Consistent Interpolation of the Equation of State in Hydrodynamic Simulations
- Miroslav Mareš
- před 5 lety
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1 Consistent Interpolation of the Equation of State in Hydrodynamic Simulations Michal Zeman, Pavel Váchal Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering Outline Milan Holec Université de Bordeaux - CNRS - CEA Centre d Etudes Lasers Intenses et Applications (CELIA) This research was partly supported by the Czech Science Foundation Introduction and motivations project S, Czech Ministry of Education project RVO and Czech Technical University project SGS6/247/OHK4/3T/4. Grantová agentura České republiky Lagrangian phase Zadávací dokumentace pro veřejnou soutěž ve výzkumu a vývoji na podporu grantových projektů na rok 29 Numerical results Standardní grantové projekty Rezoning phase interior nodes boundary and interfaces nodes. Základní informace. Zadávací dokumentace pro zpracování a podávání návrhů standardních grantových projektů je zpracována v souladu se zákonem o podpoře výzkumu a vývoje a s nařízením vlády 2..2 Grantová agentura České republiky (dále jen GA ČR ) poskytuje účelovou podporu ze samostatné kapitoly státního rozpočtu České republiky na projekty v oblasti základního výzkumu, jejichž cíle a způsoby řešení stanovuje uchazeč (dále jen grantový projekt ). Účelová podpora na řešení grantového projektu (dále jen grant ) je poskytována formou dotace fyzické osobě či právnické osobě nebo zvýšením výdajů organizační složky státu či územního samosprávného celku nebo organizační jednotky Ministerstva obrany nebo Ministerstva vnitra Remapping phase zabývající se výzkumem a vývojem. Je určena výhradně k úhradě uznaných nákladů na řešení daného grantového projektu; disponování s ní mimo schválený rozpočet je porušením rozpočtové kázně a je důvodem ke zrušení grantu a k dalším sankcím podle zákona 3. GA ČR poskytuje podporu z veřejných prostředků grantovým projektům dle obecně závaz-
2 The Objective Develop a tool for practical evaluation of the Equation of State (EoS) in hydrodynamic simulations based on consistent higher order interpolation of the Helmholtz free energy Outline of This Presentation The Helmholtz free energy (HFE) Thermodynamic consistency and other physical requirements on HFE Thermodynamic interpolation of HFE vs. Direct interpolation of pressure and internal energy The HerEOS tool: Initialization, algorithm, properties Numerical results, real applications Practical issues with EoS libraries 2
3 The Euler Equations of Lagrangian Hydrodynamics d ρ d t = ρ v, ρ d v d t = (p e + p i ) + µσ, ρ d ε e d t = p e v q H q S, ρ d ε i d t = (µσ p ii) : v, The viscous extension: parabolic terms represented by viscosity µ, symmetrized velocity gradient σ = 2 ( v + v ), and electron heat flux q H given by the heat conduction ρ c Ve d T e d t = q H, q H = κ e T e. The term q S provides a general source of energy, e.g., laser energy deposition. The Equation of State provides the physical properties of plasma, i.e., the closure p e (T e, ρ), p i (T i, ρ), ε e (T e, ρ), ε i (T i, ρ), µ(t e, T i, ρ), c Ve (T e, ρ), κ e (T e, ρ). 3
4 The Equation of State The Equation of State provides the physical properties of plasma, i.e., the closure p e (T e, ρ), p i (T i, ρ), ε e (T e, ρ), ε i (T i, ρ), µ(t e, T i, ρ)), c Ve (T e, ρ), κ e (T e, ρ) Primary variables of hydrodynamic equations is the set (ρ, v, ε e, ε i ) the inverse evaluations T e (ρ, ε e ), T i (ρ, ε i ) must also be provided. All the thermodynamic quantities can be written as a function of free energy, that is, p e (f e (T e, ρ)), p i (f i (T i, ρ)), ε e (f e (T e, ρ)), ε i (f i (T i, ρ)), µ(f e (T e, ρ), f i (T i, ρ)), c Ve (f e (T e, ρ)), which makes them inherently dependent resulting action of EoS is TD consistent. We require correct relations to hold between the state variables and their derivatives. All variables considered here in their specific form (= per mass) as functions of T and ρ. 4
5 The Helmholtz Free Energy (HFE): f(t, ρ) A fundamental thermodynamic quantity, used to express the basic TD quantities in hydro: specific entropy s(t, ρ) = ( ) f T, ρ specific internal energy ε(t, ρ) = f + T s = f T ( ) pressure p(t, ρ) = ρ 2 f ρ T. ( ) f T ρ Useful derived quantities include ( ) ( ) specific isochoric heat capacity c V (T, ρ) = ε T = T s ρ T = T 2 f ρ T 2 and the adiabatic speed of sound c s (T, ρ) = = ( p ρ 2ρ ) s = c ( ) p p c V ρ = T ( ) ( ) f ρ + T ρ2 2 f ρ 2 T ( ) cp c V ρ ρ 2 f ρ ( ) ( ρ 2 2 f T 2 ρ 2 f T ρ ) 2. 5
