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1 Česká kinantropologie 2013, vol. 17, no. 2, p TENDENCE VYHLEDÁVAT MIMOŘÁDNÉ PROŽITKY U STUDENTŮ GYMNÁZIA SE SPORTOVNÍM A VŠEOBECNÝM ZAMĚŘENÍM PILOTNÍ STUDIE SENSATION SEEKING TENDENCY OF GRAMMAR SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS SPECIALIZATION AND GENERAL ORIENTATION PILOT STUDY DITA CULKOVÁ 1, ROMAN ŠINKOVSKÝ 2 1 Katedra tělesné výchovy a sportu, Pedagogická fakulta, Univerzita Hradec Králové 2 Katedra tělovýchovy a sportu, Univerzita Pardubice SOUHRN Studie Kubana (2006) ukazuje vyšší míru tendence vyhledávat mimořádné prožitky sportovců a tuto tendenci spojuje s pravděpodobností rizikového chování, které může negativně ovlivňovat výchovně-vzdělávací proces takového studenta. Na základě studia této publikace byl stanoven cíl studie: Zjistit míru tendence vyhledávat mimořádné prožitky (Sensation Seeking Tendency SST) u studentů všeobecné a tělovýchovně zaměřené třídy gymnázia a určit subškály, ve kterých se tendence u těchto skupin liší. Studenti dvou třetích ročníků čtyřletého gymnázia o celkovém počtu n = 45 vyplnili českou verzi standardizovaného dotazníku Test zájmu a zálib. Výsledky byly zpracovány pomocí programu Excel a NCSC hypotézy byly testovány neparametrickým U-testem Mann-Whitney a parametrickým t-testem. Spočítána byla též věcná významnost. Na hladině významnosti α = 0,05 byly přijaty 3 alternativní hypotézy ze čtyř definovaných. Na základě provedených zjištění ve vztahu k výzkumnému souboru lze konstatovat, že studenti třetího ročníku čtyřletého gymnázia ze třídy se sportovním zaměřením mají statisticky významně vyšší míru tendence vyhledávat mimořádné prožitky než studenti všeobecně zaměřené třídy. Byl zjištěn statisticky významný rozdíl mezi chlapci a děvčaty ve sportovně zaměřené třídě a stejně tak i ve všeobecně orientované třídě. Rozdíl v úrovni tendence vyhledávat mimořádné prožitky byl nalezen také mezi chlapci sportovní a všeobecné třídy, naopak zjištěn nebyl mezi dívkami obou tříd. Studium této problematiky v souvislosti s preferovanými učebními styly studenta přispívá do diskuse o kompatibilitě učebních stylů a vyučovacích metod, o zařazování zážitkového učení do edukačního procesu a celkově o optimalizaci výchovně-vzdělávacího procesu. Klíčová slova: zážitková pedagogika, Test zájmů a zálib, sportovní třída, emoce. 9

