K3G76/U K3G76S/U K3T76/U K3T76S/U KN3T76SA/U S KN3G76SA/CZ S. Pokyny pro použití SPORÁK S TROUBOU

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Download "K3G76/U K3G76S/U K3T76/U K3T76S/U KN3T76SA/U S KN3G76SA/CZ S. Pokyny pro použití SPORÁK S TROUBOU"


1 KG76/U KG76S/U KT76/U KT76S/U KNT76SA/U S KNG76SA/CZ S GB English Operating Instructions COOKER AND OVEN Contents Operating Instructions, WARNING, Description of the applianceoverall view,8 Description of the appliancecontrol Panel,9 Installation,0 Startup and use, Using the hob, Cooking modes, Precautions and tips,9 Care and maintenance,0 Assistance,0 CZ Cesky Pokyny pro použití SPORÁK S TROUBOU Obsah Pokyny pro použití, UPOZORNĚNÍ, Popis zarízenícelkový pohled,8 Popis zarízeníovládací panel,9 Instalace, Spuštení a použití,7 Použití varné desky,7 Opatrení a rady, Údržba a péce, Servisní služba, PL Polski UA Украінська Instrukcja obsługi KUCHENKA I PIEKARNIK Spis treści Instrukcja obsługi, UWAGA, Opis urządzeniawidok ogólny,8 Opis urządzeniapanel sterowania,9 Instalacja, Uruchomienie i użytkowanie, Użytkowanie płyty grzejnej, Użytkowanie piekarnika, 6 Zalecenia i środki ostrożności,0 Konserwacja i utrzymanie, Serwis Techniczny, Інструкціі з експлуатаціі КУХНЯ Зміст Інструкціі з експлуатаціі, УВАГА,6 Опис установкизагальнии вигляд,8 Опис установкипанель управління,9 Встановлення, Включення і використання,8 Програми приготування іжі,9 Користування робочою поверхнею,9 Запобіжні засоби і поради,6 Догляд i технічне обслуговування,6 Допомога,6 HU Magyar SK Slovensky Használati útmutató tűzhely és a sütő Tartalomjegyzék Használati útmutató, FIGYELEM, A készülék leírása A készülék áttekintése,8 A készülék leírása Kezelőpanel,9 Üzembe helyezés, Bekapcsolás és használat, A főzőlap használata, A sütő használata,6 Óvintézkedések és tanácsok, Karbantartás és ápolás, Szerviz, Návod na použitie SPORÁK S RÚROU Obsah Návod na použitie, UPOZORNĚN,7 Popis zariadeniacelkový pohľad,8 Popis zariadeniaovládací panel,9 Inštalácia,6 Uvedenie do činnosti a použitie,69 Použitie rúry,70 Režimy pečenia,70 Opatrenia a rady,7 Starostlivosť a údržba,7 Servisná služba,7

2 GB WARNING WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements. Children less than 8 years of age shall be kept away unless continuously supervised. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance. Remove any liquid from the lid before opening it. Do not close the glass cover (if present) when the gas burners or electric hotplates are still hot. WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock. CAUTION: the use of inappropriate hob guards can cause accidents. WARNING: Unattended cooking on a hob with fat or oil can be dangerous and may result in fire. NEVER try to extinguish a fire with water, but switch off the appliance and then cover flame e.g. with a lid or a fire blanket. Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass. The internal surfaces of the compartment (where present) may become hot.

3 PL UWAGA UWAGA: To urządzenie oraz jego dostępne części silnie się rozgrzewają podczas użytkowania. Należy uważać, aby nie dotknąć elementów grzejnych. Nie pozwalać, aby dzieci poniżej 8 roku życia zbliżały się do urządzenia, jeśli nie są pod stałym nadzorem dorosłych. Z niniejszego urządzenia mogą korzystać dzieci powyżej 8 roku życia i osoby o ograniczonych zdolnościach fizycznych, zmysłowych bądź umysłowych, jak również osoby nieposiadające doświadczenia lub znajomości urządzenia, jeśli znajdują się one pod nadzorem innych osób lub jeśli zostały pouczone na temat bezpiecznego sposobu użycia urządzenia oraz zdają sobie sprawę ze związanych z nim zagrożeń. Dzieci nie powinny bawić się urządzeniem. Prace związane z czyszczeniem i konserwacją nie mogą być wykonywane przez dzieci, jeśli nie są one nadzorowane. UWAGA: Pozostawienie bez nadzoru na kuchence tłuszczów i olejów może być niebezpieczne i może spowodować pożar. Nie stosować środków ściernych ani ostrych łopatek metalowych do czyszczenia szklanych drzwiczek piekarnika, ponieważ mogłyby porysować powierzchnię i spowodować pęknięcie szyby. Wewnętrzne powierzchnie szuflady (jeśli jest w danym modelu) mogą się nagrzewać. Nie stosować nigdy oczyszczaczy parowych lub ciśnieniowych do czyszczenia urządzenia. Usunąć ewentualne płyny na pokrywie przed jej otwarciem. Nie zamykać szklanej pokrywy (jeśli jest częścią wyposażenia), jeśli palniki gazowe lub płyta elektryczna są jeszcze rozgrzane. UWAGA: Przed wymianą żarówki, należy się upewnić, że urządzenie jest wyłączone, aby uniknąć ryzyka porażenia prądem. UWAGA: użycie niewłaściwych zabezpieczeń płyty może być przyczyną wypadków. Nie należy NIGDY próbować ugasić płomieni/pożaru wodą; należy wyłączyć urządzenie i przykryć płomień np. pokrywką lub ognioodpornym kocem.

4 HU FIGYELEM FIGYELEM: A készülék és annak hozzáférhető részei a használat közben rendkívüli módon felmelegedhetnek. Vigyázzon, hogy nehogy hozzáérjen a fűtőelemekhez. Ha a gyermekek nincsenek folyamatos felügyelet alatt, tartsa távol a 8 éven aluli gyermekeket. Ezt a készüléket a 8 éves kort betöltött gyermekek, valamint a testileg, érzékszervileg vagy szellemileg korlátozott, nem hozzáértő, illetve a terméket nem ismerő személyek csak megfelelő felügyelet mellett, vagy a készülék biztonságos használatával kapcsolatos alapvető utasítások és a kapcsolódó veszélyek ismeretében használhatják. Vigyázzon, hogy a gyermekek ne játsszanak a készülékkel. A tisztítási és karbantartási műveleteket gyermekek felügyelet nélkül nem végezhetik. FIGYELEM: A tűzhelyen felügyelet nélkül otthagyott zsír vagy olaj veszélyes lehet, és tüzet okozhat. SOHA ne próbálja meg vízzel eloltani a tüzet, hanem zárja el a készüléket, és takarja le a lángot például fedővel vagy tűzálló takaróval. Az üveg sütőajtó tisztításához ne használjon súrolószereket vagy vágóéllel rendelkező fémspatulát, mivel azok összekaristolhatják az ajtó felületét, ami pedig az üveg összetöréséhez vezethet. A fiók (ha van) belső felületei felmelegedhetnek. A készülék tisztításához soha ne használjon gőztisztítót vagy nagynyomású tisztítót. A készülék tetejének kinyitása előtt minden nedvességet töröljön le róla. Ne csukja le az üvegtetőt (ha van), ha a gázégők vagy elektromos főzőlapok még melegek. FIGYELEM: Az esetleges áramütések elkerülése érdekében a lámpa kicserélése előtt győződjön meg arról, hogy a készülék ki van kapcsolva. Használat után a vonatkozó funkciógombbal kapcsolja ki a főzőlapot ne bízzon az edényérzékelőben. FIGYELEM: A főzőlap védelmeinek nem megfelelő használata balesetet okozhat.

