Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice Název materiálu: Boys sport baseball, Girls sport - cheerleading Autor materiálu: Mgr. Jiřina Dorovínová Datum (období) vytvoření: 27.9.2012 Zařazení materiálu: Šablona: Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT (III/2) Předmět: AJ, 4. ročník Sada: AJ4 Číslo DUM: 17 Tematická oblast: Culture of English Speaking Countries Ověření materiálu ve výuce: Datum ověření: Ověřující učitel: Třída: 19.10.2012 Mgr. Jiřina Dorovínová AZT4 Popis způsobu použití materiálu ve výuce: Výuková elektronická prezentace, která je určena pro seznámení žáků se základními informacemi o dvou sportech v USA, baseballu a cheerleadingu v tematické oblasti kultura anglicky mluvících zemí. Materiál může sloužit jako názorná pomůcka doplňující výklad učitele, ale také je vhodná pro domácí přípravu žáků (např. zpřístupněním formou e-learningu). Materiál obsahuje zpětnou vazbu ověřující pochopení látky v podobě závěrečného snímku s otázkami k tématu. Tento výukový materiál je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Baseball and Cheerleading
BOYS SPORT - BASEBALL Baseball is one of the most favourite America s sports. Many people spend a lot time playing or watching the game. It is one of the top sports played all over the world. MLB (Major League Baseball) is a professional league played in the USA.
BASEBALL RULES Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport. A game of baseball is played by two teams on a baseball field. Each team has 9 players. The sides of the baseball fields, or diamond, are 27.4 metres long. On a baseball field there are 4 bases.
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BASEBALL EQUIPMENT To play play baseball, you ned to have a lot of equipment: A baseball A bat Gloves Special shoes Baseball hat Batting helmet and sliding pants
BASEBALL INNINGS The game is played in innings. Professional and college baseball has 9 innings. In an inning, each team has one turn to bat and try to score runs worth 1 point. When one team bats, the other team play defense and tries to get 3 players on the other team out so they can bat.
BASEBALL INNINGS The team that is playing defense always has the ball. This is different from the other sports. After 9 innings, the team that has the most runs is the winner. If the teams have the same number of runs, they play more innings until one team wins.
GIRLS SPORT - CHEERLEADING Cheerleading is a very popular activity for girls in the USA. There are two kinds of cheerleading: Competitive cheerleading and Sideline cheerleading
SIDELINE CHEERLEADING Sideline cheerleading entertain the spectators during a sports event. Sideline cheerleaders encourage the spectators to support their team. Sideline cheerleading is said not to be a real sport. Sideline cheerleaders are more like entertainers.
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COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING On the other hand, competitive cheerleading is said to be a real sport. In competitive cheerleading, two teams compete against each other. Competitive cheerleading includes a lot of physical activity. They must be physically strong, the sport is similar to gymnastics.
COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING Competitive cheerleaders must be good at working with other teammates. Competitive cheerleading has rules as any other sport. The cheerleaders have to stay within a certain area. They complete their routine within 3 minutes and 15 seconds.
DANGEROUS SPORT? Competitive cheerleading is a very dangerous sport. It is the main cause of serious sports injuries to women. The reason is that the cheerleaders do not wear any protective equipment, like helmets or knee pads.
DANGEROUS SPORT? The next reason might be that the cheerleaders often do not have proper training facilities. Sometimes they have to use a room without high ceiling or matting on the floor. Schools sometimes do not provide good facilities because they do not recognize cheerleading as a sport.
QUESTIONS: What is MLB? Can you name any baseball rules? What are baseball innings? What is the equipment you need to play baseball? What is the difference between sideline and competitive cheerleading?
QUESTIONS: What do you know about sideline cheerleading? What do you know about competitive cheerleading? Why is competitive cheerleading a dangerous sport? Is cheerleading a sport? Why? Why not?
SEZNAM POUŽITÉ LITERATURY A PRAMENŮ: 1. SVGALBERTIAN [cit. 2012-09-27]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons na WWW: 2. MANSKE, Magnus [cit. 2012-09-27]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons na WWW: 3. MANSKE, Magnus [cit. 2012-09-27]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons na WWW: _24,_2012.jpg?uselang=cs 4. MORMEGIL [cit. 2012-09-27]. Dostupný pod licencí Creative Commons na WWW: 5. Angličtina. Maturitní témata. 2. vyd. Třebíč: Vydavatelství Petra Velanová, 2008. ISBN 978-80-86873-04-6, s. 64-70. 6. BORSBEY, Janet SWAN, Ruth. Crossing Cultures. Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí. 1. vyd. Dubicko: Infoa, 2007. ISBN: 978-80-7240-683-8, s. 68-69.