2 ABSTRACT The study of Kuban (2006) shows a higher level of the Sensation Seeking Tendency among sportsmen and connects this tendency to probability of risky behaviour. This feature can negatively influence educational process of such a student. Based on the study of this work following objective was set: To find out the level of the Sensation Seeking Tendency among students of a grammar school with physical education and sports specialization (P.E. and sports class) and generally orientated class. The Czech version of the standardized questionnaire Sensation Seeking Scale form V (SSS-V) was used. The results were processed with the program Excel and NCSC, hypothesis were tested with the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test and the parametric t-test. Also the effect size was numerically formulated (Cohen s d). Three out of four alternative hypothesises were accepted and it is possible to state that the students of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class have statistically higher level of the SST than the students from the generally oriented grammar school class. There is a significant difference of the SST level between the boys and girls in the P.E. and sports class and there is also a difference between the boys and girls in the generally oriented class. A difference was found between the boys of the P.E. and sports class and the boys of the general class as well. Alternative hypothesis 4 was denied and no significant difference of the SST level was found between the P.E. and sports class girls and the girls of the general class. The research of this issue contributes to the discussion about compatibility of learning styles and teaching methods especially in the educational process among the students seeking sensations. This discussion can be also led about implementation of learning through experience into the education process and its optimization in general. Key words: experiential education, Sensation Seeking Scale, P.E and Sports Oriented Class, emotion. INTRODUCTION The aim of this article is to describe a problem which is a part of the pilot research preceding the final research. Its goal is to determine the Sensation Seeking Tendency (SST) among the students of the grammar school classes with specialization in physical education and sports and grammar school classes with general orientation. Some researches (e.g. Blackburn, 1969; Zuckerman, Eysenck, H. J. & Eysenck, S. B., 1978; Zuckerman, 1979; Montag & Birenbaum, 1986; Jaffe & Archer, 1987; Perkins, Gerlach, Broge, Fonte & Wilson, 2000) show that the stronger SST can point out to some negative personal characteristics such as antisocial and non-conform behaviour, drugs misuse or attraction to dangerous sports. Some other authors (e.g. Wentzel, 1993; Carter & Stewin, 1998; Blum, Beuhring & Rinehart, 2000; and Ang & Woo, 2003) state that stronger sensation seekers have more negative attitude to school attendance and their disapproval with teachers, school and education process. Rybenský (2008), Krásová and Rost (2008) and Kuban (2001a) find out that people with a specific life style, as young men practising some particular sports, embody stronger SST which could predict this phenomenon among students of P.E. classes in general. 10

3 New efforts appear in a way how to use the knowledge of a newly advancing discipline the experiential education and how to implement experience into education. So far, there have been only very few researches and publications concerned with the experiential education and learning through experience in the School Educational Programme. Valenta (2005, 2008) is trying to put through the development of individual and social education in schools where the experiential method belongs among the essential ones. One of the presumptions for introducing learning through experience can be experiential learning preferred by the P.E. class students themselves (inquiring in a parallel pilot study). In connection with this hypothetical appearance we can ask a question if the students preferring experiential learning are mostly the same ones who have higher SST and if they are mostly (statistically significant) from the P.E. class. Since the experiential education works primarily with the sensation-experience we consider the relation between the preference of the experiential education and the higher SST a probable fact. We assume that this is also on account of referenced studies below. If it was the case, it would be possible to create conclusions and recommendation for working with these students. BACKGROUND The idea of motivation for seeking sensations, a need to sustain an optimal level of stimulation or impulses, is older than a century. In that time Wundt (1893) started to deal with philosophical formulations in laboratory conditions. His work led to formulation of an optimal level of stimulation as a quantitative relation. Comparative psychologists Yerkes and Dodson (1908) dealt with researches of an optimal level of stimulation for learning. In 1957 Duffy published a statement that this optimal level of stimulation among individuals varies. Thus led to a theoretical presumption that this different level of stimulation can lead to behaviour through which sensations are sought ( sensation-seeking-type behaviour ). In this way the term sensation seeking became officially a point of interest of several psychologists as Hebb (1955), Duffy (1957), Lindsley (1957), Schlosberg (1954) and Malmo (1959). They occupied themselves with the tonic impulse, emotions, learning and achievement. The theory of sensation seeking is preferentially discussed by Zuckerman who published his results for the very first time in 1969 (Kuban, 2006). Until today many researches dealing with seeking sensations have been published. For this study the Sensation Seeking Scale form V (SSS-V) (Zuckerman, 1979) was used. The researches dealing with seeking sensations, which could be useful for improving education process, were conducted by Zuckerman and Link (1968), Blackburn (1969), Watson and Jacobs (1977), Zuckerman, Eysenck, H. J. and Eysenck, S. B. (1978), Zuckerman (1979), Huba and Bentler (1983), Glasgow, Cartier and Wilson (1985), Montag and Birenbaum (1986), Jaffe and Archer (1987); Newcomb and McGee (1991) and Perkins, Gerlach, Broge, Fonte and Wilson (2001). These researches show that a stronger SST can be one of the personal characteristics which are accountable for forming specific problems in behaviour and attitudes. These people are more impulsive, antisocial, non-conform, less anxious, more dominant and emotional. According to the authors of the above mentioned researches those who seek sensations are likely to misuse addictive drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes. They also more often evoke sexual experience and are attracted to dangerous sports. 11