6 The Helmholtz Free Energy - Potentiality of Quantities The TD quantities originally arise from the HFE differential df = s dt + p ρ 2 dρ (st law of TD) The Helmholtz free energy is a potential, which essentially means that 2 f T ρ = 2 f ρ T, or, equivalently, p T = s ρ2 ρ, resp. for pressure and internal energy NOTE: This also ensures that ε is a potential. p T p T = ρ2 ε ρ. Preserving this property of TD potentials in numerical calculations is important In practice: Failure to obey all the strict relations inconsistencies in hydro simulation physically incorrect results (e.g.: Non-potential ε work done on the system w/o changing ε violation of TD laws) numerical difficulties We seek to preserve important properties by using a sufficiently high order of interpolation 6
7 Example: The EoS for Monoatomic Ideal Gas pressure specific entropy p(t, ρ) = N k B T V (ρ) = N k B T M ρ s(t, ρ) = S M = k B m a ( = N k B T ρ N ma ln [ ma ρ specific internal energy ε(t, ρ) = M U 3 = 2 N k B T N ma specific isochoric heat capacity c V (T, ρ) = 2 3 k B adiabatic speed of sound c s (T, ρ) = 53 p ρ = = k B m a T ρ, ( 2π m a k B T h 2 )3 2 ma 5 3 = 3 2 k B ma T, k B T ma. ] ), All these expressions can be obtained from ( the [ specific HFE of monoatomic ] ) ideal gas f(t, ρ) = k B T ln ma ma ρ + ( 2π m a k B T h 2 )3 2 One can easily verify further crucial TD relations, e.g., that HFE the proof that is a potential: 2 f T ρ = 2 f ρ T, resp. p T p T = ρ2 ε ρ. 7
8 General Physical Requirements on EoS Requirements (obvious or resulting from the TD relations): Non-negative fluid pressure and heat capacities: p, c V, c p Real (non-complex) and non-negative speed of sound: c s R + Non-negative entropy: s (to minimize HFE of the system for maximum entropy) Internal energy equals to HFE at zero temperature: ε(, ρ) = f(, ρ). Translating this to Helmholtz free energy f: f is monotonically increasing in density to provide non-negative pressure, p, f is monotonically decreasing in temperature, thus providing non-negative entropy, s, 2 f f is concave in temperature, T 2, which ensures that * heat capacity is non-negative: c V = T ε, * entropy is monotonically increasing in temperature: s ( T f satisfies ρ ρ 2 f ) ρ, that is, pressure is monot. increasing in density, p ρ, in order to provide a positive speed of sound: c s R + 8
9 Implementation of EoS - Usual Approach EoS given by discrete values of TD vars (f, p, ε,... ) on a rectangular grid in the T -ρ space We want to get the values in a general point (T, ρ). First choice, most common approach: bilinear direct interpolation: Reconstruct each TD variable by linear (dim. split) / bilinear interp. on each bin (T -ρ cell) Direct interpolation directly applied to discrete data of one given quantity, e.g. p. Simple, numerically robust Discontinuous derivatives on bin boundaries numer. issues, phys. inconsistencies TD quantities particularly difficult (phase transitions, steep gradients oscillations.) [Kerley et al., 977]: nice review motivated by the work with SESAME EoS, some improvement thanks to interpolation by rational functions TD consistency and physical requirements still largely ignored, for example: * c V can be calculated in various ways, equivalent theoretically but not numerically (depending on interp. methods for ε, s, f, on differentiation technique,... ) * Direct interp. of the discrete values for p and ε does not ensure the existence of HFE satisfying their TD definitions at the same time. From this viewpoint it seems reasonable to apply the thermodynamic interpolation Interpolate only one state variable, e.g. HFE, and derive the others in a consistent way. 9
10 Consistent & Efficient Interpolation of a General EoS Consistent evaluation of a general EoS based on the Hermite thermodynamic interpolation using discrete values of p f, p, ε, ρ, ε T, p T, ε ρ and possibly also higher derivatives, depending on the order of interpolation constructed. Two basic situations: inline EoS and tabulated EoS. Tabulated EoS (given as discrete data): * The TD interpolation approach provides some additional physical properties, which are usually omitted in hydrodynamic simulations with the bilinear direct interpolation. * TASK: evaluate the EoS while enforcing physical sanity and the physical consistency inter-relations. Inline EoS library (based on analytical formulas): * Interpolation serves mainly to accelerate the evaluation (assuming consistent quant.) * However, many of the dependencies ensuring EoS consistency are ignored in existing inline EoS implementations. * TASK: substantially accelerate the evaluation of EoS while preserving the same accuracy as with inline calculations, and moreover satisfy all the above physical and thermodynamic constraints.