5 CZ UPOZORNĚNÍ UPOZORNĚNÍ: Toto zařízení a jeho přístupné části dosahují během použití velmi vysoké teploty. Je třeba dávat pozor a zabránit styku s topnými články. Udržujte děti mladší 8 let v dostatečné vzdálenosti, pokud nejsou pod neustálým dohledem. Toto zařízení mohou používat děti od 8 let a osoby se sníženými fyzickými, senzorickými nebo duševními schopnostmi nebo osoby bez zkušeností a znalostí, které se nacházejí pod náležitým dohledem nebo které byly poučeny ohledně použití zařízení bezpečným způsobem a které si uvědomují související nebezpečí. Děti si nesmí hrát se zařízením. Děti nesmí provádět operace čištění a údržby bez dohledu. Nikdy nepoužívejte k čištění zařízení vysokotlaký parní čistič. Před otevřením krytu setřete případné kapaliny, které se na něm nacházejí. Nezavírejte skleněný kryt (jeli součástí) s ještě teplými plynovými hořáky nebo elektrickou plotnou. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Před výměnou žárovky se ujistěte, že je zařízení vypnuté, aby se zabránilo možnosti zásahu elektrickým proudem. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Použití nevhodných ochran varné desky může způsobit nehody. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Ponechání sporáku s ohřívanými tuky a oleji může být nebezpečné a může způsobit požár. NIKDY není třeba hasit plamen/požár vodou, ale je nutné vypnout zařízení a zakrýt plamen například víkem nebo hydrofobní dekou. K čištění skleněných dvířek trouby nepoužívejte abrazivní výrobky ani ostré kovové špachtle, protože by mohly poškrábat povrch a způsobit tak prasknutí skla. Vnitřní povrchy zásuvky (jeli součástí) by se mohly ohřát na vysokou teplotu.

6 UA УВАГА УВАГА! Під час роботи цей прилад, а також його доступні частини нагріваються до високих температур. Слід бути особливо обережними, щоб не торкатися нагрівальних елементів. Діти віком до 8 років мають знаходитися на небезпечній відстані від приладу, якщо неможливо забезпечити постійний контроль над ними. Дозволяється користування цим приладом дітьми віком від 8 років, а також особами з обмеженими фізичними, сенсорними або розумовими можливостями або особами без належного досвіду і знань, якщо вони перебувають під постійним контролем або проінструктовані щодо правил з небезпечного користування приладу і усвідомлюють ступені ризику. Не дозволяйте дітям гратися з приладом. Операції з очищення і догляду не повинні виконуватися дітьми без належного контролю. УВАГА! Небезпечно залишати без нагляду плити з жиром або олією, тому що це може призвести до пожежі. НІ В ЯКОМУ РАЗІ не слід намагатися погасити полум я/пожежу водою. Необхідно вимкнути прилад і накрити полум я, наприклад, кришкою або вогнетривким покривалом. Внутрішні поверхні відділення (де вони наявні) можуть нагріватися до високих температур. Забороняється використання апаратів для очищення парою або високим тиском. Витріть насухо всі наявні на кришці рідини, перш ніж відкрити її. Не закривайте скляну кришку (якщо вона наявна), якщо газові пальники або електричні конфорки залишаються нагрітими. УВАГА! Щоб запобігти враженню електричним струмом переконайтеся в тому, що прилад вимкнений, перш ніж заміняти лампочку. Витріть насухо всі наявні на кришці рідини, перш ніж відкрити її. Не закривайте скляну кришку (якщо вона наявна), якщо газові пальники або електричні конфорки залишаються нагрітими. УВАГА! Щоб запобігти враженню електричним струмом переконайтеся в тому, що прилад вимкнений, перш ніж заміняти лампочку. УВАГА! використання невідповідних захисних пристроїв варильної поверхні може призвести до нещасних випадків. Не використовувати абразивні засоби ані металеві загострені шпателі для очищення скляних дверцях духовки, тому що вони можуть пошкрябати поверхню, призводячи до розтріскування скла. 6

7 SK UPOZORNĚN UPOZORNĚNÍ: Toto zařízení a jeho přístupné části dosahují během použití velmi vysoké teploty. Je třeba dávat pozor a zabránit styku s topnými články. Udržujte děti mladší 8 let v dostatečné vzdálenosti, pokud nejsou pod neustálým dohledem. Toto zařízení mohou používat děti od 8 let a osoby se sníženými fyzickými, senzorickými nebo duševními schopnostmi nebo osoby bez zkušeností a znalostí, které se nacházejí pod náležitým dohledem nebo které byly poučeny ohledně použití zařízení bezpečným způsobem a které si uvědomují související nebezpečí. Děti si nesmí hrát se zařízením. Děti nesmí provádět operace čištění a údržby bez dohledu. Nikdy nepoužívejte k čištění zařízení vysokotlaký parní čistič. Před otevřením krytu setřete případné kapaliny, které se na něm nacházejí. Nezavírejte skleněný kryt (jeli součástí) s ještě teplými plynovými hořáky nebo elektrickou plotnou. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Před výměnou žárovky se ujistěte, že je zařízení vypnuté, aby se zabránilo možnosti zásahu elektrickým proudem. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Použití nevhodných ochran varné desky může způsobit nehody. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Ponechání sporáku s ohřívanými tuky a oleji může být nebezpečné a může způsobit požár. NIKDY není třeba hasit plamen/požár vodou, ale je nutné vypnout zařízení a zakrýt plamen například víkem nebo hydrofobní dekou. K čištění skleněných dvířek trouby nepoužívejte abrazivní výrobky ani ostré kovové špachtle, protože by mohly poškrábat povrch a způsobit tak prasknutí skla. Vnitřní povrchy zásuvky (jeli součástí) by se mohly ohřát na vysokou teplotu. 7

8 HU A készülék leírása A készülék áttekintése Gáz égõ. Zsírfelfogó borítólap. Kapcsoló tábla. Sütõ rács. Serpenyõ vagy sütõtepsi 6. Állítható lábacska vagy láb 7. Edénytartó rács 8. TÁLCASíNEK 9. helyzet 0. helyzet. helyzet. helyzet. helyzet. Ha felmelegedik (Csak az üvegtetõs modellek esetén) GB Description of the appliance Overall view CZ Popis zarízení Celkový pohled. Hob burner.containment surface for spills.control panel..sliding grill rack.dripping pan 6.Adjustable foot 7. Hob Grid 8.GUIDE RAILS for the sliding racks 9.position 0.position.position.position.position. Glass Cover (Only on certain models).plynový hořák. Záchytný žlábek. Ovládací panel. Pečící rošt.pečící plech nebo plech zachycující odkapávající 6.Nastavitelné nohy omastek 7.Rošt na varné desce 8.Vodicí LIŠTY jednotlivých úrovní 9. poloha 0.poloha.poloha.poloha.poloha.Skleny kryt (pouze u některých modelů) PL Opis urządzenia Widok ogólny.palnik gazowy. Płyta podpalnikowa.panel kontrolny.półka ruszt.półka brytfanna 6.Nóżki regulowane 7. Ruszta płyty podpalnikowej 8. Prowadnice półek 9.pozycja 0.pozycja.pozycja.pozycja.pozycja.Szklana pokrywa (Tylko w niektórych modelach) UA Опис плити Загальнии вигляд.газовий пальник.піддон на випадок переливань.панель управління.полка РЕШІТKИ.Полка ДEКО 6.Лапка для налаштування 7.Пoверхня для збирання збiглoї piдини 8.HAПPABЛЯЮЧІ для полиць 9.положення 0.положення.положення.положення.положення.Скляна кришка (Є лише в деяких моделях.) 8