4 From Czech authors, Hošek (1997) speaks about this topic and he also confirms that among people with higher or lower level of the SST there is no maladaptation or abnormality in psychiatric meaning. Nevertheless he agrees that, based on the experiments, it is necessary to admit that some psycho-pathological features can be linked to a high level of the SST. Ang and Woo (2003), Farley (1981), Blum, Beuhring and Rinehart (2000), Wentzel (1993) and Carter and Stewin (1998) present researches on the subject of seeking sensations and education. The result from these studies is that the boys with a high SST have more negative attitude to school attendance and at the same time they incline more often to hyperactivity and criminality than the boys with a lower SST. A connection between seeking sensations, insufficient studying skills and general discontent with teachers, school and education process is indicated. The already named authors advise of a role of non-impulsive education methods which suppress intellectual curiosity of youth who seek sensations and boost probability of criminal behaviour as a result. Studies show that positive intellectual results are dependant on the proper education. Rybenský (2008), Krásová and Rost (2008) and Kuban (2001a) state, that young men practising some specific kinds of sports have a stronger SST. This statement might predict that both sportsmen in general classes and students of P.E. classes might be stronger sensation seekers. Based on conducted and progressing researches, it is proved that both positive and negative attitudes have their origin in an insufficient level of stimulation on an individual. A logical question arises if it were possible to replace strong emotional sensations, which rise up from socially unacceptable activities, with sensations which are characterized as positive and in that way socially acceptable. In case we knew that these young men concentrated in P.E. classes, specific didactics and methods for these groups could be available. At the present time this issue is partly examined also in the Czech Republic (Hošek, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002; Hošek, Vaněk & Kuban, 2000; Kuban, 2001b; Kuban, 2001c). These researches present information, which can be valuable for teachers of students with a higher SST and this all with sense of existence of educational approaches and possible steps of primary prevention of social-pathological behaviour. Especially if the results from future studies show that these students prefer experiential learning or another specific learning style, recommended intervention and didactic practice for specific styles are available. OBJECTIVES The goal of this paper is to find out the level of the SST among the students of the P.E. and sports oriented and generally oriented grammar school classes. At the same time to determine subscales in which these tendencies vary. We expect a difference in at least one sphere of the SST. We also test the SST in dependence on genders, because Kuban (2006) shows differences between genders. Research question What level of the SST appears among the students of the P.E. and sports oriented and generally oriented grammar school class? 12

5 Alternative hypothesis 1 The students of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class have statistically higher level of the SST than the students from the generally oriented grammar school class. Alternative hypothesis 2 There is a significant difference of the SST level between the boys and girls. Alternative hypothesis 3 There is a significant difference of the SST level between the boys of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class and the boys of the generally oriented class. Alternative hypothesis 4 There is a significant difference of the SST level between the girls of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class and the girls of the generally oriented class. METHODS Instrument for collecting data Sensation Seeking Scale form V (SSS-V) We used the questionnaire Sensation Seeking Scale form V for collecting data. We chose this questionnaire for following reasons: it is age limited (for sixteen year old students and older), the data collecting within the school class is time convenient and personalized, there is its Czech version and its directly aimed on sensation seeking tendency. Its original version was created by Zuckerman in The SSS-V is a scale that consists of forty elements divided into four subscales, always at ten a piece. The first subscale is the TAS Thrill and Adventure Seeking a section of sport and physical activity. The second subscale is the ES Experience Seeking a section of sense perception. The third subscale is the Dis Disinhibition a section of level of respecting legal standards. The fourth subscale is the BS Boredom Susceptibility a section of resistance against repetitive stimulation. Every element contains two possibilities that, based on their significance, negate each other. At the same time a form of a necessary selection is sustained whereas a tested person chooses always one of two possibilities. There are neither right and nor wrong answers in the test. By choosing one of two possibilities the tested person expresses his/her own opinion or attitude. The total score presents the tendency to seek new and strong sensations, to adapt to new matters and also to new life situations or to a change of the lifestyle. The standardization of the Czech version was made by Kuban in The validity was tested on 481 respondents and the reliability on 85 respondents. There are two scales that were used to determine coefficient of the validity: Three level and seven level scale of sports riskiness. The coefficient of the validity between the scales is 0.774, the coefficient between the SSS-V and seven level scale is and between the SSS-V and three level scale is We used methods of stability, consistency and homogeneity to find out the reliability. The correlation coefficient of the stability for the SSS-V is The analysis of dispersion of individuals was applied to set the consistency and the coefficient is which is a statistically significant number. The Cronbach α is and which says that questionnaire is homogenous (Kuban, 2006). It takes about 20 minutes to complete the SSS-V. 13