11 Hermite Interpolation Our method is based on the idea from [Swesty & Timmes,996,2]: Reconstruct one basic state variable (in our case HFE) by local Hermite-type interpolation of sufficient order. Hermite interpolation: approximate a general function F by polynomial such, that its values and derivatives up to a certain order at given points agree to those of F. Our use: Reconstruct the HFE on a bin (2D quad in T -ρ space) solely from values and derivatives of HFE at its four corners. (Hence local Hermite-type interpolation ) That is, reconstruct f(t, ρ) from known values and derivatives at discrete points (T, ρ) To get these discrete input data: HFE directly from the provided EoS library (inline or discrete) either from HFE by finite differencing Derivatives or from p, ε,... provided by EoS library + corresp. TD relations The latter sounds best, but many consistency issues! Order of interpolation: TD consistency requirements at least bicubic interpolation This also provides numerically useful properties (continuous derivatives p and ε). [Swesty & Timmes,996,2] suggest biquintic (for further physical and numer. properties) The higher order of interpolation, the more sensitive to the consistency of input data. With some EoS libraries, one has to * use lower order and/or direct interpolation (= give up some TD consistency), * or try to automatically detect and correct inconsistencies by pre-processing EoS data
12 HerEOS - Part I: Initialization Creation of interpolation tables (from which the actual interpolation will be constructed): f, f T, f ρ, f T T, f ρρ, f T ρ,... at given T -ρ grid nodes. Case : Discrete EoS data Simply reuse this grid and load available variables (Typically, the grid is logically rectangular with irregular spacing) In most cases, the values of HFE are given. Its derivatives either from the other provided variables (using TD relations) or by FD For higher order interpolations, combine both approches At this point, obvious nonphys. values and inconsistencies can be captured and fixed. Case 2: A set of inline functions Construct the T -ρ grid as needed (range, spacing, distribution). (Typically a rectangular grid with linear or logarithmic spacing.) On it we generate the values of HFE and its derivatives up to the order needed. Derivatives again from derived variables or by finite differencing. Combining these two approaches, we can discover further inconsistencies. Done just once as preprocessing step for given EoS and expected T -ρ range. Can be stored for reuse with future simulations next time, Part I is skipped. even if costly (eval. of inline f., sanity checks, consistency repair), not a significant burden. even fine T -ρ grids can be used (EoS eval = search of bin + simple interp. formula) 2
13 HerEOS - Part II: Calculation of Quantities by Interpolation Evaluation of EoS in the actual simulation To get HFE at given (T, ρ): find the appropriate bin of the T -ρ grid (faster if grid rectangular) compute the interpolation function from the pre-calculated table. Values of the derived quantities: easily obtained by using corresponding derivatives of the interpolating formula. advantageous to calculate all desired quantities for given (T, ρ) at once. Example: Bicubic interpolation on the bin [T i, T i ] [ρ j, ρ j ] 6 values needed on input (4 per corner of the bin): f [] = f(t i, ρ j ), f [] = f(t i, ρ j ), f [] = f(t i, ρ j ), f [] = f(t i, ρ j ), f [] = f T T (T i, ρ j ), f [] T f ρ [] = f ρ (T i, ρ j ), f ρ [] f [] T ρ = 2 f ρ T (T i, ρ j ), f [] T ρ = T (T i, ρ j ), f [] =..., f [] =..., T T ρ =..., f ρ [] =..., = f = f ρ (T i, ρ j ), f [] 2 f ρ T (T i, ρ j ), f [] T ρ =..., f [] T ρ =.... 3
14 On this interval, scale T and ρ to unit square t i (T ) = (T T i )/ T i, T i = T i T i, r j (ρ) = (ρ ρ j )/ ρ j, ρ j = ρ j ρ j and introduce local auxiliary functions (cubic Hermite base polynomials) G (t i (T )) = t i 3 t 2 i + 2 t3 i, H (r j (ρ)) = 3 r2 j + 2 r3 j, G (t i (T )) = t i 2 t 2 i + t3 i, H (r j (ρ)) = r j 2 r2 j + r3 j, G 2 (t i (T )) = t 2 i + t3 i, H 2 (r j (ρ)) = r2 j + r3 j, G 3 (t i (T )) = 3 t 2 i 2 t3 i, H 3 (r j (ρ)) = 3 r2 j 2 r3 j. The value of f(t, ρ) will now be approximated by f i,j (T, ρ) as f i,j (T, ρ) = f [] G (T ) H (ρ) + f [] G 3 (T ) H (ρ) + f [] G (T ) H 3 (ρ) + f [] G 3 (T ) H 3 (ρ) +f [] T +f [] T +f ρ [] +f [] ρ G (T ) H (ρ) T i + f[] T G (T ) H 3 (ρ) T i + f[] T G (T ) H (ρ) ρ j + f[] ρ G (T ) H 2 (ρ) ρ j + f[] ρ G 2 (T ) H (ρ) T i G 2 (T ) H 3 (ρ) T i G 3 (T ) H (ρ) ρ j G 3 (T ) H 2 (ρ) ρ j +f [] T ρ G (T ) H (ρ) T i ρ j + f[] T ρ G 2 (T ) H (ρ) T i ρ j +f [] T ρ G (T ) H 2 (ρ) T i ρ j + f[] T ρ G 2 (T ) H 2 (ρ) T i ρ j. 4