9 SK Popis zariadenia Celkový pohľad HU A készülék leírása Kezelőpanel. Plynový horák. Plocha na zachytávanie prípadne vyliatych tekutín. Ovládací panel. Police rúry v podobe mriežky. Zberná nádoba alebo varná plocha 6. Nastavitelné nožicky alebo nohy 7. Mriežka pracovnej plochy 8. VODIACE LIŠTY PRE POSUVNÉ ROŠTY 9. poloha 0. poloha. poloha. poloha. poloha Sklený kryt (len pri niektorých modeloch) GB Description of the appliance Control panel. THERMOSTAT knob. THERMOSTAT indicator light. SELECTOR knob. Hob BURNER control knob. Electronic cooking programmer* 6. TIMER button 7. COOKING TIME button 8. COOKING END TIME button *(Only on certain models) PL Opis urządzenia Panel kontrolny.pokrętło TERMOSTATU.Lampka kontrolna TERMOSTATU.Pokrętło PROGRAMÓW PIEKARNIKA.Pokrętło PALNIKÓW PŁYTY GRZEJNEJ.Programator elektroniczny* 6.Przycisk MINUTNIKA 7.Przycisk CZASU PIECZENIA 8..Przycisk KOŃCA CZASU PIECZENIA *(Tylko w niektórych modelach).hőmérséklet szabályzó gombtermosztát.hőmérséklet ellenőrző lámpa.választó gomb.a tűzhely gázégőinek vezérlő gombjai.elektronikus sütés programozó * 6.Gomb Időmérő órával és perccel 7.Gomb a sütési időtartam 8.Gomb a sütés vége. *(Csak az üvegtetõs modellek esetén) CZ UA Опис плити Панель управління.peґyлятор TEPMOCTATУ. Індикатор TEPMOCTATУ.Peґyлятор ÐÑÏÃÑÁÌ.Ручки для керування газовими пальниками на варильній поверхні.електронний програматор приготування їжі* 6.Кнопка ТАЙМЕР 7.Кнопка ТРИВАЛІСТЬ ПРИГОТУВАННЯ 8.Кнопка ЗАКIНЧЕННЯ ПРИГОТУВАННЯ * (Є лише в деяких моделях.) SK Popis zarízení Ovládací panel.knoflík nastavení teploty v troubě (termostat).indikátor termostatu.knoflík pro výběr režimu.regulační knoflíky pro ovládání hořáků varné desky.tlačítko elektronického pečícího programátoru* 6.Tlačítko Časovač s hodinami a minutami 7.Tlačítko Délka pečení 8.Tlačítko Doba ukončení pečení *(pouze u některých modelů) Popis zariadenia Ovládací panel.otocný gombík termostatu.kontrolka termostatu.otocný gombík pre volbu.otocné gombíky ovládania plynových horákov varnej dosky..elektronický casovac* 6.Tlačidlo timer 7.Tlačidlo doba varenia 8.Tlačidlo ukoncenie varenia *(len pri niektorých modeloch) 9

10 Installation GB! Before operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet carefully. It contains important information concerning the safe installation and operation of the appliance.! Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. Make sure that the instructions are kept with the appliance if it is sold, given away or moved. Disposing of combustion fumes The disposal of combustion fumes should be guaranteed using a hood connected to a safe and efficient natural suction chimney, or using an electric fan that begins to operate automatically every time the appliance is switched on (see figure).! The appliance must be installed by a qualified professional according to the instructions provided.! Any necessary adjustment or maintenance must be performed after the cooker has been disconnected from the electricity supply. Room ventilation The appliance may only be installed in permanentlyventilated rooms, according to current national legislation. The room in which the appliance is installed must be ventilated adequately so as to provide as much air as is needed by the normal gas combustion process (the flow of air must not be lower than m /h per kw of installed power). The air inlets, protected by grilles, should have a duct with an inner cross section of at least 00 cm and should be positioned so that they are not liable to even partial obstruction (see figure A). These inlets should be enlarged by 00% with a minimum of cm whenever the surface of the hob is not equipped with a flame failure safety device. When the flow of air is provided in an indirect manner from adjacent rooms (see figure B), provided that these are not communal parts of a building, areas with increased fire hazards or bedrooms, the inlets should be fitted with a ventilation duct leading outside as described above. Fumes channelled straight outside! The liquefied petroleum gases are heavier than air and collect by the floor, therefore all rooms containing LPG cylinders must have openings leading outside so that any leaked gas can escape easily. LPG cylinders, therefore, whether partially or completely full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or storage areas that are below ground level (cellars, etc.). Only the cylinder being used should be stored in the room; this should also be kept well away from sources of heat (ovens, chimneys, stoves) that may cause the temperature of the cylinder to rise above 0 C. Positioning and levelling Fumes channelled through a chimney or a branched flue system (reserved for cooking appliances)! It is possible to install the appliance alongside cupboards whose height does not exceed that of the hob surface. A B Adjacent room Room requiring ventilation! Make sure that the wall in contact with the back of the appliance is made from a nonflammable, heatresistant material (T 90 C). Ventilation opening for comburent air A Increase in the gap between the door and the flooring! After prolonged use of the appliance, it is advisable to open a window or increase the speed of any fans used. To install the appliance correctly: Place it in the kitchen, dining room or the bedsit (not in the bathroom). If the top of the hob is higher than the cupboards, the appliance must be installed at least mm away from them. If the cooker is installed underneath a wall cabinet, there must be a minimum distance of 0 mm between this cabinet and the top of the hob. 0