6 Research group The two research groups were composed of students of two classes. The first one was presented by students of the third year-class with the sports and P.E. specialization (class 3.B) and the second one was presented by students of the generally oriented class of the same school (3.A). This school consists of the grammar school, the grammar school with P.E. and sports specialization and the technical lyceum. The questionnaire was filled in by the respondents on April 12 th, From the class 3.A there were 24 students present (11 girls and 12 boys) and from the class 3.B there were 21 students present (11 girls and 10 boys), so the total number of respondents was n = 45. The used questionnaire is applicable for the population of the age sixteen and older, so the third school year classes of the fouryear grammar schools present the youngest possible research sample. Considering the fact that the following research, which is based on the random selection of P.E. and sports class students, will be realized only within the third school year classes of the four-year grammar schools we consider the chosen sample for the pilot research for valid. Even though, we are aware of its rather lower number. The fourth school year classes are not included in the research especially for their intensive preparation for the final exams. The extension on this age group is considered as a future plan. All participants agreed on this research and their answers were anonymous. Methods for processing data The completed questionaries were keyed out and the data re-typed into the programme Microsoft Excel. NCSC (Number Cruncher Statistical System), a programme for descriptive correlative analysis and statistical significance of differences was used. From reasons of low number of respondents the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test was used as well as the effect size which is assessed relatively in connection to influence of other factors. For calculation of the effect size between the groups Cohen s d was used. This is defined as the difference between two means divided by a standard deviation for the data. For control and results completeness the parametric t-test was applied. Basic descriptive characteristics and data were subjected to tests of statistic significance on the level α = 0.05 and effect size test are considered to be effective when the power of the test is 0.8 and higher. RESULTS In the first part the results are described regardless the gender. In the second part, considering existing differences in the standardization group among the boys and the girls, we conducted basic descriptive characteristics and testing also distributed by gender. Basic descriptive characteristics, results of parametric and non-parametric tests and effect sizes are described. Due to the accuracy of the results the mean and standard deviation are rounded onto three decimal points. Differences between groups regardless the gender From the Table 1 it is obvious that the differences in the SSS-V between the P.E. and sports class and the general class are quite visible. It is to suppose that the statistic 14

7 important difference among the P.E. and sports class students and general class students will be present. From the reason of a low n we do not indicate histograms of frequency which do not show any normal lay-out in any of the tested parameters. For clearness of the data lay-out we show quartile figures to the individual parameters where significant differences were found (Figures 1 and 2). Based on the figures comparable homogeneity of both groups and presence of distant values is obvious. The results of the significance tests of the parameters for the group of the P.E. and sports class students and the general class students are presented in the Table 2. The non-parametric test and also the control t-test show significant difference in the SSS-V between the tested groups. The group of the P.E. and sports class students seeks more new and strong sensations, at the same time they tend to adapt to new matters and new life situations or to a change of the lifestyle. Based on these facts we can state that we cannot deny alternative hypothesis 1: the students of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class have statistically higher level of the SST than the students from the generally oriented grammar school class. The effect size of the type of class pertinence on the SSS-V results was found small. This result does not support the significance of the differences. Differences between groups considering genders According to alternative hypothesis 2, 3 and 4 we tested these groups. boys of the P.E. and sports class (bpe) vs. boys of the general class (bge) girls of the P.E. and sports class (gpe) vs. girls of the general class (gge) boys of the general class (bge) vs. girls of the general class (gge) boys of the P.E. and sports class (bpe) vs. girls of the P.E. and sports class (gpe) From the quartile figures and descriptive characteristics (Table 3) we can see that boys (P.E. and sports class) have significantly higher SST level, but are less homogenous. Whereas the boys from the general class have lower numbers, but they are very homogenous. Based on the figures the girls of the P.E. and sports class have slightly higher numbers and are less homogenous than the girls from the general class. A noticeable difference appears also between the boys and girls (P.E. and sports class) where the boys have higher numbers and between the boys and girls of the general class where the boys have higher numbers and at the same time are more homogenous. The fact that these differences are statistically significant is presented in the Table 4. From the Table 4 it is obvious that if we compare the male group in the total valuation (SSS-V), the boys of the P.E. and sports class seek more sensations than the students of the general class. No differences between the girls groups were found and comparing the boys and girls from the P.E. and sports class and also the girls and boys from the general class, the boys always have higher numbers of the SST. Based on these results we can say that we can deny none of the alternative hypothesis 2 and 3 and we can state that there is a significant difference of the SST level between the boys. And also, that there is a difference of the SST level between the boys of the P.E. and sports class and the boys of the general class. We cannot accept alternative 15