15 HerEOS Code - Selected Properties For now works with (includes or uses) several EoS, namely ideal polytropic gas, FEOS [Faik, 22, 28], QEOS [More et al., 988], BADGER [Heltemes & Moses, 22], MPQeos [Kemp & Meyer-ter-Vehn, 998], SESAME [Lyon, Johnson et al., 992]. Incorporation of further EoS is straightforward. Particular regime (interp. order, ways to calculate derivatives) can be combined for each EoS General interfaces for C/C++ and Fortran easy linking to various codes, e.g. PALE [Liska et al., 28, 2] - 2D ALE hydro + plasma code PETE [Holec, 26] - Lagrangian code, nonlocal transport, high-order curvilinear MFEM Currently used for comparing various EoS within the same code (seldom done before) Sanity checks: fast convergence of interp. results to inline values, TD bicubic & biquintic Speed-up: General inline EoS libraries: with TD interp. much faster than with direct inline calc. Evaluation of realistic EoS usually among the most expensive parts. Using denser EoS data interpolation tables (higher T -ρ resol.) does not cost much more. Higher order TD interp. only slightly more expensive than bilin. direct interp. & provides more state variables more complex models w/o additional (incompatible) methods. 5
16 Numerical Results I - Convergence of HerEOS to Inline EoS Density Temperature z-component of velocity Laser-target interaction simulated by code PALE in r-z regime 4 µm thick Al foil irradiated by a normally incident J Nd laser pulse (λ = 53 nm) Gaussian in time and space (t FWHM = 3 ps, focal spot radius r f = µm). To start with: very sparse computational mesh (3 4 cells) Situation at ps after maximum intensity of the laser 6
17 Numerical Results I - Convergence of HerEOS to Inline EoS To check convergence of thermodynamic interpolation to the solution with inline EoS. (Convergence w.r.t. size of the interp. tables / resolution of T -ρ grid) Ideal gas EoS, γ = 5/3. (Too simple, but we need consistent data and enough derivatives) Relative discrepancies at the location of maximum density: Number of Bicubic Biquintic T -ρ bins ρ p T uz ρ p T uz 2 2.e-2 7.7e-2 8.9e e e-3.7e e-3 4.4e e e e e-2.e e-5.2e e e-6 2.2e-5.8e-5 4.3e-6.29e e-6.2e-6 7.e-7 Interpolation-based solution is close to the inline-based solution already with very sparse T -ρ grids (low resolution of interp. tables) and quickly converges This is the case for biquintic as well as bicubic thermodynamic interpolation. 7
18 ρ [g cm 3 ] Numerical Results II - LULI Prepulse ρ and T profiles at certain times 2ps 5ps 8ps 4ps x [µm] Te [ev] 2 3 (T -ρ) region of interest & No. of calls T [ev] To demonstrate the effect of various EoS and assess the efficiency of HerEOS Like [Fajardo et al., 2], simulated an experiment for the pre-pulse of TW LULI laser. Al target irradiated by a normally incident 6 ps long (FWHM) laser pulse Gaussian in time as well as space, with peak intensity I max = 5 3 W cm 2. Code PETE run in D with I max (that is, with intensity as on the laser beam axis in the 2D case) up to final time 4 ps after the laser intensity maximum. Postprocessed data compared to measured values of partial ionization [Fajardo et al., 2]
19 Numerical Results II - LULI Prepulse Comparison of EoS: ρ (left) and T (right), 5 ps after the laser intensity maximum ρ [g cm 3 ] 2 3 QEOS FEOS SESAME BADGER x [µm] Te [ev] QEOS FEOS SESAME BADGER x [µm] ρ [g cm 3 ] QEOS FEOS SESAME BADGER Te [ev] 4 2 QEOS FEOS SESAME BADGER 5 5 x [µm] 5 5 x [µm] All tested EoS behave similarly, except for BADGER (wave splits into two: irrelevant) Very good correspondence between QEOS and SESAME results. 9
20 Numerical Results II - LULI Prepulse 2 Assessment of the efficiency of HerEOS Focus only on the part performing the actual evaluation of EoS: T [ev] Net time : each bin (rectangular cell) of the region of T -ρ space visited throughout the simulation times the number of visits (color map) Inline FEOS calls replaced by bicubic TD interpolation of HFE net time reduced by 23% Inline FEOS calls replaced by bilinear direct interp. of p and ε net time reduced by 6% As expected, an even better improvement can be obtained for more complicated EoS and for simulations using more derived variables. (FEOS is still cheap compared to other EoS.) In our case: replacing inline BADGER by interpolation of BADGER-generated discrete data cost reduced by 97% (bicubic thermodynamic interpolation), resp. cost reduced by 99% (bilinear direct interpolation)! 2
