünn [= Brno] souřadnice: 49 11'39.94''N, 16 35'57.96''E, ± 400m datum: nálezce: I. Czižek ID: lokalita: Brünn [= Brno] souřadnice: 49 11'39.92''N, 16 35'56.81''E, ± 500m datum: 1867 nálezce: F. Czermak herbář: MMI poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6765c, 6765d, 6865a a 6865b. ID:

11 lokalita: gelb Berg [= Žlutý kopec v Brně] datum: nálezce: Oborny poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Gelber Berg bei Brünn [= Žlutý kopec, Brno] datum: nálezce: Adolf Oborny C ID: lokalita: Am gelben Berg bei Brünn [= Žlutý kopec, Brno]. datum: nálezce: A. Reuss C ID: lokalita: Am gelben Berg bei Brünn [= Žlutý kopec, Brno]. datum: nálezce: A. Schwöder ;PRC ID: lokalita: Auf dem gelben Berg bei Brünn [= Žlutý kopec, Brno]. datum: nálezce: Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf ID:

12 lokalita: Auf trockenen Äckern u. Sandböden. Am gelb Berge [= Žlutý kopec v Brně]. datum: nálezce: Wessely poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b; na schedě 2 lokality, rozepsány jako dva záznamy. ID: lokalita: Aus der Gegend der Pulverturm [= prachárna na Žlutém kopci] bey Brünn [= Brno]. souřadnice: 49 11'44.74''N, 16 35'9.80''E, ± 300m nálezce: Hochstetter poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: In den Weingärten an der Leimstätte bey Brünn. souřadnice: 49 11'28.55''N, 16 35'14.21''E, ± 300m nálezce: Ch. F. Hochstetter C poznámka: Celý text na schedě: Xeranthemum annuum L. / In den Weingärten an der Leimstätte bey Brünn."; Sběratel na schedě neuveden, identifikoval ho J. Danihelka podle rukopisu.; Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865a a 6865b. ID: lokalita: Gelb. Berg [= Žlutý kopec v Brně] nálezce: Oborny ID: lokalita: Spielberg [= Špilberk], Brünn [= Brno] souřadnice: 49 11'39.94''N, 16 35'57.96''E, ± 400m nálezce: s. coll. ID:

13 6866c lokalita: Sokolnice-Brno: Ad viam ferream inter Chrlice et Sokolnice souřadnice: 49 7'8.91''N, 16 40'59.02''E, ± 2500m fytochorion: 20b. Hustopečská pahorkatina datum: nálezce: F. Weber poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 18a a 20b; na hranicích kvadrantů 6865d a 6866c. ID: a lokalita: Mähren: Bahndamm bei der Station Kanitz-Eibenschütz [= Dolní Kounice-Ivančice] nejbližší obec: Moravské Bránice, okres Brno-venkov souřadnice: 49 5'57.56''N, 16 23'1.76''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Teuber ID: lokalita: Mähren: Eisenbahndamm bei der Station Kanitz-Eibenschütz [= Dolní Kounice-Ivančice] nejbližší obec: Moravské Bránice, okres Brno-venkov souřadnice: 49 5'57.36''N, 16 23'0.52''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: Teuber ID: lokalita: Eibenschütz [= Ivančice] Bhf. [= Bahnhof] Mh. nejbližší obec: Ivančice, okres Brno-venkov souřadnice: 49 5'53.73''N, 16 22'24.91''E, ± 600m datum: nálezce: K. Rothe poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 68; na hranicích kvadrantů 6864c a 6964a. ID: lokalita: Eisenbahndämme Eibenschütz [= Ivančice] nejbližší obec: Ivančice, okres Brno-venkov souřadnice: 49 5'53.73''N, 16 22'24.91''E, ± 600m datum: nálezce: Adolf Schwöder C poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 68; na hranicích kvadrantů 6864c a 6964a. ID:

14 lokalita: Eibenschütz: Bahndamm. nejbližší obec: Ivančice, okres Brno-venkov souřadnice: 49 5'53.73''N, 16 22'24.91''E, ± 600m datum: nálezce: Adolf Schwöder C poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 68; na hranicích kvadrantů 6864c a 6964a. ID: c lokalita: Mähren, auf Eisenbahndamm bei Kromau [= Moravský Krumlov] nejbližší obec: Moravský Krumlov, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 49 2'47.17''N, 16 20'17.31''E, ± 800m datum: nálezce: Ed. Müller poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 6964a a 6964c. ID: lokalita: Dráha u [Moravského] Krumlova nejbližší obec: Moravský Krumlov, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 49 2'47.17''N, 16 20'17.31''E, ± 600m datum: nálezce: E. Formánek poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 6964a a 6964c. ID: b lokalita: České Budějovice (distr. České Budějovice), u Jižní zastávky (železniční), narušená plocha nejbližší obec: České Budějovice, okres České Budějovice souřadnice: 48 57'33.00''N, 14 28'32.00''E nadmořská výška: 410 m fytochorion: 38. Budějovická pánev datum: nálezce: Martin Lepší; Petr Lepší herbář: CB poznámka: 1 rostlina ID: d lokalita: Miroslav, na kopci "Přední Markův kopec", na skalnatých teráskách (slepenec) s mělkou vrstvou litozemě pod křížem (vrchol), exp. JV, 750 m J-JJV od zámku v obci; 300 m s. m. nejbližší obec: Miroslav, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 56'22.03''N, 16 18'55.90''E, ± 100m nadmořská výška: 300 m datum: nálezce: J. Čáp ID:

15 lokalita: /318/ 16. Znojemsko-brněnská pahorkatina: 7063d, Miroslav (distr. Znojmo): NPP Miroslavské kopce, Přední Markův kopec, u kříže na vrcholu kopce. (leg.j.čáp, , BRNU, herb.čáp (Čáp 2004). nejbližší obec: Miroslav, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 56'29.00''N, 16 18'53.00''E nadmořská výška: 300 m datum: nálezce: J. Čáp pramen: Hadinec J., Lustyk P. & Procházka F. (2004): Additamenta ad floram Reipublicae Bohemicae. IV.. - Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 40: projekt: FLDOK ID: b lokalita: Na železničním náspu Mor. Písek - Lideřovice [= Lidéřovice] nejbližší obec: Bzenec, okres Hodonín souřadnice: 48 57'34.00''N, 17 18'11.15''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 18b. Dolnomoravský úval datum: nálezce: Weber herbář: OLM poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 7069b, 7069c, 7070a a 7070c. ID: lokalita: Moravia merid.: Ad viam ferr inter stationen Lideřovice [= Lidéřovice] et Mor. Písek nejbližší obec: Moravský Písek, okres Hodonín souřadnice: 48 57'18.68''N, 17 18'2.34''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 18b. Dolnomoravský úval datum: nálezce: Ferdinand Weber poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 7069b a 7069d. ID: d lokalita: Moravia merid.: Hodonín: locis arenosis inter stat. viaeferr. Lideřovice [= Lidéřovice] et Rohatec nejbližší obec: Bzenec, okres Hodonín souřadnice: 48 55'10.59''N, 17 15'16.57''E, ± 3000m fytochorion: 18b. Dolnomoravský úval datum: nálezce: Ferdinand Weber poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 7069a, 7069c, 7069d a 7070c. ID: lokalita: Hodonín: Ad viam ferream prope stationem Lideřovice [= Lidéřovice] (Strážnice přívoz) Olim. nejbližší obec: Lidéřovice, okres Hodonín souřadnice: 48 56'41.33''N, 17 17'45.51''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 18b. Dolnomoravský úval datum: nálezce: F. Weber poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 7069d a 7070c. ID:

16 lokalita: Moravia merid.: ad viam ferr. prope stat. Lideřovice [= Lidéřovice] (Hodonín.) nejbližší obec: Lidéřovice, okres Hodonín souřadnice: 48 56'48.58''N, 17 17'49.43''E, ± 1000m fytochorion: 18b. Dolnomoravský úval datum: nálezce: Ferdinand Weber poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 7069d a 7070c. ID: a lokalita: Znojmo: pustá místa nejbližší obec: Znojmo, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 51'22.29''N, 16 2'27.36''E, ± 1000m datum: nálezce: H. Laus poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 68; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162a a 7162c. ID: lokalita: Mähren: Znaim [= Znojmo], Granitztal [= Gránické údolí] nejbližší obec: Znojmo, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 51'46.13''N, 16 2'4.55''E, ± 1000m datum: nálezce: Oborny poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 68. ID: lokalita: Mähren: Znaim [= Znojmo], Granitztal [= Gránické údolí] nejbližší obec: Znojmo, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 51'46.13''N, 16 2'4.55''E, ± 1000m datum: nálezce: Osterauer C poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 68. ID: c lokalita: Moravia, distr. Znojmo: Popice, suchá mez na s okraji obce. nejbližší obec: Popice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 49'32.21''N, 16 0'59.97''E, ± 100m datum: nálezce: Grulich ID:

17 7163c lokalita: Flora von Mähren. Znaim [= Znojmo]: Bahndamm b. Hödnitz [= Hodonice] nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'26.31''N, 16 10'1.66''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: H. Laus herbář: MMI poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162d a 7163c. ID: lokalita: Náspy trati před Hodonicemi ned. Znojma (cop.-domin.) nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'26.92''N, 16 10'0.43''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: J. Bílý poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162d a 7163c. ID: lokalita: Traťový násep před nádražím Hodonice ned. Znojma (cop.) nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'26.51''N, 16 10'1.04''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: J. Bílý poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162d a 7163c. ID: lokalita: Náspy trati před Hodonicemi u Znojma (cop - domin.) nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'26.11''N, 16 10'1.97''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: J. Bílý herbář: OLM poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162d a 7163c. ID: lokalita: náspy trati u Hodonic nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'26.92''N, 16 10'1.97''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: V. Skřivánek jun. poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162d a 7163c. ID:

18 lokalita: Znojmo: náspy trati u Hodonic. (cop.!) nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'26.51''N, 16 10'4.44''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: J. Bílý poznámka: Na hranicích fytochorionů 16 a 18a; na hranicích kvadrantů 7162d a 7163c. ID: lokalita: Okr. Znojmo: Hodonice: suchý mezernatý trávník na prudkém hlinitém svahu s nátržemi pod cestou na okraji areálu vinařství u V okraje obce. 230 m n. m. nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'11.20''N, 16 10'30.00''E nadmořská výška: 230 m datum: nálezce: Z. Kaplan herbář: herb. Z. Kaplan poznámka: číslo sběru: 16/87 ID: lokalita: /5/ Hodonice: JV orient.svah hlubokého zářezu silnice v areálu závodu Vertex Hodonice, asi 700m JV od nádraží v obci, (prorostlík roste v rozvolněné ruderální vegetaci, (několid desítek jedinců) (terén.sběr pro diplomovou práci P. Dřevojana). nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'10.00''N, 16 10'22.00''E fytochorion: 18a. Dyjsko-svratecký úval datum: 2010 nálezce: P. Dřevojan pramen: Dřevojan P., Roleček J., Žáková K. & Bartoňová L. (2011): Nové poznatky o rozšíření prorostlíku prutnatého (Bupleurum affine) na Moravě. - Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ. 46: projekt: FLDOK ID: lokalita: /1093/ Herb. položka MZ 2331: Hodonice: při železnič.trati na V okraji nádraží, (na výslun.stráních (skalách) a na náspech,) vzácně, (pozn.druh patří mezi nezvěstné v ČR (Holub,Procházka2000), součas. době se občas pěstuje jako letnička a z těchto kult.zplaňuje) nejbližší obec: Hodonice, okres Znojmo souřadnice: 48 50'27.00''N, 16 9'59.00''E, ± 200m datum: nálezce: V. Drlík pramen: Drlík V., Grulich V. & Reiter A. (2005): Květena Znojemska Thayensia, suppl. 1: projekt: FLDOK ID: d lokalita: obec Bavory pod Pálavou - na staveništi domu v obci nejbližší obec: Bavory, okres Břeclav souřadnice: 48 50'8.43''N, 16 37'23.48''E, ± 400m fytochorion: 17b. Pavlovské kopce datum: nálezce: J. Brabec poznámka: evidenční číslo PR ; původní determinace: P. Pyšek; revize: Z. Kaplan: Xeranthemum annuum L. ID:

19 lokalita: Na horách Pálavských nejbližší obec: Klentnice, okres Břeclav souřadnice: 48 49'57.89''N, 16 38'23.68''E, ± 5000m fytochorion: 17b. Pavlovské kopce datum: nálezce: Úlehla C poznámka: Na hranicích kvadrantů 7165b, 7165d a 7265b. ID: var. fl. alba lokalita: Mikulov nejbližší obec: Mikulov, okres Břeclav souřadnice: 48 48'39.40''N, 16 38'33.29''E, ± 800m fytochorion: 17b. Pavlovské kopce nálezce: s. coll. herbář: HR ID: lokalita: 149. Bavory: v obci nejbližší obec: Bavory, okres Břeclav nadmořská výška: m fytochorion: 17b. Pavlovské kopce datum: nálezce: Petr Pyšek; Rudolf Hlaváček; Bohumil Mandák pramen: Danihelka J. & Grulich V. (1996): Výsledky floristického kursu v Břeclavi (1995). - Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ., suppl. 1996/1: projekt: FLDOK ID:

Distribution of Sorbus milensis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus milensis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus milensis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus milensis


Distribution of Suaeda salsa in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Suaeda salsa in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Michal Ducháček, Pavel Kúr, Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Distribution of Suaeda salsa in the Czech Republic Database records used for producing the distribution map of Suaeda


Distribution of Tragus racemosus in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Tragus racemosus in the Czech Republic Distribution of Tragus racemosus in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Zázvorka Map produced on: 18-11-2015 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Tragus racemosus published


Distribution of Sorbus portae-bohemicae in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus portae-bohemicae in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus portae-bohemicae in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus


Distribution of Carex pseudobrizoides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Carex pseudobrizoides in the Czech Republic Distribution of Carex pseudobrizoides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Vít Grulich, Radomír Řepka Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Carex pseudobrizoides


Distribution of Cerastium alsinifolium in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Cerastium alsinifolium in the Czech Republic Distribution of Cerastium alsinifolium in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Přemysl Tájek Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Cerastium


Distribution of Sorbus thayensis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus thayensis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus thayensis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus thayensis


Distribution of Sorbus eximia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus eximia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus eximia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus eximia published


Distribution of Oenanthe fistulosa in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Oenanthe fistulosa in the Czech Republic Distribution of Oenanthe fistulosa in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jan Prančl Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Oenanthe fistulosa published


Distribution of Asplenium alternifolium nothosubsp. heufleri in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Asplenium alternifolium nothosubsp. heufleri in the Czech Republic Distribution of Asplenium alternifolium nothosubsp. heufleri in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of


Distribution of Dysphania schraderiana in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Dysphania schraderiana in the Czech Republic Distribution of Dysphania schraderiana in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan, Pavel Dřevojan, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Amelanchier lamarckii in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Amelanchier lamarckii in the Czech Republic Distribution of Amelanchier lamarckii in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Lepší, Martin Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Amelanchier


Distribution of Salvia austriaca in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Salvia austriaca in the Czech Republic Distribution of Salvia austriaca in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jitka Štěpánková Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Salvia austriaca published


Distribution of Salvia aethiopis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Salvia aethiopis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Salvia aethiopis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jitka Štěpánková Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Salvia aethiopis published


Distribution of Lappula semicincta in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Lappula semicincta in the Czech Republic Distribution of Lappula semicincta in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Karel Kubát Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Lappula semicincta published


Distribution of Hieracium chlorocephalum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium chlorocephalum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium chlorocephalum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek, Jiří Kocián Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium


Distribution of Polystichum setiferum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Polystichum setiferum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Polystichum setiferum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 15-10-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Polystichum setiferum published


Distribution of Pilularia globulifera in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Pilularia globulifera in the Czech Republic Distribution of Pilularia globulifera in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Pilularia globulifera published


Distribution of Centaurea calcitrapa in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea calcitrapa in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea calcitrapa in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea calcitrapa


Distribution of Setaria verticilliformis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Setaria verticilliformis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Setaria verticilliformis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek Map produced on: 26-10-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Setaria verticilliformis