8 hypothesis 4 that there is a difference between the girls of the P.E. and sports class and the girls of the general class. In the SSS-V the Cohen s d was found large (1.38) and large effect was also evolved based on gender inside the general class (1.23). The value of Cohen s d considering influence of genders on the SSS-V results and its subscales support findings of nonparametric tests and strengthens the results this way. Large effect appeared for boys versus girls in the P.E. and sports class (1.87) and also between the boys of the general class and the P.E. and sports class (1.16). The values of the Cohen s d effect sizes (small, medium and large) are presented in the Table 5. DISCUSSION The SSS-V consists of four subscales, which can be evaluated separately from each other and separately from the over-all scale. Although the defined alternative hypothesises do not talk about the subscales we consider the findings interesting, especially with regard to the next research. From the Table 1 it is obvious that the differences between the P.E. and sports class and the general class are insignificant in the parameters BS and minor in the ES and in the TAS and quite distinctive in the Dis. From the Table 2 we can see that the parameter ES and BS on the basis of the results enumerated from the P.E. and sports class shows no significant differences. This means that in the sphere of the sense perception the students of both the P.E. and sports and the general class seek in similar way sensation and perceive boredom, so they are similarly resistant against repetitive stimulation. The non-parametric test and also the control t-test show a significant difference in the parameter TAS, in the sphere of seeking suspension and adventure. The students from the P.E. and sports class embody higher numbers. The effect size of the type of class pertinence on the SSS-V results and its subscales was found medium for the TAS (0.56) and for the Dis (0.56) and small for other subscales. From the Table 4 it is obvious that the testing statistics in the given groups evaluated the results as statistically significant in several cases. If we compare the male group, the boys of the P.E. and sports class seek more suspension, adventure and experience than the boys of the general class. During the comparison of the boys and girls from the P.E. and sports class, the boys show higher numbers in seeking suspension and adventure, in sensing boredom as well as in the sphere of disinhibition. The boys and girls of the general class vary in sensing boredom, in the disinhibition sphere. Cohen s d was found large in the TAS (1.23) in the Dis (1.31) and in the BS (0.95). Large effect was also evolved based on gender inside the general class in the TAS (0.94), in the Dis (1.7) and in the BS (0.91) as well. Large effect appeared in all subscales for gender within the P.E. class (TAS 2.04, ES 0.84, Dis 1.18, BS 1.04). There was a significant difference between girls of the general class and the P.E. and sports class in the Dis (0.94) and also a significant difference between the boys of the general class and the P.E. and sports class in the TAS (1.42) and the ES (0.95). From the quartile figures and descriptive characteristics (Table 3) we can see that the most homogenous group is the group of the boys (P.E. and sports class) in the sphere TAS, a sphere of seeking sensations, on the contrary the least homogenous group are the girls and boys (P.E. and sports class) in the parameter Dis. Little homogenous are also the boys (general class) in the TAS. Against this statement the boys 16