21 Numerical Results III - Shock Velocity in Foam at OMEGA Experiment OMEGA, University of Rochester [Falk, Holec et al., 27, 28,... ] Hydro shock in a polystyrene foam warm dense matter conditions analysis of EoS. Multi-layer target consisting of 25 µm plastic (CH) ablator 2 3 µm Au coating to shield X-ray radiation 7 µm Al pusher 3 µm of C 8 H 8 polystyrene foam (ρ =.4 g cm 3 ) 5 laser beams overlapped planar square drive, 7 4 W cm 2, duration 2 ns, λ = 35 nm The laser-driven shock gradually propagates through target layers into the foam, where the actual shock velocity is measured experimentally. TD conditions in the shock wave traveling through the C 8 H 8 foam studied with a number of diagnostics developed for the platform including VISAR, SOP and XRTS Shock velocity measured by an interferometer VISAR system by detecting shock break-out times across four 4 µm steps manufactured on the back side of the target. Shock break-out times also measured independently by the SOP system 2
22 Numerical Results III - Shock Velocity in Foam at OMEGA Measured shock velocities at break-out: 57.8±3.8, Density colormap from the simulation: 64.±4.9, resp. 67.5±5. km s Arrows in the foam layer: positions of steps on the back of target Simulated shock velocities in very good agreement with exper. measurements. Hugoniot jump condition analysis: simulated shock velocity in excellent agreement with SESAME TD jump conditions at every moment of propagation Sign of a finite preheat due to nonlocal electron transport seen in simulation and experiment Values of T and ρ extremely sensitive to the EoS model proper EoS (here SESAME) is absolutely essential for the hydrodynamic simulation SESAME tables suffer from serious inconsistency in provided TD quantities (esp. HFE), consistent TD interpolation of HFE replaced by bilinear direct interpolation of p and ε 22
23 Issues with EoS Libraries - Monotonicity, Convexity Practical issues arising with popular EoS libraries (inline as well as discrete) Even simple tests reveal violations of TD consistency and physical relevance requirements e.g., check concavity of f in T to prevent negative c V. Situation gets more complicated * with higher-order thermodynamic interpolations * when ρ and p are also taken into account For a bicubic function: check if ( g (T ) r )( g (T ) r ), where r = g(t ) g(t ) T T. Same techniques detect places in discrete EoS where values of derived variables (p, ε,... ) are inconsistent with discrete values of actual HFE and consequently its derivatives Such inconsistencies thus generate spurious oscillations of the interpolating function 23
24 Issues with EoS Libraries - Inconsistent Variables physically relevant results EoS library must obey TD and physical requirements for stability of the simulation. HFE usually not explicitly used by codes, but holds the key to consistent EoS calculations Idea: check the consistency of the HFE values by integrating over its differential as f(ρ, T ) f(ρ, T ) = ρ ρ f ρ dρ + T T f T dt = ρ ρ p ρ 2 dρ T T s dt, (where p and s are provided by the EoS) with the value of HFE provided by the EoS. calculated from p and ε provided by the EoS Or: Compare derivatives of HFE obtained by applying finite diff. on HFE provided by EoS Inconsistency found in many EoS libraries, both inline and discrete! Inline EoS library FEOS p[g cm s 2 ] 7 2 inline, ρ =. g cm FD, ρ =. g cm 3 inline, ρ = 5.8 g cm 3 FD, ρ = 5.8 g cm 3-2 T [ev] ε[erg] inline, ρ =. g cm 3 FD, ρ =. g cm 3 inline, ρ = 5.8 g cm 3 FD, ρ = 5.8 g cm 3 Discrep. due to separate postprocess of p and ε? 2 T [ev] Direct inline call: negative p TD interpolation: p almost OK, but ε oscillates No interp. so far, just inline EoS and FD! 24
25 Issues with EoS Libraries - Inconsistent Variables Employing bicubic TD interpolation on such inconsistent data produces oscillations: p[g cm s 2 ] 2 2 inline p from f and its FD cubic int. from f, p and ε cubic int. from f and its FD p[g cm s 2 ] 2 2 EOS table 5x5 EOS table 25x Blue dashed: Inline values of f constant, but inline values of p f ρ negative oscillations Depending on the density of (T, ρ) grid (spacing of EoS data)! - see right Fig. Blue solid: Using FD helps a bit, but we lose information (not use EoS pressure). Detail of the interpolation of HFE and consequently on corresponding p f [erg] tangent f (ρ) from p tangent f (ρ) from FD f interpolated using p f interpolated using FD p[g cm s 2 ] p from f using p p from f using FD - ρ ρ ρ 2-8 ρ ρ ρ 2 25
26 Issues with EoS Libraries - Inconsistent Variables FEOS for electrons, Al, bicubic TD interpolation of f from inline EoS vals of f, p, ε p[g cm s 2 ] T [ev] e 2 7e 3 5e 3 3e 3 e 3 Pressure 3e 3 e T [ev] 5e 3 7e 3 e ε[erg] T [ev] e 2 7e 3 5e 3 3e 3 Internal energy e 3 3e 3 5e 3 7e 3 e 2-8 e T [ev] Spurious oscillations appear on a wide region of (T, ρ) space, inherent to both p and ε. Regions with p ρ < complex speed of sound fails if not treated Unfortunately, using FD to get p and ε does not prevent all the oscillations!