Distribution of Gypsophila scorzonerifolia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Gypsophila scorzonerifolia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Gypsophila scorzonerifolia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map


Distribution of Persicaria orientalis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Persicaria orientalis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Persicaria orientalis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of


Distribution of Aposeris foetida in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Aposeris foetida in the Czech Republic Distribution of Aposeris foetida in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jitka Štěpánková Map produced on: 12-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Aposeris foetida published


Distribution of Luronium natans in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Luronium natans in the Czech Republic Distribution of Luronium natans in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Luronium natans published


Distribution of Thesium rostratum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Thesium rostratum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Václav Dvořák, Martin Dančák Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Distribution of Thesium rostratum in the Czech Republic Database records used for producing the distribution map of Thesium rostratum


Distribution of Wolffia arrhiza in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Wolffia arrhiza in the Czech Republic Distribution of Wolffia arrhiza in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Wolffia arrhiza published


Distribution of Crepis foetida subsp. foetida in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Crepis foetida subsp. foetida in the Czech Republic Distribution of Crepis foetida subsp. foetida in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Crepis foetida


Distribution of Rubus chamaemorus in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Rubus chamaemorus in the Czech Republic Distribution of Rubus chamaemorus in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Zázvorka Map produced on: 10-08-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Rubus chamaemorus published


Distribution of Eichhornia crassipes in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Eichhornia crassipes in the Czech Republic Distribution of Eichhornia crassipes in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Eichhornia crassipes


Distribution of Thesium ebracteatum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Thesium ebracteatum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Václav Dvořák, Martin Dančák Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Distribution of Thesium ebracteatum in the Czech Republic Database records used for producing the distribution map of Thesium


Distribution of Sorbus latifolia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus latifolia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus latifolia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus latifolia


Distribution of Dactylorhiza fuchsii subsp. sooana in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Dactylorhiza fuchsii subsp. sooana in the Czech Republic Distribution of Dactylorhiza fuchsii subsp. sooana in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Vojtěch Taraška, Bohumil Trávníček Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Elatine orthosperma in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Elatine orthosperma in the Czech Republic Distribution of Elatine orthosperma in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdenek Kaplan, Jan Prančl, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 18-11-2015 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Pistia stratiotes in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Pistia stratiotes in the Czech Republic Distribution of Pistia stratiotes in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Pistia stratiotes published


Distribution of Asplenium trichomanes subsp. hastatum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Asplenium trichomanes subsp. hastatum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Asplenium trichomanes subsp. hastatum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Asplenium


Distribution of Lepidium latifolium in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Lepidium latifolium in the Czech Republic Distribution of Lepidium latifolium in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Michal Ducháček Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Lepidium latifolium


Distribution of Centaurea melanocalathia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea melanocalathia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea melanocalathia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea melanocalathia


Distribution of Centaurea mollis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea mollis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Distribution of Centaurea mollis in the Czech Republic Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea montana subsp.


Distribution of Salvia hispanica in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Salvia hispanica in the Czech Republic Distribution of Salvia hispanica in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jitka Štěpánková Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Salvia hispanica published


Distribution of Symphytum asperum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Symphytum asperum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Symphytum asperum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Michal Hroneš, Lucie Kobrlová Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Symphytum


Distribution of Veronica bellidioides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Veronica bellidioides in the Czech Republic Distribution of Veronica bellidioides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka Map produced on: 12-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Veronica bellidioides


Distribution of Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sparganium erectum subsp. neglectum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdenek Kaplan Map produced on: 18-11-2015 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sparganium


Distribution of Centaurea javorkae in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea javorkae in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea javorkae in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea javorkae published


Distribution of Hieracium villosum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium villosum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium villosum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek, Jiří Kocián Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium


Distribution of Helictotrichon desertorum subsp. basalticum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Helictotrichon desertorum subsp. basalticum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Helictotrichon desertorum subsp. basalticum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Zázvorka Map produced on: 12-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of


Distribution of Sorbus sudetica in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus sudetica in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus sudetica in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus sudetica


Distribution of Hieracium schustleri in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium schustleri in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium schustleri in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium schustleri


Distribution of Hieracium silesiacum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium silesiacum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium silesiacum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek, Jiří Kocián Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium


Distribution of Hieracium chrysostyloides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium chrysostyloides in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium chrysostyloides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek, Jiří Kocián Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium


Distribution of Crepis mollis subsp. mollis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Crepis mollis subsp. mollis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Crepis mollis subsp. mollis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Crepis mollis


Distribution of Aldrovanda vesiculosa in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Aldrovanda vesiculosa in the Czech Republic Distribution of Aldrovanda vesiculosa in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Aldrovanda vesiculosa


Distribution of Dysphania ambrosioides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Dysphania ambrosioides in the Czech Republic Distribution of Dysphania ambrosioides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan, Pavel Dřevojan, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Hieracium riphaeum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium riphaeum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium riphaeum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium riphaeum published


Distribution of Centaurea gerstlaueri in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea gerstlaueri in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea gerstlaueri in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea gerstlaueri


Distribution of Centaurea diffusa in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea diffusa in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea diffusa in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký, Patrik Mráz Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea diffusa


Distribution of Sorbus abscondita in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus abscondita in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus abscondita in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus abscondita


Distribution of Azolla filiculoides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Azolla filiculoides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan, Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Distribution of Azolla filiculoides in the Czech Republic Database records used for producing the distribution map of Azolla filiculoides


Distribution of Cerastium fontanum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Cerastium fontanum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Cerastium fontanum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Cerastium fontanum published


Distribution of Asplenium trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Asplenium trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Asplenium trichomanes subsp. pachyrachis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Asplenium


Distribution of Crepis pannonica in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Crepis pannonica in the Czech Republic Distribution of Crepis pannonica in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Crepis pannonica published


Distribution of Elodea nuttallii in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Elodea nuttallii in the Czech Republic Distribution of Elodea nuttallii in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 26-10-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Elodea nuttallii published


Distribution of Bidens connatus in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Bidens connatus in the Czech Republic Distribution of Bidens connatus in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jitka Štěpánková Map produced on: 12-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Bidens connatus published


Distribution of Dryopteris cambrensis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Dryopteris cambrensis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Dryopteris cambrensis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 12-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Dryopteris cambrensis published


Distribution of Psephellus dealbatus in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Psephellus dealbatus in the Czech Republic Distribution of Psephellus dealbatus in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Psephellus dealbatus


Distribution of Hieracium nigritum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium nigritum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium nigritum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek, Jiří Kocián Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium


Distribution of Gypsophila fastigiata subsp. arenaria in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Gypsophila fastigiata subsp. arenaria in the Czech Republic Distribution of Gypsophila fastigiata subsp. arenaria in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Drosera obovata in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Drosera obovata in the Czech Republic Distribution of Drosera obovata in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Drosera obovata published


Distribution of Corispermum pallasii in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Corispermum pallasii in the Czech Republic Distribution of Corispermum pallasii in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Corispermum pallasii


Distribution of Callitriche vigens in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Callitriche vigens in the Czech Republic Distribution of Callitriche vigens in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jan Prančl Map produced on: 26-10-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Callitriche vigens published


Distribution of Sparganium natans in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sparganium natans in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sparganium natans in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdenek Kaplan Map produced on: 20-11-2015 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sparganium natans published


Distribution of Carex buxbaumii in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Carex buxbaumii in the Czech Republic Distribution of Carex buxbaumii in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Vít Grulich, Radomír Řepka Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Carex buxbaumii


Distribution of Hieracium pedunculare in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium pedunculare in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium pedunculare in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium pedunculare


Distribution of Tripolium pannonicum subsp. pannonicum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Tripolium pannonicum subsp. pannonicum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Tripolium pannonicum subsp. pannonicum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Tripolium


Distribution of Carex stenophylla in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Carex stenophylla in the Czech Republic Distribution of Carex stenophylla in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Vít Grulich, Radomír Řepka Map produced on: 12-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Carex stenophylla


Distribution of Centaurea pseudophrygia C. stenolepis subsp. stenolepis in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea pseudophrygia C. stenolepis subsp. stenolepis in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea pseudophrygia C. stenolepis subsp. stenolepis in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 07-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum


Distribution of Dactylorhiza fuchsii var. psychrophila in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Dactylorhiza fuchsii var. psychrophila in the Czech Republic Distribution of Dactylorhiza fuchsii var. psychrophila in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Vojtěch Taraška, Bohumil Trávníček Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution


Distribution of Sideritis montana in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sideritis montana in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sideritis montana in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sideritis


Distribution of Polypodium interjectum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Polypodium interjectum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Polypodium interjectum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 10-08-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Polypodium interjectum


Distribution of Centaurea phrygia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea phrygia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea phrygia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea phrygia published


Distribution of Tofieldia calyculata in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Tofieldia calyculata in the Czech Republic Distribution of Tofieldia calyculata in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jitka Štěpánková Map produced on: 18-11-2015 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Tofieldia calyculata


Distribution of Notholaena marantae in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Notholaena marantae in the Czech Republic Distribution of Notholaena marantae in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Libor Ekrt Map produced on: 13-05-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Notholaena marantae published


Distribution of Chenopodium chenopodioides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Chenopodium chenopodioides in the Czech Republic Distribution of Chenopodium chenopodioides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Pavel Dřevojan, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map


Distribution of Thalictrum flavum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Thalictrum flavum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Thalictrum flavum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Thalictrum flavum published


Distribution of Centaurea nigra in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Centaurea nigra in the Czech Republic Distribution of Centaurea nigra in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Petr Koutecký Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Centaurea nigra published


Distribution of Drosera intermedia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Drosera intermedia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Drosera intermedia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Drosera intermedia published


Distribution of Najas minor in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Najas minor in the Czech Republic Distribution of Najas minor in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 26-10-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Najas minor published in Preslia.


Distribution of Viola alba in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Viola alba in the Czech Republic Distribution of Viola alba in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Jan Kirschner, Karel Fajmon Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Viola


Distribution of Hieracium prenanthoides in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hieracium prenanthoides in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hieracium prenanthoides in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek, Jiří Kocián Map produced on: 08-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hieracium


Distribution of Viola ambigua in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Viola ambigua in the Czech Republic Distribution of Viola ambigua in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Jan Kirschner Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Viola ambigua


Distribution of Gypsophila paniculata in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Gypsophila paniculata in the Czech Republic Distribution of Gypsophila paniculata in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jiří Danihelka, Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of


Distribution of Pilosella bifurca in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Pilosella bifurca in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Jindřich Chrtek jun., Olga Rotreklová Map produced on: 16-10-2017 Distribution of Pilosella bifurca in the Czech Republic Database records used for producing the distribution map of


Distribution of Lepidium sativum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Lepidium sativum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Lepidium sativum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Michal Ducháček Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Lepidium sativum published


Distribution of Hippocrepis comosa in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Hippocrepis comosa in the Czech Republic Distribution of Hippocrepis comosa in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Hippocrepis comosa published


Distribution of Dittrichia graveolens in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Dittrichia graveolens in the Czech Republic Distribution of Dittrichia graveolens in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Michal Ducháček, Petr Kocián, Pavel Kúr Map produced on: 26-10-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map


Distribution of Utricularia vulgaris in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Utricularia vulgaris in the Czech Republic Distribution of Utricularia vulgaris in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 08-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Utricularia vulgaris


Distribution of Lycopus exaltatus in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Lycopus exaltatus in the Czech Republic Distribution of Lycopus exaltatus in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 06-02-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Lycopus exaltatus published


Distribution of Utricularia intermedia in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Utricularia intermedia in the Czech Republic Distribution of Utricularia intermedia in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Zdeněk Kaplan Map produced on: 13-08-2017 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Utricularia intermedia


Distribution of Lythrum virgatum in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Lythrum virgatum in the Czech Republic Distribution of Lythrum virgatum in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Kateřina Šumberová Map produced on: 12-06-2018 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Lythrum virgatum published


Distribution of Sorbus bohemica in the Czech Republic

Distribution of Sorbus bohemica in the Czech Republic Distribution of Sorbus bohemica in the Czech Republic Author of the map: Martin Lepší, Petr Lepší Map produced on: 11-11-2016 Database records used for producing the distribution map of Sorbus bohemica