9 of the general class are in the total valuation of the SST very homogenous, the students of the P.E. and sports class are in the total valuation less homogenous, but the numbers are statistically much higher. These are the results that indicate the direction of the next research which is the difference among the students of the P.E. and sports and general grammar school classes. In the total evaluation of the SST our pilot study shows significant differences among the boys of both classes and among the boys and girls in both the P.E. and general class, whereas there is no difference among the girls in both classes. In the next research we will closely pay attention to this outcome, because it is an unexpected result. The reason is also the fact that the group of the university female P.E. students who were addressed by Kuban (2006) shows in comparison with the standardization group and the female grammar school students above-average numbers. There is no other experiment conducted in the Czech Republic comparing the SST of female students of sports and non-sports fields, so our research will be in this respect the first one. The results supporting differences between the P.E. and sports class students and general class students of both non-parametric tests and effect size are for the subscale TAS. When we consider gender influence inside the P.E. and sports class the non-parametric test and effect size correspond in four subscales out of five (the ES is the only exception) and inside the general class all the subscales correspond. The results between girls of the P.E. and sports class and the general class differ in the Dis (other subscales correspond) and the results between the boys of the two classes correspond with all of them. These are findings that point at the real significance of the results and which show a probable direction of the follow-up research. They also in some way support outcomes of Rybenský (2008), Krásová and Rost (2008) that young men practising some specific kinds of sports have stronger SST. However, according to our research we must specify that young men practising some specific kinds of sports have stronger SST in at least one of the subscales. This statement supports our prediction that students from grammar school classes with P.E. and sports specialization might be stronger sensation seekers. The importance of this study is the combination of usage of the non-parametrict test and the effect size and their mostly corresponding results. The results are of high relevancy for the tested group of students and their teachers. According to the findings the school management can make arrangements and improve and optimize the teaching process. Some limits appear from the fact that all respondents are from one institution, so there can be some undiscovered interaction that will not be present in the next research and it is not possible to generalize the outputs of the study on other groups of students, classes or schools. CONCLUSIONS The defined goals of the study were completed and the level of the SST among the third year class students of a four-year-grammar school with the P.E. and sports orientation and general orientation was found. The alternative hypothesis 1 was accepted: the students of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class have statistically higher level of the SST than the students from the generally oriented grammar school class. Also the alternative hypothesis 2 was accepted: there is a significant difference of the SST level between the boys and girls. A similar result is regarded also for the 17

10 alternative hypothesis 3: there is a significant difference of the SST level between the boys of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class and the boys of the generally oriented class. The only hypothesis that was not accepted was the alternative hypothesis 4: there is a significant difference of the SST level between the girls of the P.E. and sports oriented grammar school class and the girls of the generally oriented class. The acceptance of the alternative hypothesis 1, 2, 3 and 4 has given support of calculated effect sizes which in almost all cases correspond with the non-parametric tests results. Among other important conclusions it is surely to name the high homogeneity of the students of the P.E. class in the sphere of seeking sensations and adventure and also the high above-average in this subscale against the students of the general class. The null difference in the SST among the girls of the P.E. class and of the general class belongs among unexpected results. It is also necessary to mention that the published and analysed results are a part of the pilot research conducted on a lower number of probands. So, we cannot consider any generalization of the results. Thorough answers and possible confirmation or disproval of given results will be given by the follow-up research. Its basic research group will be based on all the Czech grammar schools with P.E. and sports orientation. This research will also include the qualitative part which will ensure a more complex insight into the discussed issue. Nevertheless, we assume that through the diagnostics of the SST among students of the P.E. class and through studying these problems in connection with preferred learning styles we will pay contribution to a discussion about the compatibility of learning styles and teaching methods, about the introduction of the experiential education into the education process and also the prevention of social-pathological behaviour. TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1 Basic descriptive characteristics mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) of the physical education (P.E.) class and general class students in individual parameters P.E. class students (n = 21) General class students (n = 23) M SD M SD SSS-V subscales TAS ES Dis BS