11 mm. 0 Min. HOOD Min. 600 mm. Min. 0 mm. min. 60 mm. with hood min. 700 mm. without hood If the cooker is installed underneath a wall cabinet, there must be a minimum distance of 0 mm between this cabinet and the top of the hob. This distance should be increased to 700 mm if the wall cabinets are flammable (see figure). Do not position blinds behind the cooker or less than mm away from its sides. Any hoods must be installed according to the instructions listed in the relevant operating manual. The voltage is in the range between the values indicated on the data plate. The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If the socket is incompatible with the plug, ask an authorised technician to replace it. Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.! Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply cable and the electrical socket must be easily accessible.! The cable must not be bent or compressed.! The cable must be checked regularly and replaced by authorised technicians only. GB Levelling If it is necessary to level the appliance, screw the adjustable feet into the places provided on each corner of the base of the cooker (see figure). The legs* fit into the slots on the underside of the base of the cooker.! The manufacturer declines any liability should these safety measures not be observed. Gas connection Connection to the gas network or to the gas cylinder may be carried out using a flexible rubber or steel hose, in accordance with current national legislation and after making sure that the appliance is suited to the type of gas with which it will be supplied (see the rating sticker on the cover: if this is not the case see below). When using liquid gas from a cylinder, install a pressure regulator which complies with current national regulations. To make connection easier, the gas supply may be turned sideways*: reverse the position of the hose holder with that of the cap and replace the gasket that is supplied with the appliance. Electrical connection Install a standardised plug corresponding to the load indicated on the appliance data plate (see Technical data table). The appliance must be directly connected to the mains using an omnipolar circuitbreaker with a minimum contact opening of mm installed between the appliance and the mains. The circuitbreaker must be suitable for the charge indicated and must comply with NFC 00 regulations (the earthing wire must not be interrupted by the circuitbreaker). The supply cable must be positioned so that it does not come into contact with temperatures higher than 0 C at any point. Before connecting the appliance to the power supply, make sure that: The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant with the law. The socket can withstand the maximum power of the appliance, which is indicated by the data plate.! Check that the pressure of the gas supply is consistent with the values indicated in the Table of burner and nozzle specifications (see below). This will ensure the safe operation and durability of your appliance while maintaining efficient energy consumption. Gas connection using a flexible rubber hose Make sure that the hose complies with current national legislation. The internal diameter of the hose must measure: 8 mm for liquid gas supply; mm for methane gas supply. Once the connection has been performed, make sure that the hose: Does not come into contact with any parts that reach temperatures of over 0 C. Is not subject to any pulling or twisting forces and that it is not kinked or bent. Does not come into contact with blades, sharp corners or moving parts and that it is not compressed.

12 GB Is easy to inspect along its whole length so that its condition may be checked. Is shorter than 00 mm. Fits firmly into place at both ends, where it will be fixed using clamps that comply with current regulations.! If one or more of these conditions is not fulfilled or if the cooker must be installed according to the conditions listed for class subclass appliances (installed between two cupboards), the flexible steel hose must be used instead (see below). Connecting a flexible jointless stainless steel pipe to a threaded attachment Make sure that the hose and gaskets comply with current national legislation. To begin using the hose, remove the hose holder on the appliance (the gas supply inlet on the appliance is a cylindrical threaded / gas male attachment).! Perform the connection in such a way that the hose length does not exceed a maximum of metres, making sure that the hose is not compressed and does not come into contact with moving parts. Checking the tightness of the connection When the installation process is complete, check the hose fittings for leaks using a soapy solution. Never use a flame. Adapting to different types of gas It is possible to adapt the appliance to a type of gas other than the default type (this is indicated on the rating label on the cover). Adapting the hob Replacing the nozzles for the hob burners:. Remove the hob grids and slide the burners off their seats.. Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner (see figure), and replace them with nozzles suited to the new type of gas (see Burner and nozzle specifications table).. Replace all the components by following the above instructions in reverse. Adjusting the hob burners minimum setting:. Turn the tap to the minimum position.. Remove the knob and adjust the regulatory screw, which is positioned inside or next to the tap pin, until the flame is small but steady.! If the appliance is connected to a liquid gas supply, the regulatory screw must be fastened as tightly as possible.. While the burner is alight, quickly change the position of the knob from minimum to maximum and vice versa several times, checking that the flame is not extinguished.! The hob burners do not require primary air adjustment.! After adjusting the appliance so it may be used with a different type of gas, replace the old rating label with a new one that corresponds to the new type of gas (these labels are available from Authorised Technical Assistance Centres).! Should the gas pressure used be different (or vary slightly) from the recommended pressure, a suitable pressure regulator must be fitted to the inlet hose in accordance with current national regulations relating to regulators for channelled gas. Replacing the Triple ring burner nozzles. Remove the pan supports and lift the burners out of their housing. The burner consists of two separate parts (see pictures).. Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner. Replace the nozzles with models that are configured for use with the new type of gas (see Table ). The two nozzles have the same hole diameter.. Replace all the components by completing the above operations in reverse order. Adjusting the burners primary air : Does not require adjusting. Setting the burners to minimum:. Turn the tap to the low flame position.. Remove the knob and adjust the adjustment screw, which is positioned in or next to the tap pin, until the flame is small but steady.. Having adjusted the flame to the required low setting, while the burner is alight, quickly change the position of the knob from minimum to maximum and vice versa several times, checking that the flame does not go out.. Some appliances have a safety device (thermocouple) fitted. If the device fails to work when the burners are set to the low flame setting, increase this low flame setting using the adjusting screw.. Once the adjustment has been made, replace the seals on the bypasses using sealing wax! If the appliance is connected to liquid gas, the regulation screw must be fastened as tightly as possible.! Once this procedure is finished, replace the old rating sticker with one indicating the new type of gas used. Stickers are available from any of our Service Centres.! Should the gas pressure used be different (or vary slightly) from the recommended pressure, a suitable pressure regulator must be fitted to the inlet pipe (in order to comply with current national regulations).

13 Table of burner and nozzle specifications (X) 0,0,60 6 x6 6, x99 09, x8 0 TABLE OF CHARACTERISTSICS Dimensions (with drawn guide rails) Volume (with drawn guide rails) width 9 cm height cm depth cm 9 l GB imum absorber power: 600 W A S S R S A S TC Dimensions of the lower compartment Burners width cm height cm depth cm may be adapted for use with any type of gas shown on the data plate, which is located inside the flap or, after the oven compartment has been opened, on the lefthand wall inside the oven. KG76/U KG76S/U KNG76SA/CZ S KT76/U KT76S/U KNT76SA/U S Electric Plate Rapid Ø mm: 00 W Rapid Ø 80 mm: 0 W Directive /0/EC on the label of electric ovens. Standard EN 00 ENERGY LABEL Energy consumption for Natural convection heating mode: Convection; WARNING! The glass lid can break in if it is heated up. Turn off all the burners and the electric plates before closing the lid. *Applies to the models with glass cover only. Declared energy consumption for Forced convection Class heating mode: Baking This appliance conforms to the following European Economic Community directives: 6/9/EC dated //06 (Low Voltage) and subsequent amendments /08/EC dated //0 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent amendments 9/68/EEC dated /07/9 and subsequent amendments. /96/EC 9/ of 0//09 (Gas) 7/8 (Standby/ Off mode) Data plate, is located inside the flap or, after the oven compartment has been opened, on the lefthand wall inside the oven.