27 Discrete EoS: Issues with EoS Libraries - Inconsistent Variables SESAME, pressure for electrons and ions, bicubic TD interpolation (red, purple) vs. bilinear direct interpolation (blue, green) SESAME for electrons in Aluminum: bicubic interpolated HFE p[g cm s 2 ] 2 Electron - lin. int. Electron - cub. int. Ion - lin. int. Ion - cub. int. 2 Pressure at T = 25 ev p[g cm s 2 ] 3 2 SESAME grid Internal energy at ρ = 6e-5 g/cm 3 ε[erg].5.5 bicubic interpolated HFE SESAME grid T [ev] Pressure, zoom of p[g cm s 2 ] p 2 p p p from interp. f on [ρ,ρ ] p linearly interp. on [ρ,ρ ] p from interp. f on [ρ,ρ 2 ] p linearly interp. on [ρ,ρ 2 ] HFE corresp. to f [erg] f 2 f f interpolated f on [ρ,ρ ] slope [ρ,ρ ] interpolated f on [ρ,ρ 2 ] slope [ρ,ρ 2 ] tangent f (ρ ) tangent f (ρ ) tangent f (ρ 2 ) ρ ρ ρ 2 ρ ρ ρ 2 27
28 Issues with EoS Libraries - HFE Not Being a Potential Requirement 2 f T ρ = 2 f ρ T p can be written as p T T = ρ2 ε ρ Must hold for any EoS (inline or discrete) at any (T, ρ) and can be checked explicitly by FD Bicubic TD interp. on consistent data satisfies by definition, direct interp. of p and ε do not FEOS: Discrepancy Err pot = p T p T ρ2 ε ρ. (left)... p and ε from bicubic TD interpolation of HFE (middle)... p and ε from finite differencing of inline HFE (right) Inline HFE values and... inline p and ε (default for FEOS users) T [ev] T [ev].5.3 NOTE: Typical pressure in the region 2 g/cm/s T [ev] Similar (but less serious) violation of potentiality is observed in the discrete SESAME EoS Suggests to use higher order TD interpolation + recover consistency in inconsistent data
29 Issues with EoS Libraries - Physical Irrelevance I numerical artifacts on transitions I misuse of model outside validity range Negative electron pressure given by inline FEOS: Blue: negative, Magenta: very negative Multiple models combined on the T -ρ domain ρ [g cm 3 ] T [ev] SESAME, ion pressure for Aluminum (negative values of pressure) FEOS, ion internal energy for CH (non-monot. ε at phase transition cv < ) M. Zeman, M. Holec and P. V achal / P ovoa de Varzim, May 25, 28 29
30 Lesson Learned Sometimes data provided by library (inline FEOS, discrete SESAME) are too inconsistent constructed TD interpolation of HFE too oscillatory give up some consistency and use classical bilinear direct interpolation of p and ε. Summary HerEOS: a library for the evaluation of general EoS by Hermite-type interpolation Provides some very desirable TD properties Tested with various inline (analytical) and tabulated EoS Applied in two-temperature hydrodynamic simulations of laser heated plasma Tested and used in several multi-d hydro codes in Fortran and C++, Python planned Significant reduction of computational cost achieved and further reduction expected For EoS libraries providing inconsistent data, fallback to classical bilin. direct interpolation Future Work Alternative approximation techniques such as surface fitting (suggested by J. Grove) Detection and automatic correction of obvious flaws in source EoS data (machine learning) HFE often inconsistent with p and ε Automatic construction of HFE / its values from p, ε 3
31 Acknowledgments Pierre-Henri Maire Jiří Limpouch John Grove Jan Nikl - fruitful discussions and very helpful comments - sharing his expertise on EoS, especially SESAME - collaboration on the PETE code This research was partly supported by the Czech Science Foundation project S, Czech Ministry of Education project RVO and Czech Technical University project SGS6/247/OHK4/3T/4. 3
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DC circuits with a single source
Název projektu: utomatizace výrobních procesů ve strojírenství a řemeslech egistrační číslo: Z..07/..0/0.008 Příjemce: SPŠ strojnická a SOŠ profesora Švejcara Plzeň, Klatovská 09 Tento projekt je spolufinancován
VY_32_INOVACE_06_Předpřítomný čas_03. Škola: Základní škola Slušovice, okres Zlín, příspěvková organizace
VY_32_INOVACE_06_Předpřítomný čas_03 Autor: Růžena Krupičková Škola: Základní škola Slušovice, okres Zlín, příspěvková organizace Název projektu: Zkvalitnění ICT ve slušovské škole Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2400
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Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, SCHEME OF WORK Mathematics SCHEME OF WORK. cz
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Klepnutím lze upravit styl předlohy. nadpisů. nadpisů.
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SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY 1. Basi information author Albert Einstein phenomena obsered when TWO frames of referene moe relatie to eah other with speed lose to the speed of light 1905 - speial theory
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USING VIDEO IN PRE-SET AND IN-SET TEACHER TRAINING Eva Minaříková Institute for Research in School Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University Structure of the presentation What can we as teachers
Just write down your most recent and important education. Remember that sometimes less is more some people may be considered overqualified.
CURRICULUM VITAE - EDUCATION Jindřich Bláha Výukový materiál zpracován v rámci projektu EU peníze školám Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Bc. Jindřich Bláha. Dostupné z Metodického
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Effect of temperature on water vapour transport properties J. FOŘT, Z. PAVLÍK, J. ŽUMÁR,, M. PAVLÍKOVA & R. ČERNÝ Č CTU PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC Outline Introduction motivation, water vapour transport Experimental
Tabulka 1 Stav členské základny SK Praga Vysočany k roku 2015 Tabulka 2 Výše členských příspěvků v SK Praga Vysočany Tabulka 3 Přehled finanční
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Next line show use of paragraf symbol. It should be kept with the following number. Jak může státní zástupce věc odložit zmiňuje 159a.