11 Table 2 Results of the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test (M-W) and of the parametric t-test for individual parameters between the physical education class students (PEC) and general class students (GC) on the level of significance α = 0.05 M-W PEC (n = 21) vs. GC (n = 23) Decision SSS-V / accepts H A accepts H A subscales t-test TAS 174/330 accepts H A accepts H A* ES 279/225 denies H A denies H A Dis 318.5/185.5 denies H A accepts H A BS 245.5/258.5 denies H A denies H A Legend: M-W crit. = 179/325; * TAS: (PEC)-(GC) > 0; SSS-V: (PEC)-(GC) > 0 Table 3 Basic descriptive characteristics mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) of groups distributed by gender and class Boys of the P.E. class (n = 10) Boys of the general class (n = 12) Girls of the P.E. class (n = 11) Girls of the general class (n = 11) M SD M SD M SD M SD SSS-V subscales TAS ES Dis BS Legend: P.E. physical education 19

12 Table 4 Results of testing hypothesis using non-parametr Mann-Whitney U-test (M-W) and parametric t-test for groups distributed by gender and class on the level of significance α = 0.05 Boys of the P.E. and sports class (bpe) (n = 10) vs. boys of the general class (bge) (n = 12) Girls of the P.E. and sports class (gpe) (n = 11) vs. girls of the general class (gge) (n = 11) M-W t-test M-W t-test SSS-V acc. H A acc. H A subscales TAS acc. H A ES acc. H A Dis acc. H A BS Boys of the P.E. and sports class (bpe) (n = 10) vs. girls of the P.E. and sports class (gpe) (n = 11) Boys of the general class (bge) (n = 12) vs. girls of the general class (gge) (n = 11) M-W t-test M-W t-test SSS-V acc. H A subscales TAS acc. H A acc. H A ES Dis acc. H A acc. H A BS acc. H A acc.h A* acc. H A Legend: P.E. physical education; *TAS: (bpe)-(bge) < > 0; > 0 (bpe)-(gpe) < > 0; > 0; (bge)-(gge) < > 0; > 0; ES: (bpe)-(bge) > 0 (bpe)-(gpe)> 0; Dis: (bpe)-(gpe) < > 0; > 0; (bge)-(gge) < > 0; > 0; BS: (bpe)-(gpe) < > 0; > 0 (bge)-(gge) > 0; SSS-V: (bpe) (gpe) <> 0; > 0 (bpe)-(gge) <> 0; > 0 Table 5 Cohen s d effect sizes Cohen s d Difference < 0.5 small medium > 0,8 large 20

13 10,00 10,00 8,00 7,50 6,00 4,00 5,00 2,50 2,00 PEC GC TAS_S (n=21) TAS_N 0,00 PEC GC SSS_S SSS_N Fig. 1 Box plot TAS PEC vs. GC Legend: PEC students of the class with physical education and sports specialization (n = 21) GC students of the class with general orientation (n = 23) Fig. 2 Box plot SSS-V PEC vs. GC Legend: viz. Fig. 1 10,00 10,00 8,50 8,00 7,00 6,00 5,50 4,00 4,00 bpe bge TAS_SxM TAS_NxM 2,00 bpe bge ES_SxM ES_NxM (n=10) (n=12) (n=10) Fig. 3 Box plot TAS bpe vs. bge Legend: bpe boys of the class with physical education and sports specialization (n = 10) bge boys of the class with general orientation (n = 12) Fig. 4 Box plot ES bpe vs. bge Legend: viz. Fig. 3 21

14 10,00 10,00 7,50 7,50 5,00 2,50 5,00 2,50 0,00 bpe bge bge(n=10) (n=12) SSS_S_M SSS_N_M 0,00 gpe gge Dis_SxxZ Dis_NxxZ Fig. 5 Box plot SSS-V bpe vs. bge Legend: viz. Fig. 3 Fig. 6 Box plot Dis gpe vs. gge Legend: gpe boys of the class with physical education and sports specialization (n = 11) gge girls of the class with general orientation (n = 11) 10,00 10,00 8,00 8,00 6,00 6,00 4,00 4,00 2,00 bpe gpe TAS_SxM TAS_SxxZ 2,00 bpe gpe ES_SxM ES_SxxZ (n=10) (n=11) Fig. 7 Box plot TAS bpe vs. gpe Legend: bpe boys of the class with physical education and sports specialization (n = 10) gpe girls of the class with physical education and sports specialization (n = 11) Fig. 8 Box plot ES bpe vs. gpe Legend: viz. Fig. 7 22