14 Startup and use GB Using the hob Lighting the burners For each BURNER knob there is a full ring showing the strength of the flame for the relevant burner. To light one of the burners on the hob:. Bring a flame or gas lighter close to the burner.. Press the BURNER knob and turn it in an anticlockwise direction so that it is pointing to the maximum flame setting E.. Adjust the intensity of the flame to the desired level by turning the BURNER knob in an anticlockwise direction. This may be the minimum setting C, the maximum setting E or any position in between the two. If the appliance is fitted with an electronic lighting device* (see figure), press the BURNER knob and turn it in an anticlockwise direction, towards the minimum flame setting, until the burner is lit. The burner may be extinguished when the knob is released. If this occurs, repeat the operation, holding the knob down for a longer period of time.! If the flame is accidentally extinguished, switch off the burner and wait for at least minute before attempting to relight it. If the appliance is equipped with a flame failure safety device*, press and hold the BURNER knob for approximately seconds to keep the flame alight and to activate the device. To switch the burner off, turn the knob until it reaches the stop position. Practical advice on using the burners For the burners to work in the most efficient way possible and to save on the amount of gas consumed, it is recommended that only pans that have a lid and a flat base are used. They should also be suited to the size of the burner: To identify the type of burner, please refer to the diagrams contained in the Burner and nozzle specifications. Using the oven! The first time you use your appliance, heat the empty oven with its door closed at its maximum temperature for at least half an hour. Ensure that the room is well ventilated before switching the oven off and opening the oven door. The appliance may emit a slightly unpleasant odour caused by protective substances used during the manufacturing process burning away.! Before operating the product, remove all plastic film from the sides of the appliance.! Never put objects directly on the bottom of the oven; this will avoid the enamel coating being damaged.! Should the appliance be equipped with an electronic programmer*, to use the electric oven, just press buttons and at the same time (the symbol will appear on the display) before selecting the desired cooking function.. Select the desired cooking mode by turning the SELECTOR knob.. Select the recommended temperature for the cooking mode or the desired temperature by turning the THERMOSTAT knob. A list detailing cooking modes and suggested cooking temperatures can be found in the relevant table (see Oven cooking advice table). During cooking it is always possible to: Change the cooking mode by turning the SELECTOR knob. Change the temperature by turning the THERMOSTAT knob. Stop cooking by turning the SELECTOR knob to the 0 position.! Always place cookware on the rack(s) provided. THERMOSTAT indicator light When this is illuminated, the oven is generating heat. It switches off when the inside of the oven reaches the selected temperature. At this point the * Only available in certain models.

15 light illuminates and switches off alternately, indicating that the thermostat is working and is maintaining the temperature at a constant level. Oven light This is switched on by turning the SELECTOR knob to any position other than 0. It remains lit as long as the oven is operating. By selecting 8 with the knob, the light is switched on without any of the heating elements being activated. Cooking modes CONVECTION OVEN mode Temperature: any temperature between 0 C and. Both the top and bottom heating elements will come on. When using this traditional cooking mode, it is best to use one cooking rack only. If more than one rack is used, the heat will be distributed in an uneven manner. BAKING mode Temperature: any temperature between 0 C and. The rear heating element and the fan are switched on, thus guaranteeing the distribution of heat in a delicate and uniform manner throughout the entire oven. This mode is ideal for baking and cooking temperature sensitive foods (such as cakes that need to rise) and for the preparation of pastries on shelves simultaneously. PIZZA mode Temperature: any temperature between 0 C and. The circular heating elements and the elements at the bottom of the oven are switched on and the fan is activated. This combination heats the oven rapidly by producing a considerable amount of heat, particularly from the element at the bottom. If you use more than one rack simultaneously, switch the position of the dishes halfway through the cooking process. MULTICOOKING mode Temperature: any temperature between 0 C and. All the heating elements (top, bottom and circular) switch on and the fan begins to operate. Since the heat remains constant throughout the oven, the air cooks and browns food in a uniform manner. A maximum of two racks may be used at the same time. GRILL mode Temperature:. The central part of the top heating element is switched on. The high and direct temperature of the grill is recommended for food that requires a high surface temperature (veal and beef steaks, fillet steak and entrecôte). This cooking mode uses a limited amount of energy and is ideal for grilling Place the food in the centre of the rack, as it will not be cooked properly if it is placed in the corners. DOUBLE GRILL mode Temperature:. This provides a larger grill than the normal grill setting and has an innovative design that improves cooking efficiency by 0% and eliminates the cooler corner areas. Use this grilling mode to achieve a uniform browning on top of the food. GRATIN mode Temperature: any temperature between 0 C and C. The top heating element and the rotisserie (where present) are activated and the fan begins to operate. This combination of features increases the effectiveness of the unidirectional thermal radiation provided by the heating elements through forced circulation of the air throughout the oven. This helps prevent food from burning on the surface and allows the heat to penetrate right into the food.! The GRILL, DOUBLE GRILL and GRATIN cooking modes must be performed with the oven door shut. Rotisserie* by selecting with the SELECTOR knob. Lower oven compartment* * Only available in certain models. To operate the rotisserie proceed as follows:. Place the dripping pan in position.. Place the rotisserie support in position and insert the spit in the hole provided on the back panel of the oven (see figure).. Activate the rotisserie There is a compartment underneath the oven that may be used to storeoven accessories or deep dishes. To open the door pull it downwards (see figure). GB

16 GB! Do not place flammable materials in the lower oven compartment.! The internal surfaces of the compartment (where present) may become hot. Practical cooking advice! Do not place racks in position or during fanassisted cooking. Excessive direct heat can burn temperature sensitive foods. MULTICOOKING Use positions and, placing the food that requires more heat on the rack in position. Place the dripping pan on the bottom and the rack on top. GRILL When using the GRILL and DOUBLE GRILL cooking modes, place the rack in position and the dripping pan in position to collect cooking residues (fat and/or grease). When using the GRATIN cooking mode, place the rack in position or and the dripping pan in position to collect cooking residues. We recommend that the power level is set to maximum. The top heating element is regulated by a thermostat and may not always operate contantly. PIZZA OVEN MODE Use a light aluminium pizza pan. Place it on the rack provided. For a crispy crust, do not use the dripping pan as it prevents the crust from forming by extending the total cooking time. If the pizza has a lot of toppings, we recommend adding the mozzarella cheese on top of the pizza halfway through the cooking process. Electronic timer* This function displays the time and works as a timer which counts down to zero.! All functions will be implemented approximately 7 seconds after they have been set. Resetting the clock After the appliance has been connected to the power supply, or after a power cut, the clock display will begin to blink, showing the figure: 0:00 Press button v and then buttons and + to set the exact time. Press and hold the buttons to quicken the count upwards. Any necessary modifications can be made by repeating the above process. Timer feature This function may be accessed by pressing the n button, after which the display will show the symbol n. Every time the + button is pressed it corresponds to a time increase of 0 seconds, until it reaches 99 minutes and 0 seconds. After this point, each press of the button represents an increase of one minute, up to a maximum of 0 hours. Pressing the button reduces the time. After the time period has been set, the timer will begin to count down. When the timer reaches zero, the buzzer will sound (this may be stopped by pressing any button). The time may be displayed by pressing the v button, and the n symbol indicates that the timer function has been set. After approximately 7 seconds, the display will automatically revert to the timer. Cancelling a time that has already been set Press the button until the display shows 0:00. Adjusting the buzzer volume After selecting and confirming the clock settings, use the button to adjust the volume of the alarm buzzer. Planning cooking with the electronic programmer* Setting the clock After the appliance has been connected to the power supply, or after a blackout, the display will automatically reset to 0:00 and begin to blink. To set the time:. Press the COOKING TIME button and the COOKING END TIME simultaneously.. Within seconds of having pressed these buttons, set the exact time by pressing the + and buttons. The + button advances the hours and the button decreases the hours. Once the time has been set, the programmer automatically switches to manual mode. Setting the timer The timer enables a countdown to be set, when the * Only available in certain models. 6