1 Bad line breaks The follwing text has prepostions O and k at end of line which is incorrect according to Czech language typography standards: Mezi oblíbené dětské pohádky patří pohádky O Palečkovi, Alenka
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Evektor-Aerotechnik a.s., Letecká č.p. 84, 686 04 Kunovice, Czech Republic Phone: +40 57 57 Fax: +40 57 57 90 E-mail: Web site: PAINTING SCHEMES CATALOGUE 0 Painting
PC/104, PC/104-Plus. 196 ept GmbH I Tel. +49 (0) / I Fax +49 (0) / I I
E L E C T R O N I C C O N N E C T O R S 196 ept GmbH I Tel. +49 (0) 88 61 / 25 01 0 I Fax +49 (0) 88 61 / 55 07 I E-Mail I Contents Introduction 198 Overview 199 The Standard 200
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2. Entity, Architecture, Process
Evropský sociální fond Praha & EU: Investujeme do vaší budoucnosti Praktika návrhu číslicových obvodů Dr.-Ing. Martin Novotný Katedra číslicového návrhu Fakulta informačních technologií ČVUT v Praze Miloš
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AxeHD SOFTWARE. Software name. Authors doc. Ing. Pavel Novotný, Ph.D. Ing. Martin Jonák Ing. Juraj Hliník. Date
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GENERAL INFORMATION MATCH: ALSA PRO ARENA MASTERS DATE: 22.9. - 23.9.2018 TIME SCHEDULE: Mainmatch 1 - Saturday 22.9. registration: 22.9.2018-9.00h first shot: 22.9.2018-10.00h Mainmatch 2 - Sunday 23.9.
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0036 Název projektu: Inovace a individualizace výuky
Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0036 Název projektu: Inovace a individualizace výuky Autor: Mgr. Libuše Matulová Název materiálu: Education Označení materiálu: VY_32_INOVACE_MAT27 Datum vytvoření: 10.10.2013
Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49
Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu Výuka moderně Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0205 Šablona: III/2 Anglický jazyk
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7 WORKBOOK. Mathematics. Student: Draw: Convex angle Non-convex angle
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Extrakce nezávislé komponenty
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Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49
Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu Výuka moderně Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0205 Šablona: III/2 Anglický jazyk
Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT
Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9 Projekt MŠMT ČR: EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0536 Název projektu školy: Výuka s ICT na SŠ obchodní České Budějovice Šablona
Case Study Czech Republic Use of context data for different evaluation activities
Case Study Czech Republic Use of context data for different evaluation activities Good practice workshop on Choosing and using context indicators in Rural Development, Lisbon, 15 16 November 2012 CONTENT
Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc Czech Republic
ROBUST 13. září 2016 regression regresních modelů Categorical Continuous - explanatory, Eva Fišerová Department of Mathematical Analysis and Applications of Mathematics Faculty of Science, Palacký University
Mechanika Teplice, výrobní družstvo, závod Děčín TACHOGRAFY. Číslo Servisní Informace Mechanika: 5-2013
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Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49
Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49 Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci projektu Výuka moderně Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0205 Šablona: III/2 Anglický jazyk
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Caroline Glendinning Jenni Brooks Kate Gridley. Social Policy Research Unit University of York
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Angličtina v matematických softwarech 2 Vypracovala: Mgr. Bronislava Kreuzingerová
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CZECH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE Faculty of transportation sciences Title of project STUDY EDITS FOR BETTER TRANSPORT IN THE CENTRE OF NÁCHOD 2006 Petr Kumpošt Basic information about town Náchod Náchod
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Perception Motivated Hybrid Approach to Tone Mapping
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ROLZ-2. Portable AV/Conference Center. Assembly Instructions
1 ROLZ-2 Portable AV/Conference Center Assembly Instructions Rolz-2 Portable AV/Conference Center Part Drawing Description Qty Part Drawing Description Qty Hardware List A 1 ½ Flat Head Screw 2 EA P-1
Theme 6. Money Grammar: word order; questions
Theme 6 Money Grammar: word order; questions Čas potřebný k prostudování učiva lekce: 8 vyučujících hodin Čas potřebný k ověření učiva lekce: 45 minut KLÍNSKÝ P., MÜNCH O., CHROMÁ D., Ekonomika, EDUKO
Execrices. Mathematics FRDIS
Eecrices Mathematics FRDIS Vytvořeno s podporou projektu Průřezová inovace studijních programů Lesnické a dřevařské fakulty MENDELU v Brně (LDF) s ohledem na disciplíny společného základu http://akademie.
:= = := :=.. := := := := ρ := := α := π α = α = := = :=
:= = := :=.. := := := := ρ := := α := π α = α = := = := := α := α := = := α := := α = = ρ ρ := := := = := = := := := + + := + + := + := := := := + + := + + := + = = = :=.. := η := η := := π = :=.. :=,
ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA CZECH REPUBLIC ŘÍZENÍ LETOVÉHO PROVOZU ČR, s.p. Letecká informační služba AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES OF THE C.R. Aeronautical Information Service Navigační 787 252 61 Jeneč A 1/14 20 FEB +420
stany A B C D tents VÝBAVA stanů Husky 2005/Husky 2005 tents ACCESSORIES
VÝBAVA stanů Husky 2005/Husky 2005 ACCESSORIES A B C D E F Voděodolnost Husky Dostatečné vodní sloupce v hodnotě až 6000 mm/cm 2 tropiko a 10000 mm/cm 2 podlážka (dle typu stanu), PU zátěry a podlepené
Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA KVALITY Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3688 EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM
ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA OLOMOUC příspěvková organizace MOZARTOVA 48, 779 00 OLOMOUC tel.: 585 427 142, 775 116 442; fax: 585 422 713 email:; Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA
Summary. Mr. Andreas Molin
ANNEX 6 Conclusions of the Melk Process and Follow-up (Brussels Agreement) Annex I, Item No. 3, Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity and Radiation Embrittlement, Workshop, February 26-27, 2008, Řež near Prague
Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice
Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost
Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1. 5.00/34.0084 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních
GENERAL INFORMATION MATCH: ALSA PRO HOT SHOTS 2018 DATE: 7.7. - 8.7.2018 TIME SCHEDULE: Prematch - Friday registration: 6.7.2018-10.00h first shot: 6.7.2018-11.00h Mainmatch 1 - Saturday registration:
Progressive loyalty V1.0. Copyright 2017 TALENTHUT
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Informace o písemných přijímacích zkouškách. Doktorské studijní programy Matematika
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Klepnutím lze upravit styl předlohy. Klepnutím lze upravit styl předlohy. nadpisů. nadpisů. Aleš Křupka.