15 10,00 8,00 8,50 6,00 7,00 4,00 5,50 2,00 4,00 bpe gpe Dis_SxM Dis_SxxZ (n=10) 0,00 bpe gpe BS_SxM BS_SxxZ (n=10) (n=11) Fig. 9 Box plot Dis bpe vs. gpe Legend: viz. Fig. 7 Fig. 10 Box plot BS bpe vs. gpe Legend: viz. Fig. 7 10,00 10,00 7,50 8,00 5,00 6,00 4,00 2,50 0,00 bpe gpe(n=10) (n=11) SSS_S_M SSS_S_Z gpe 2,00 bge gge TAS_NxM TAS_NxxZ (n=12) (n=11) Fig. 11 Box plot SSS-V bpe vs. gpe Legend: viz. Fig. 7 Fig. 12 Box plot TAS bge vs. gge Legend: bge boys of the class with general orientation (n = 12) gge girls of the class with general orientation (n = 11) 23

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Compression of a Dictionary

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Tabulka 1 Stav členské základny SK Praga Vysočany k roku 2015 Tabulka 2 Výše členských příspěvků v SK Praga Vysočany Tabulka 3 Přehled finanční

Tabulka 1 Stav členské základny SK Praga Vysočany k roku 2015 Tabulka 2 Výše členských příspěvků v SK Praga Vysočany Tabulka 3 Přehled finanční Příloha I Seznam tabulek Tabulka 1 Stav členské základny SK Praga Vysočany k roku 2015 Tabulka 2 Výše členských příspěvků v SK Praga Vysočany Tabulka 3 Přehled finanční odměny pro rozhodčí platný od roku



CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice


Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost

Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Výukový materiál zpracovaný v rámci operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1. 5.00/34.0084 Šablona: II/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky cizích jazyků na středních


SMES-EU D&H-5P Workshop 1. Prague November 2003 V Praze listopadu 2003

SMES-EU D&H-5P Workshop 1. Prague November 2003 V Praze listopadu 2003 SMES-EU D&H-5P Workshop 1 Prague November 2003 V Praze listopadu 2003 SMES-EU D&H-5P Workshop 1 The presentation includes comments and observations made during the Czech Republic Workshop of November 2003.


Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT

Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9 Projekt MŠMT ČR: EU PENÍZE ŠKOLÁM Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0536 Název projektu školy: Výuka s ICT na SŠ obchodní České Budějovice Šablona


Course description. Course credit prior to NO Counted into average NO Winter semester 0 / - 0 / - 0 / - Timetable Language of instruction

Course description. Course credit prior to NO Counted into average NO Winter semester 0 / - 0 / - 0 / - Timetable Language of instruction Course description Course abbreviation: KAL/CAE2 Page: 1 / 8 Course name: English - Preparation for The CAE 2 Academic Year: 2015/2016 Printed: 16.06.2016 22:02 Department/Unit / KAL / CAE2 Academic Year


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Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49

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Transportation Problem

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Stojan pro vrtačku plošných spojů

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CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Projekt: Příjemce: Digitální učební materiály ve škole, registrační číslo projektu CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0527 Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Husova 3, 371 60 České Budějovice


Vliv metody vyšetřování tvaru brusného kotouče na výslednou přesnost obrobku

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Kvalita cigaretového tabáku v ČR- marketingové šetření se zaměřením na konečného spotřebitele

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Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola, Rokycany, Mládežníků 1115

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Střední průmyslová škola strojnická Olomouc, tř.17. listopadu 49

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STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace

STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace Název školy STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA a STŘEDNÍ ODBORNÉ UČILIŠTĚ, Česká Lípa, 28. října 2707, příspěvková organizace Číslo a název projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0880 Digitální učební materiály www.skolalipa.cz


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Škola: Střední škola obchodní, České Budějovice, Husova 9. Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT

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Human resources in the labour market

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