17 time has elapsed a buzzer sounds. To set the timer proceed as follows:. press the TIMER button. The display shows: N.. Press the + and buttons to set the desired time.. When the buttons are released the timer begins counting down and the current time appears on the display. R. After the time has elapsed a buzzer will sound, and this can be switched off by pressing any button (except the + and buttons). The symbol will switch off.! The timer does not switch the oven on or off. Adjusting the volume of the buzzer After selecting and confirming the clock settings, use the button to adjust the volume of the alarm buzzer. Setting the cooking time with a delayed start First decide which cooking mode you wish to use and set a suitable temperature using the SELECTOR and THERMOSTAT knobs on the oven. At this point it is possible to set the cooking time:. Press the COOKING TIME button.. Within seconds of having pressed this button, set the desired amount of time by pressing the + and buttons. If, for example, you wish to set a cooking time of 0 minutes, the display will show: N. seconds after the buttons are released, the current time (for example 0.00) reappears on the display with the symbol m and the letter A (AUTO). Next the desired cooking end time must be set:. Press the END COOKING TIME button.. Within seconds of having pressed this button, adjust the cooking end time by pressing the + and buttons. If, for example, you want cooking to end at.00, the display shows: O 6. seconds after the buttons are released, the current time (for example 0.00) reappears on the display with the letter A (AUTO). P At this point, the oven is programmed to switch on automatically at :0 and switch off after 0 minutes, at.00. Setting the cooking time with an immediate start Follow the above procedure for setting the cooking time (points ).! When the letter A appears, this indicates that both the cooking time and the end cooking time have been programmed in AUTO mode. To restore the oven to manual operation, after each AUTO cooking mode press the COOKING TIME and END COOKING TIME buttons simultaneously.! The symbol m will remain lit, along with the oven, for the entire duration of the cooking programme. The set cooking duration can be displayed at any time by pressing the COOKING TIME button, and the cooking end time may be displayed by pressing the END COOKING TIME button. When the cooking time has elapsed a buzzer sounds. To stop it, press any button apart from the + and buttons. Cancelling a previously set cooking programme Press the COOKING TIME button and the COOKING END TIME simultaneously. Correcting or cancelling previously set data The data entered can be changed at any time by pressing the corresponding button (TIMER, COOKING TIME or COOKING END TIME) and the + or button. When the cooking time data is cancelled, the cooking end time data is also cancelled automatically, and vice versa. If the oven has already been programmed, it will not accept cooking end times which are before the start of the programmed cooking process. GB * Only available in certain models.! When inserting the shelf make sure the backstop is at the rear of the cavity (see image). 7

18 GB Oven cooking advice table Cooking modes Convection Oven Baking mode Pizza Mode Multicooking Grill Double Grill Gratin Foods Duck Roast veal or beef Roast pork Biscuits (shortcrust pastry) Tarts Tarts Fruit cakes Sponge cake made with yoghurt Sponge cake Stuffed pancakes (on racks) Small cakes (on racks) Cheese puffs (on racks) Cream puffs (on racks) Biscuits (on racks) Meringues (on racks) Pizza Roast veal or beef Chicken Pizza (on racks) Lasagne Lamb Roast chicken + potatoes Mackerel Sponge cake made with yoghurt Cream puffs (on racks) Biscuits (on racks) Sponge cake (on rack) Sponge cake (on racks) Savoury pies Sole and cuttlefish Squid and prawn kebabs Cuttlefish Cod fillet Grilled vegetables Veal steak Sausages Hamburgers Mackerel Toasted sandwiches (or toast) Veal steak Cutlets Hamburgers Mackerel Toast With the rotisserie Spitroast veal Spitroast chicken Grilled chicken Cuttlefish With the rotisserie Spitroast veal Spitroast chicken Spitroast lamb With multispit rotisserie (selected models only) Meat kebabs Vegetable kebabs Weight (in kg) n. and 6 n Rack position or and and and and and and and and and or and and and and and or Preheating time (min) Recommended temperature % 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% 00% Cooking time (minutes)

19 Precautions and tips! This appliance has been designed and manufactured in compliance with international safety standards. The following warnings are provided for safety reasons and must be read carefully. General safety The appliance was designed for domestic use inside the home and is not intended for commercial or industrial use. The appliance must not be installed outdoors, even in covered areas. It is extremely dangerous to leave the appliance exposed to rain and storms. Do not touch the appliance with bare feet or with wet or damp hands and feet. The appliance must be used by adults only for the preparation of food, in accordance with the instructions outlined in this booklet. Any other use of the appliance (e.g. for heating the room) constitutes improper use and is dangerous. The manufacturer may not be held liable for any damage resulting from improper, incorrect and unreasonable use of the appliance. The instruction booklet accompanies a class (insulated) or class subclass (recessed between cupboards) appliance. Keep children away from the oven. Make sure that the power supply cables of other electrical appliances do not come into contact with the hot parts of the oven. The openings used for the ventilation and dispersion of heat must never be covered. Always use oven gloves when placing cookware in the oven or when removing it. Do not use flammable liquids (alcohol, petrol, etc...) near the appliance while it is in use. Do not place flammable material in the lower storage compartment or in the oven itself. If the appliance is switched on accidentally, it could catch fire. Always make sure the knobs are in the position when the appliance is not in use. When unplugging the appliance, always pull the plug from the mains socket; do not pull on the cable. Never perform any cleaning or maintenance work without having disconnected the appliance from the electricity mains. If the appliance breaks down, under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or further malfunctioning of the appliance. Contact Assistance. Do not rest heavy objects on the open oven door. The appliance should not be operated by people (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacities, by inexperienced individuals or by anyone who is not familiar with the product. These individuals should, at the very least, be supervised by someone who assumes responsibility for their safety or receive preliminary instructions relating to the operation of the appliance. Do not let children play with the appliance. Disposal When disposing of packaging material: observe local legislation so that the packaging may be reused. The European Directive /96/EC relating to Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) states that household appliances should not be disposed of using the normal solid urban waste cycle. Exhausted appliances should be collected separately in order to optimise the cost of reusing and recycling the materials inside the machine, while preventing potential damage to the atmosphere and to public health. The crossedout dustbin is marked on all products to remind the owner of their obligations regarding separated waste collection. For more information relating to the correct disposal of household appliances, owners should contact their local authorities or appliance dealer. Respecting and conserving the environment You can help to reduce the peak load of the electricity supply network companies by using the oven in the hours between late afternoon and the early hours of the morning. Always keep the oven door closed when using the GRILL, DOUBLE GRILL and GRATIN modes: this will achieve better results while saving energy (approximately 0%). Check the door seals regularly and wipe them clean to ensure they are free of debris so that they adhere properly to the door, thus avoiding heat dispersion. GB 9