1 / 13 Klepnutím lze upravit styl předlohy Klepnutím lze upravit styl předlohy Aleš Křupka Department of Telecommunications Faculty of Electrotechnical Engineering
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1, Žáci dostanou 5 klíčových slov a snaží se na jejich základě odhadnout, o čem bude následující cvičení.
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Dynamic programming. Optimal binary search tree
The complexity of different algorithms varies: O(n), Ω(n ), Θ(n log (n)), Dynamic programming Optimal binary search tree Různé algoritmy mají různou složitost: O(n), Ω(n ), Θ(n log (n)), The complexity
Název společnosti: VPK, s.r.o. Vypracováno kým: Ing. Michal Troščak Telefon: Datum:
Pozice Počet Popis 1 SCALA2 3-45 A Datum: 2.7.217 Výrobní č.: 98562862 Grundfos SCALA2 is a fully integrated, self-priming, compact waterworks for pressure boosting in domestic applications. SCALA2 incorporates
Zubní pasty v pozměněném složení a novém designu
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Why PRIME? 20 years of Erasmus Programme Over 2 million students in total Annually
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Číslo materiálu: VY 32 INOVACE 29/18. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/
Číslo materiálu: Název materiálu: Ironic Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.1486 Zpracoval: Mgr. Petra Březinová IRONIC 1. Listen to the song Ironic from the singer Alanis Morissette. For the first time
dat 2017 Dostupný z Licence Creative Commons Uveďte autora-zachovejte licenci 4.0 Mezinárodní
Interní pravidla pro zacházení s osobními údaji při archivaci a sdílení výzkumných dat Koščík, Michal 2017 Dostupný z Dílo je chráněno podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000
Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost
Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1. 5.00/34.0084 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních
FIRE INVESTIGATION. Střední průmyslová škola Hranice. Mgr. Radka Vorlová. 19_Fire investigation CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
FIRE INVESTIGATION Střední průmyslová škola Hranice Mgr. Radka Vorlová 19_Fire investigation CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0608 Výukový materiál Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/21.34.0608 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění
Possibilities of removing H 2. S from gas from gasification of biomass
Possibilities of removing H 2 S from gas from gasification of biomass Ing. Pavel Machač, CSc, Dr. Ing. Vladislav Krystl, Ing. Sergej Skoblja, Ing. Petr Chalupa Institute of Chemical Technology Prague Technická
4Ever H A N D B O O K
4Ever HANDBOOK Kancelářský systém 4Ever Úvod Základními stavebními komponenty podnoží jsou bočnice a podélné nosníky. Bočnice je tvořena nohami čtvercového průřezu 45 x 45 mm, spojovacím vodorovným bočním
EEA and Norway Grants. Norské fondy a fondy EHP
EEA Scholarship Programme & Bilateral Scholarship Programme The programme offers various options for scholarship funding of international institutional cooperation projects and mobilities among the Czech
STLAČITELNOST. σ σ. během zatížení
STLAČITELNOST Princip: Naneseme-li zatížení na zeminu, dojde k porušení rovnováhy a dochází ke stlačování zeminy (přemístňují se částice). Stlačení je ukončeno jakmile nastane rovnováha mezi působícím
Agile leadership in Czech Rep. Agilia Conference 2011 Brno
Agile leadership in Czech Rep. Agilia Conference 2011 Brno Aguarra, s.r.o., Lisabonská 2394/4, 190 00 Praha 9, 2 Aguarra, s.r.o., Lisabonská 2394/4, 190 00 Praha 9, 3 Aguarra,
MIKROPROCESORY PRO VÝKONOVÉ SYSTÉMY. Stručný úvod do programování v jazyce C 2.díl. České vysoké učení technické Fakulta elektrotechnická
MIKROPROCESORY PRO VÝKONOVÉ SYSTÉMY Stručný úvod do programování v jazyce C 2.díl České vysoké učení technické Fakulta elektrotechnická A1B14MIS Mikroprocesory pro výkonové systémy 07 Ver.1.10 J. Zděnek,
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nadpisu. Case Study Environmental Controlling level Control Fifth level Implementation Policy and goals Organisation Documentation Information Mass and energy balances Analysis Planning of measures 1 1