20 Care and maintenance GB Switching the appliance off Disconnect your appliance from the electricity supply before carrying out any work on it. Cleaning the appliance! Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance. The stainless steel or enamelcoated external parts and the rubber seals may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in lukewarm water and neutral soap. Use specialised products for the removal of stubborn stains. After cleaning, rinse well and dry thoroughly. Do not use abrasive powders or corrosive substances. The hob grids, burner caps, flame spreader rings and burners may be removed to make cleaning easier; wash them in hot water and nonabrasive detergent, making sure all burnton residue is removed before drying them thoroughly. For hobs with electronic ignition, the terminal part of the electronic lighting devices should be cleaned frequently and the gas outlet holes should be checked for blockages. The inside of the oven should ideally be cleaned after each use, while it is still lukewarm. Use hot water and detergent, then rinse well and dry with a soft cloth. Do not use abrasive products. Clean the glass part of the oven door using a sponge and a nonabrasive cleaning product, then dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Do not use rough abrasive material or sharp metal scrapers as these could scratch the surface and cause the glass to crack. The accessories can be washed like everyday crockery, and are even dishwasher safe. The cover* If the cooker is fitted with a glass cover, this cover should be cleaned using lukewarm water. Do not use abrasive products. It is possible to remove the cover in order to make cleaning the area behind the hob easier. Open the cover fully and pull it upwards (see figure).! Do not close the cover when the burners are alight or when they are still hot.! Remove any liquid from the lid before opening it. Inspecting the oven seals Check the door seals around the oven regularly. If the seals are damaged, please contact your nearest Authorised Aftersales Service Centre. We recommend that the oven is not used until the seals have been replaced. Replacing the oven light bulb. After disconnecting the oven from the electricity mains, remove the glass lid covering the lamp socket (see figure).. Remove the light bulb and replace it with a similar one: voltage 0 V, wattage W, cap E.. Replace the lid and reconnect the oven to the electricity supply.! Do not use the oven lamp as/for ambient lighting. Gas tap maintenance Over time, the taps may become jammed or difficult to turn. If this occurs, the tap must be replaced.! This procedure must be performed by a qualified technician who has been authorised by the manufacturer. Assistance Please have the following information to hand: The appliance model (Mod.). The serial number (S/N). This information can be found on the data plate located on the appliance and/or on the packaging. * Only available in certain models. 0


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UŽIVATELSKÁ PŘÍRUČKA UŽIVATELSKÁ PŘÍRUČKA Plni víry a naděje míříme kupředu. S odhodláním zlepšujeme své dovednosti. Zapomeňte na zklamání, ale nikoli na svůj nevyužitý potenciál. Touha překonat sám sebe a dosáhnout hranice


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Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA KVALITY Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3688 EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA OLOMOUC příspěvková organizace MOZARTOVA 48, 779 00 OLOMOUC tel.: 585 427 142, 775 116 442; fax: 585 422 713 email: kundrum@centrum.cz; www.zs-mozartova.cz Projekt: ŠKOLA RADOSTI, ŠKOLA


Quick Start Guide. Clear. Rychlý průvodce nastavením

Quick Start Guide. Clear. Rychlý průvodce nastavením CZ EN Quick Start Guide Clear Rychlý průvodce nastavením Measurement Měření Před Fully prvním charge použitím the blood plně pressure dobijte monitor baterii before přístroje. first use. 1 Rest your bare


ALFA 300. TECHO a.s. SIDE montážní desk návod stolu. přísedové stoly 2 DETAIL 1 DETAIL 2. www.interier-ricany.cz. U Továren 770/1b.

ALFA 300. TECHO a.s. SIDE montážní desk návod stolu. přísedové stoly 2 DETAIL 1 DETAIL 2. www.interier-ricany.cz. U Továren 770/1b. ALFA 00 přísedové stoly SIDE montážní desk návod stolu DETAIL ALFA 00 ALFA 00 montážní návod montážní stolu návod stolu U Továren 770/b 0 TECHO 00 Praha 0 a.s. U Továren 770/b 0 00 Praha 0 A A B C B C



VENTIL ZPĚTNÝ JEDNODÍLNÝ ZÁVITOVÝ Teplota max.-20 C/150 C TYP C09.Z PN16 DN ¼ -4 VENTIL ZPĚTNÝ JEDNODÍLNÝ ZÁVITOVÝ Teplota max.-20 C/150 C TYP C09.Z PN16 DN ¼ -4 Size / Světlost : DN 1/4" to 4" / DN 1/4" až 4" Ends / Konce : Female-Female BSP / Závitové, vnitřní-vnitřní závit BSP Min.


HandiClamp. Single Band Repair Clamp Jednodílný Opravný Třmen INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS

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User manual SŘHV Online WEB interface for CUSTOMERS June 2017 version 14 VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s. vitkovicesteel.com

User manual SŘHV Online WEB interface for CUSTOMERS June 2017 version 14 VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s. vitkovicesteel.com 1/ 11 User manual SŘHV Online WEB interface for CUSTOMERS June 2017 version 14 2/ 11 Contents 1. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS... 3 2. SŘHV ON-LINE WEB INTERFACE... 4 3. LOGGING INTO SŘHV... 4 4. CONTRACT


ZÓNOVÉ VENTILY S VRATNOU PRUŽINOU dvoucestné VZP 2XX 230 1P 001 třícestné VZP 3XX 230 1P 001

ZÓNOVÉ VENTILY S VRATNOU PRUŽINOU dvoucestné VZP 2XX 230 1P 001 třícestné VZP 3XX 230 1P 001 Návod na instalaci a použití ZÓNOVÉ VENTILY S VRATNOU PRUŽINOU dvoucestné VZP 2XX 230 1P 001 třícestné VZP 3XX 230 1P 001 CZ verze 1.2 Popis: Zónové ventily s vratnou pružinou jsou určeny do hydraulických


Tento materiál byl vytvořen v rámci projektu Operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost.

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Izolační manipulační tyče typ IMT IMT Type Insulated Handling Rod

Izolační manipulační tyče typ IMT IMT Type Insulated Handling Rod KATALOG CATALOGUE 024/09/2011 IZOLAČNÍ MANIPULAČNÍ TYČ INSULATED HANDLING ROD TYP IMT KOVOVÁ MANIPULAČNÍ TYČ METALLIC HANDLING ROD TYP KMT ISO 9001:2009 ISO 14001:2005 Izolační manipulační tyče typ IMT





Plantronics Explorer 50. Návod k obsluze

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First School Year PIPING AND FITTINGS First School Year PIPING AND FITTINGS 1. Piping We use it for transporting liquids, gases and loose substances. By using piping we can regulate and interrupt the amount of substances. The main parts of



TECHNICKÝ LIST řada STANDARD, HP, FZ TECHNICAL DATA SHEET for STANDARD, HP, FZ 2018 v1.0 Popis: Separátory KingAir jsou určeny k odstraňování pevných nečistot, vody, aerosolů, uhlovodíků, pachů ze systému stlačeného vzduchu. Provedení zařízení umožňuje efektivní odstranění >99.9999% vody a


20 ka / 1 s (dle typu cívky) přirozené

20 ka / 1 s (dle typu cívky) přirozené KATALOG CATALOGUE 051/03/2013 VÝKONOVÝ REAKTOR NN, NASTAVITELNÝ LOW VOLTAGE POWER REACTOR COIL, ADJUSTABLE pro napětí do 1000 V for voltages up to 1000V TYP LNN ISO 9001:2009 ISO 14001:2005 VŠEOBECNĚ Výkonový


1-AYKY. Instalační kabely s Al jádrem. Standard TP-KK-133/01, PNE 347659-3. Konstrukce. Použití. Vlastnosti. Installation cables with Al conductor

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Název společnosti: VPK, s.r.o. Vypracováno kým: Ing. Michal Troščak Telefon: Datum:

Název společnosti: VPK, s.r.o. Vypracováno kým: Ing. Michal Troščak Telefon: Datum: Pozice Počet Popis 1 ALPHA2 25-6 18 Výrobní č.: 9799321 AUTOADAPT function automatically finds the best setpoint and thus reduces the energy consumption and setup time. Insulating shells are supplied with


harvia griffin COLOUR LIGHT Control unit Ridici jednotka

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Cooker Installation and use Cocina Instalación y uso sporák instalace a použití KN3C12A/CZ

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Ventil zpětný Z15.1 DN 10 50, PN 100 400 Piston check valve Z15.1 DN 10 50, PN 100 400

Ventil zpětný Z15.1 DN 10 50, PN 100 400 Piston check valve Z15.1 DN 10 50, PN 100 400 DN 10 50, PN 100 400 DN 10 50, PN 100 400 Použití Zpětný ventil je samočinná armatura, zamezující zpětnému proudění provozní tekutiny, určená pro vodu, vodní páru, plyny i jiné provozní tekutiny používané


Hi-Res Audio/DNC Headset MDR-NC750

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:= = := :=.. := := := := ρ := := α := π α = α = := = :=

:= = := :=.. := := := := ρ := := α := π α = α = := = := := = := :=.. := := := := ρ := := α := π α = α = := = := := α := α := = := α := := α = = ρ ρ := := := = := = := := := + + := + + := + := := := := + + := + + := + = = = :=.. := η := η := := π = :=.. :=,






AIC ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA CZECH REPUBLIC ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA CZECH REPUBLIC ŘÍZENÍ LETOVÉHO PROVOZU ČR, s.p. Letecká informační služba AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES OF THE C.R. Aeronautical Information Service Navigační 787 252 61 Jeneč A 1/14 20 FEB +420



NÁVOD K OBSLUZE KOMBINOVANÝ OBUVNICKÝ STROJ BT - 202 NÁVOD K OBSLUZE KOMBINOVANÝ OBUVNICKÝ STROJ BT - 202 OBSAH I. Hlavní součásti obuvnického stroje. II. Konstrukce III. Schéma elektrického zapojení IV. Instalace a uvedení do provozu V. Obsluha stroje VI.


Introduction to MS Dynamics NAV

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MCP-16RC, věž pro čištění vzduchu

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KONVEKTOMATY. www.whirlpool-professional.com

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jednodílný PN 40 závitový DN t.max. -20/+180 C

jednodílný PN 40 závitový DN t.max. -20/+180 C 100 Světlost / Size : DN 1/4 až 2 / DN 1/4 to 2 Konce / Ends : Závitové BSP / Threaded BSP Minimální teplota / Min. Temperature : -20 C Maximální teplota / Max. Temperature : +180 C Maximální tlak / Max.


Nástrãné roubení - kovové / Push-in Fittings ada BU 50000 / BU 50000 Series

Nástrãné roubení - kovové / Push-in Fittings ada BU 50000 / BU 50000 Series ada BU 50000 / BU 50000 Series Technické údaje / Technical data: Rozsah tlaku / Pressure range 0,099 1,5 MPa Rozsah teplot / Temperature range -20 C +80 C Pracovní poloha / Working position libovolná/any



POC 828 OVEN USER'S MANUAL POC 828 OVEN USER'S MANUAL Dear customer, Thank you for buying a PHILCO brand product. So that your appliance serves you well, please read all the instructions in this user's manual. CONTENTS PART 1: IMPORTANT


Uživatelská příručka. USB Charger UCH20

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Informace o písemných přijímacích zkouškách. Doktorské studijní programy Matematika

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GLASS CERAMIC INDUCTION COOKTOP PHD 64 S GLASS CERAMIC INDUCTION COOKTOP USER'S MANUAL Dear customer, Thank you for buying a PHILCO brand product. So that your appliance serves you well, please read all the instructions in this user's


2N Lift8 Audio unit shaft

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Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost

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Czech Republic. EDUCAnet. Střední odborná škola Pardubice, s.r.o.

Czech Republic. EDUCAnet. Střední odborná škola Pardubice, s.r.o. Czech Republic EDUCAnet Střední odborná škola Pardubice, s.r.o. ACCESS TO MODERN TECHNOLOGIES Do modern technologies influence our behavior? Of course in positive and negative way as well Modern technologies


Vypracováno: Telefon:

Vypracováno: Telefon: Počet Popis ALPHA2 25-8 8 Výrobní č.: 98649757 Pozn.: obr. výrobku se může lišit od skuteč. výrobku AUTOADAPT function automatically finds the best setpoint and thus reduces the energy consumption and


[KLICK] GB Instruction Manual POWERLINE 4 LIGHT FOREWORD Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing the POWERLINE 4 LIGHT charger. These operating instructions will help you to get the best from your charger.


Enabling Intelligent Buildings via Smart Sensor Network & Smart Lighting

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2N Lift8 Audio unit cabin universal

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Uživatelská příručka. Xperia P TV Dock DK21

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OFFICE Španielova 1315/25, Praha Řepy, 16300, Czech Republic ID , VAT CZ

OFFICE Španielova 1315/25, Praha Řepy, 16300, Czech Republic ID , VAT CZ Package contents Name: CAPSULA PC937 pendent light Components included with unit: Assembly 1 assembled suspension light with light source, 1 metal ceiling canopy with bracket (,, 4.), 2 plastic cable stops


TKGA3. Pera a klíny. Projekt "Podpora výuky v cizích jazycích na SPŠT"

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DVM CHILLER. Installation manual. Module control MCM-A00N

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Klepnutím lze upravit styl Click to edit Master title style předlohy nadpisů.

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OFFICE Španielova 1315/25, Praha Řepy, 16300, Czech Republic ID , VAT CZ

OFFICE Španielova 1315/25, Praha Řepy, 16300, Czech Republic ID , VAT CZ Package contents Name: awa PC1129 Suspension light Components included with unit: ceiling bracket, ceiling canopy, glass component, 2 hex screws (M5x16), hex key (size 5), 2 terminal connectors, 1 terminal



CERAMIC GLASS COOKTOP PHS 641 P PHS 642 FP CERAMIC GLASS COOKTOP USER'S MANUAL Dear customer, Thank you for buying a PHILCO brand product. So that your appliance serves you well, please read all the instructions in this user's


FILTR ZÁVITOVÝ CELONEREZOVÝ Teplota max.-30 C/200 C TYP D PN16 DN1/4-2. Size / Světlost : DN 1/4 to 2 / DN 1/4 až 2 Ends / Konce :

FILTR ZÁVITOVÝ CELONEREZOVÝ Teplota max.-30 C/200 C TYP D PN16 DN1/4-2. Size / Světlost : DN 1/4 to 2 / DN 1/4 až 2 Ends / Konce : FILTR ZÁVITOVÝ CELONEREZOVÝ Teplota max.-30 C/200 C TYP D71 137 PN16 DN1/4-2 Size / Světlost : DN 1/4 to 2 / DN 1/4 až 2 Ends / Konce : Female Female BSP / Závitové BSP (vnitřní-vnitřní) Min. Temperature


Příručka ke směrnici 89/106/EHS o stavebních výrobcích / Příloha III - Rozhodnutí Komise

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